KH-38ML missile is not balanced in War Thunder's current enviroment

To be honest the the XM1069 is fine where it is even though it can’t hit past 10km it one of the only spaa that can kill tanks reliably(technically it is a anti tank missile carrier) , but they do need to add another spaa that has more range better SAM Missiles and better optics. The Pansir has great optics and is able to lock and shoot air crafted that have just spawned. Also the sp cost for the xm is like mbt vs only 90 for the pansir

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Being lowered to 11.3 would not harm any vehicle at 10.3

Yes the Pantsir and ITO are currently the only two competitive SPAAs

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That tank is busted it’s a TD, Spaa, Light tank and MBT all at the same time.

Great idea and add another spaa at 11.7. What’s weird is you can radar lock with the xm is that how it is in irl or just Gaijin balance.

I assume you mean can’t? It lacks an ACQ radar. I don’t know why it wasn’t given one IRL when contemporary SHORAD had it. Likely due to the messed up notion of a “kill everything vehicle” instead of a dedicated platform.

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What if they didn’t add any top tier spaa for USA but instead gave USA HRMS(anti radiation missles) idk if I’m spelling it right, but would that make USA to O.P.

US already has competitive CAS the answer to CAS isn’t more CAS it’s changing how CAS is dealt with as clearly Gaijin is at the end of their rope with current methods.

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I think another option (if Gaijin refuses to add an SPAA higher than 10.3 for the US) would be to cut the spawn points of all US fighters with only air-to-air missiles in the loadout by 25-50%. It makes sense contextually due to US doctrine and would actually make the “just spawn a fighter, bro” argument actually make sense. To make this work better, if this was implemented in game there should be a random fighter spawn option like in naval so that people who haven’t grinded the same amount through the air tree could still help out their team.

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Then I want USSR teams to be 40 players Vs 10 nato tanks, to fit the doctrine

Doctrine was 1.5 : 1

10 tanks vs 40 tanks but also 40 planes vs 10 planes)

15 (M1A1SA and later) Abrams models to 3 T-80U, 10 T-72B3, and 2 T-90A would be fun lol

Nah dude, I have both the F-16C and the Su-27 and I gotta say I enjoy the flanker much MUCH more.
Both are still fun, but the consistency of the R-27 is amazing.
R-73s are also just hilarious missiles

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Read what in the thread?

If the missile is used within 10-12KM it’s not an issue. That’s within range of majority SPAA currently ingame. The missiles aren’t overpowered because of speed advantage over other laser guided munitions at the BR range. They’re overpowered because they can fire outside twice the range of all SPAA ingame, even the Pantsir can’t hit the plane for a good 4KM.

Su-27 is the best missile bus in the game, but at soon as you start having to dogfight, the R-73s can do a lot, but can only do so much against F-16Cs and Gripens, especially after the performance buff to the F-16C.
F-16C is also much much better at ground-pounding than the Su-27, but I think you aren’t taking that into account, so fair enough. spoiler
  • Su-25SM3: RWR: L-150 → L-150-16M
  • New RWR: L-150-16M
    • L-150 but it can also detect:
      • Bands K & L
      • AN/APG-78 (AH-64D, AH-64D [JPN], Apache A.H. Mk. 1, Saraph)
      • N025 (Mi-28NM)
      • RN01 Arbalet-52 (Ka-52)
      • RN01-II
      • 1L32-1 (9P157-2)
      • 1RS2 (Pantsir S1)
      • SMA VPS-A06
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Grippens play with skyflashes, which is literrally aim-7e, so balanced

  • SMA VPS-A06 is otomatics track radar
  • RN01-II Z-19 radar

Did they ever drop the dev blog for the SM3, I can’t find it anywhere.

Perhaps its just me, but since they added the Kh38s the quality of my matches has decreased drastically. My ITO’s radar doesn’t even lock on to the missiles most the time, and if theres more then one of the Su-25SM3S up, the game seems to have been decided on which team is winning. I just dont think its reasonable to have missile that can lock outside the range of SPAA, meanwhile spawning aircraft is still relatively cheap in terms of SP. Not to be a cynic, but to me it seems like an addition solely with the purpose of increased Russian win rates. There was no devblog, no mentioning of the vehicle nor its weapons until the first dev server (maybe second I might be wrong). Missiles like the KH-38s have a place in the game, but one that needs balancing.