KH-38ML missile is not balanced in War Thunder's current enviroment

what a joke dude. You seem to think the IOG just knows where to go without receiving targeting information. The logic for the targeting information provided to the IOG, thus setting the IOGs glideslope to actually hit the target point, is provided to the missile via the BARS computer. This works in conjunction with the SOLT-25 targeting system, which houses the laser designator and reads return distance and AOA information. Once a laser return is established, BARS uses the distance to target (which the laser designator determines) and converts this to a latitude/longitude coordinate and calculates the glideslope needed to hit this point, and inputs and updates this information into the IOG computer until the missile is off the rail. The IOG doesn’t just magically know where the target is. The laser is necessary to determine where the target is to set the IOG course. The laser is not supposed to return information outside of 10KM. This is stated in numerous places. The fact that it is, is a bug or the dev misspoke.

I have no misconceptions on how the IOG works, what it is, or how it translates to the KH38ML. You just lack the ability to argue my points outside of trying to reframe or argue in bad faith.

Please stop. No one here is discussing IOG or believes it’s overpowered.

I’m arguing with you, squarely on your inability to faithfully counter the arguments I have made. I’m allowed to discuss whatever I want.

No one here was discussing IOG, I don’t need to counter “IOG” because it’s not overpowered. It’s easily dealt with by moving.

This is true. Please feel free to make a thread discussing IOG if that’s something you’re interested in.

The reason for mentioning it in the first place is that the KH38ML is not supposed to be able to be guided by the laser outside of 10KM. Thus the IOG shouldn’t work either outside of 10km. Thus you must get into SPAA range. That was the only reason for me mentioning IOG. What came after that was you insisting I was wrong.

Clearly, the missile is bugged, can be shot and guided to a target while being beyond 10KM, and not following the logic stated by devs.

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I love this convo because it’s the perfect representation of the type of brainrot that the community of this game has

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I see pro-NATO posts are getting false-flagged en mass today.
I don’t think the false-flaggers appreciate CAS being called OP by Vamilad, myself, and others.


Finally we agree lol…

Anything I said in the last week about Russia was hidden an hour ago 🤣.

Edit: Anything negative I said, I should clarify.


Bruh, literally anything negative I said about Russia got flagged for off topic lol.

they are not wrong

Their has been alot of flagging on alot of threads its quite a issue

I only got a comment flagged fortunately (which talked about something different than NATO),if they flagged my 120S post or other comments man i would stop being so polite very quickly

Yep, Got few flagged also on otherthread. It’s fun when those comments hit’s on someone who shall not be named for starting a complete troll post, and posting in out.
And on these 38ML missiles, yes, they got range, they got deadly load of HE, yes they go max mach 2.2
Now, shall we start talking about cons?

  • Laser area is quite narrow.
    -Those fire upwards, and come heading down like hellfire. You lose a lot of that speed advantage on that missile.
    -Su25 is launch platform, if you cant see cons of su25 in 11.7 then I cant help you.

Those missiles have laser + IOG.
So, you have to paint that target all the time in order to hit it, but when on 10km range, and you break the lock, it will go on last known parameters towards target. Now, when you are in that 10km range you are in range of enemy aa, you start manouvering to avoid missile(s) and lock is broken. Now if that Enemy AA moves, or pops smokes and move it’s still alive if you cant manage to get back heading on that aa, and take lock back in time.

Personal feeling, those missiles are good, and OP only if looking just stat card.

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What missile is it going to have to face beyond 10KM?

Maybe Ito and Flakrad?
And yes, there might be even enemy jet what you have to dodge.

there can also be cheeky chinese heli with ty-90 hiding close

True, and forgot that Tor completely. Shame on me…
And besides, I’ve noticed that quite many players shoot in advance in AA’s. When your range is example 10km, and guy is heading 12K away towards you in a jet,
I usually pull shot allready in that point, since it will be on missiles range , before it range hit it’s limit.