KH-38ML missile is not balanced in War Thunder's current enviroment

Just cause I defend NATO equipment doesn’t mean you should imply that NATO are the Soviets.
FSB also isn’t American, not sure why you’d imply that either.

What so difficult to understand?

Hellfires are strong ATGMs (good range, speed and warhead), only held back by their atrocious guidance system. Even with the weak IR/TV seeker of the Spikes, these missiles would be overpowered (Spikes already are OP with worse raw stats).

I think you finally lost it.

That Russia can have weapons which outrange SPAA entirely but AGM-114Ls which will at least be in range of SPAA are “overpowered”.

Easier to shoot them down if you actually know they are launched, the Pantsir however lives in the matrix and knows where and when something is launched like my FBI agent.


Of all examples of “russian bias” you had to put one of the worse examples lmao. Like, there is a massive thread going on about the overperforming flight models of the early F-16s and Gripens.

Hell, even Gaijin acknowledged the Gripen as the strongest fighter in the game (got nerfed two times and is still very strong lmao).


Oh yeah, their flight models are so great; however, their missiles cannot compete.

You show me performance for performance the top IR missiles and the top SARH missiles. By the time we get ARH the 120 will be nowhere to be found and the R77 will have pinpoint accuracy.

Don’t dogfight a zero in a BF-109 and you won’t have to worry about it.

Most helicopters can just hug the ground and be untouchable by SPAA, F&F missiles remove the need to expose the helicopter for long periods of time.

There no good counter to it (from the ground at least). Before Spikes helicopters were a thing, a lot of players praised the Tiger UHT for being the best counter to the Pantsir.

Yet it is exposed for any period of time. Something the KH-38ML does not need to deal with.

NATO has weapons that outrange SPAA. It’s called GBUs and AGMs.
They’ve been on NATO vehicles for years now.

You do realize that the top two missiles in WT are the AAM-3 and AIM-9M right?
Magic 2 takes third due to 50Gs, and R-73 takes 4th best due to thrust vectoring.

The two best jets in WT are Gripen and Mirage 4000.

You even qualify it here lol

“good counter”

There is NO counter to the KH-38ML from the ground.

Which weapon outranges the Pantsir?

Welcome to CAS is OP.
There’s no counter to any meta CAS from the ground; that’s the problem.

All GBUs, Mavericks, etc.

Please post a video of a Maverick or GBU outranging a Pantsir in a live game.

Show me an AIM-9M doing what this R-73 does…

Whoever is flagging everything needs to go away. Enough is enough.


I grabbed these screenshots to make a bug report, but was lazy. They’re from March 4th.
I don’t make videos as I’m not a content creator.
However, I do an attempt at the 20km shot every chance I get.

Pre-flare when in the forward hemisphere of the Mig-29/Su-27 and you’ll stay alive.

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Bomb lobbing against a stationary target is impressive. If CAS is meant to outrange SPAA then the only true counter is allowing first spawn of interceptors.

I thought about SP costs of fighters, but ultimately went against that idea based on balance.
You’re not the first to think of that bad idea, you won’t be the last.

Because being able to outrange SPAA is balanced