KH-38ML missile is not balanced in War Thunder's current enviroment

Shitty agm-65 cost almost 900(896 if not mistaken}.

Is that with the standard belt? If I forget to change it, it always throws CAS way high in SP.


They can not as they can not first spawn.

They can achieve the required SP sooner to spawn CAP than CAS.

“can” is relative.

If you can not first spawn, you can not intercept.

The neat thing about CAS is their ability to still get kills after being shot down because ordinance has already released.

Interception requires first spawn.

Mistaken, 830

Will check the SU25 later. Pretty sure it’s 863 for the KH38T loadout with 2 KH25MLs and R73s. The SMT is 896 with 2x KH29TE, 2KABs and 2 R73s. Not sure how it’s all determined outside of BR.

It’s 1 kill and an assist vs 3 kills. So can is relative, sure, but be real. One is far easier to achieve.

Yes, but it’s not relative to the power dynamic. Interception means being able to first spawn.


I disagree.

So, you allow first spawn of CAP. Now what happens when your teams all spawns in a fighter at the beginning of the game? Do you not see the glaring issue? Or the issue of how CAP can now position itself behind any CAS that would spawn well before it spawns? Or does that all just not matter because CAS is so bad in your eyes?

Realistically, how do you balance that?

This is a fixable issue. Make a limit for spawned interceptors per team. 1 or 2

Functional map SPAA resolves this issue as well as the new marker system that shows your position on the minimap when you’re near the enemy spawn.

AGIM-114Ls bring an entirely new tracking system that negates all concealment and can be fired without exposing the host aircraft.

Kh-38s are long range laser / TV missiles used by a worse platform than the previous Su-25.

You can have 16 114Ls, you can have 4 Kh-38s.

And the positioning? Do you have a buffer zone before CAS spawns? And what if the opposing teams cap just shoots yours down? Now your CAS is at a dually disadvantaged position when they spawn.

I fail to see how your solution offers any advantages.

AGM-65Bs can be found at 10.3.

65Ds can lock out to 20km.

it is actually better than Su-25T , much much lighter

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You can be shot by SPAA during the launch window. You can’t be shot during the launch and tracking of the KH-38, you can fire out ~20KM which gives you 8 KM of free time to coast while guiding the missiles. This also means you can hover above the airfield cutting time to return / rearm drastically.

Both suffer over hard cover, both can self correct, one automatically one through player guidance to track moving targets.

Vikhrs that can be fired through smokes, while devs fear that long bow will do the same
RUSSIANS SHOULDNT LOSE, the slogan of the game.