Lock ground you mean?
The actual track range of the KH38 is 10KM, so inside of SPAA range.
Kh-25 on 10.0, whats next?
I’m talking about the TV guided, obviously.
The KH38ML, the laser guided version, requires the launch aircraft to point at the target until at least 10KM for the onboard IOG to reference the laser for target point info. And if you do turn away at 10KM once IOG takes over, the target cannot move. The SU25SM3 does not have the ability to look to the side, thus to effectively guide in the missile, you must get into SAM range.
The TV version is superior, though it has the downside of the intended target going behind cover.
That’s not what this thread is discussing.
Funny you pick the lesser of the two to complain about.
Vikhrs require LOS until impact, AGM-114L don’t; you lock target, fire and hide. I mean, they don’t even need to model a ARH seeker, just copy-paste Spike IR seeker and test how overpowered the missile is with a weaker seeker.
That is balanced very simple, 4 long bow, 8 default agm114 limit per heli.
Could work
and most players do not use it as the guidence for it completley sucks and there is no zoom something else ?
Being able to engage ground targets outside of SPAA range both accurately and without having to climb to space is the greater issue.
The same with agm-65 on 10.3
Noone uses because too many SP for not good results because of platform
You must fly to 10KM for IOG to start working. If you want to guide the missile the whole way in, you are well within SPAA range. Notice within the tracking gimbal screen it shows “10000M”
The TV is FnF. It’s better. You can fire them, and turn away.
At this point i honestly don’t care about the AGM-114L
I’m concerned by the fact that Russia has the SIXTH Su-25 in game,while USA still has the earliest variants of the A-10
I don’t think they’re afraid of it being too powerful, considering the not-so-realistic FM of the A-10 and the fact that the F-16C,the F-14B and the A-6E already have the same ordnance,in quality and almost in quantity,that more modern A-10 variants can have
Simply put, they don’t want to be accurate with anything
As someone who plays a lot of Russia, we don’t want any more SU25s.
except you get thermals its fnf has any zoom
Did you see the resolution of this thermal? Its like, the short way to eyes disease :9
oh like the lack of zoom in kh25 while having no visibility
This is just a minority opinion. Apparently,USA will get up to date with the A-10 and the A-6 only after all of the nations loved by Gaijin will get their final toys for whatever reason