KH-38ML missile is not balanced in War Thunder's current enviroment

About 1/3 of my posts from the last week were flagged. All of it was related to Russian technology…

Guaranteed launch range is 11 km



I’m not best in math, but 11km is over 10km. And both of those can shoot KH’s out of sky also.

Oh yeah. I went back through and unhid all my hidden posts.

The shills need to work overtime to try and silence me.

They’re coping and seething extra hard as of late.

This, clueless American mains thinking su-27 is op when it’s the most horrible top tier jet in the game

I didn’t say it wasn’t.


If only that was actually true.

You guys can’t gaslight the community. The admins and mods, sure - but the rest of the playerbase, no. We see through the very thinly veiled nonsense.

Cute flag, btw.

Is this the new balancing measure against CAS? Being able to intercept ordinance?

If so then where is the CIWS ingame?

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Didnt you ? This seems like it.

I’m glad you found something “new” this is how many AA’s have to counter those F&F ordinance from sky. When you dont have place to hide, or lack of smoke.

What’s next what you are trying to argue about?

It will have to face the VT-1, and the Pantsir’s.

The VT-1 has 1KM of range past 10KM, the Pantsir is out to 18KM. The KH-38ML can be fired from 20KM+. I actually don’t even know the limit, the statcard says 40KM, the video I’ve seen of the missile being used was at ~22KM on approach.

Before the update this wasn’t a functional feature. You could shoot down AGMs, it was not consistent. The most recent major update is the update which made it consistent. I am perfectly okay with ordinance interception being the new way to counter CAS. Gaijin needs to reward this behavior and encourage it by adding vehicles specifically designed for it.

The KH-38ML is overpowered in the current balance environment.

Ummm no I remember doing this when there was only tunguska as top Russian aa no tor nothing the feature of shooting down enemy ordinance was there long time ago

Possibly. I thought there was something specific in this update but after rereading the patch notes I couldn’t find a mention of a change.

Either way, if this is the new direction for SPAA efficacy the action both needs to be rewarded and encouraged.

With only 8 missiles for most top tier SPAA and no way to rearm it is a heavy investment especially when a missile isn’t a guaranteed kill if the enemy maneuvers properly.

They planned the rewards for shooting down stuff in the dev road

mmm, nope, see my post where allready explained why not.
And besides, I prefer MT version over ML anytime. ML is only if you dont have enough spawn points for MT.

VT-1’s 3 different country has em , adats is 10 sharp, and then there’s TOR-M1.

Only way how to defend air in gepard if not able to go hide, and I havent played it in a while. So it’s not new, long as your radar locks it, you can aim it. GBU’s are just somehow indestructible on missiles.

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And therefor very out of range.

Range 12KM, but this doesn’t specify guaranteed launch range. Either way at the edge of possible engagement and only on one nation.

Well, that’s the life of Pantsir player nowdays. Only that you got 12 missiles, and a lot of F&F slingers on top tier. Including helos and jets. Nice that you pointed out that maneuvering properly.

The Pantsir is not outranged by any CAS presently ingame unless Russia is on both teams.