Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

A bad decision, then.
Britain has a plethora of indigenous MBTs, as well as things like the Arjun if they are really so adamant for adding foreign tech.

A good one for Britain you mean :)

A bad one for the game as a whole.

So one vehicle at 10.3 can effect the whole game.

hmm I didn’t know this vehicle can be in all BR and modes.
That is truly bias Britain deserves

The precedent it sets can affect (not effect) the whole game.

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JA-37D already has the cockpit & BOL pods.
Going to 12.3 alongside Gripen would make it worse.
It’s an amazing 11.7, and better overall than all the 11.3s in the game.

T-90S to UK is not a new precedent at all, it changes nothing.
T-90S, Hunter F58, VIDAR, Leopard 1A5NO, SK105 [tech tree even], Hungarian Mi-24s, South African AML-90, Finnish Mig-21 Bis.
Welcome to War Thunder where nationally used vehicles are put where Gaijin says.
We can disagree, or agree, and it won’t change anything as this is their vision.

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The one thing that makes the JA37D the JA37D is the RB99. Not giving the RB99 to it is the equivalent of not giving the AIM-54 to the F-14.

Not setting a new precedent does not change the fact that it is a very big problem and should not happen.


and even if we had the greatest MBT in the game, diversity is nice.

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Putting modified German tanks in the German tree makes perfect sense. Also, I never said that I want Canadian Leopard 2s in the German tree, just that if they are to be added, they should go to Germany.

But why?

Germany can get similar if not identical Leos from Germany itself or other nations. As a result, why not give Britain, who has a narrow MBT line up, the Canadian one(s).


Again, I never said that I want Canadian Leopard 2s in the German tree.
As for what Britain can get, either one of the very numerous indigenous MBTs for something foreign that is actually unique like the Arjun.

No, not giving the Ja-37D keeps it 11.7 where it’s far superior & it’s still the Viggen D. Not giving F-14B AIM-9Ms because it’d be far inferior at 12.3+ than 12.0.

It’s not round two it’s more like round 6


11.7 and 12.0 almost always get uptiered to 12.3, so giving the F-14B AIM-9Ms or the JA37D RB99s and raising their BRs would not make them any worse.

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It’s a tricky debate. Currently most of the playerbase is striving for or at 12/12.3 (if they have them available) and so 11.3/11.7s find themselves almost exclusively uptiered due to the increased amount of players at 12+ and the fact that 12+ cant really see uptiers currently. This is the standard top tier compression that they have yet to fix.

So whilst at this exact moment in time. Giving 11.3/11.7s the necessary loadout to fight 12.3s makes sense. because Viggen at 11.7 vs 12.3 is identical to viggen at 12.3 vs 12.3s. The question becomes. What happens when BR13+ is added?

Now the Viggen is facing uptiers again like 13s but the 11.7 bracket is now mixed and the Viggen would be strong again at that bracket.

This issue is compounded by the lack of anything higher than the Viggen. Britain faces this too. Is the Tornado F3 a bad jet, or is it bad because its the highest we’ve got?

I’ve got no stake in the Viggens fate, I think there is a reasonable argument for both sides of the coin (really adds value to the idea of loadout based BR). But its worth thinking about

Fair enough. As I yesterday, what Gaijin could do to circumvent this problem is add a separate JA37D with RB99s and keep the current one as is.

That certainly would be a work around for it as well and yeah, would be the ideal solution for a number of aircraft that could take a mix of loadouts that affect BR. But I would love to see loadout based BRs.

Take a Jaguar Gr1A with 9Gs, 10.3
Take a Jaguar Gr1A with 9Ls, 11.0

Until you realize that 13.0 will exist within a year.
We’re getting 12.7 before decompression soon.

You can’t know that.

This report would like to disagree:

Also NVD:

And HUD / target tracker:

Not to mention the ECM pod which was used in addition to Viggen’s internal RWR.

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