KH-38ML missile is not balanced in War Thunder's current enviroment

Laser guidance isn’t effected by smoke or trees. It might hit the tree, but so might the AGM-114L

Neither are comparable in any way?

You’re ignoring what I’m saying. To designate a target with the SU25SM3 in war thunder, you must be lasing within 10KM, according to the dev stream. IOG should not work until you designate within this range. Hence the range azimuth on the targeting camera shows 10000M.

If it can do so outside of 10KM, then it’s a bug.

Read what I was replying to and realize I’m not asking for anything more.

You think IOG = Laser guidance

As has been shown in video, in picture, and told to you, IOG =/= Laser guidance

Please educate yourself before typing further.

No. I do not. The IOG is set by reading telemetry data from the laser designator. Thus, the laser designator must be active, and within range, to feed the computer telemetry data in order to set the IOG glideslope in the missile.

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Laser guidance can absolutely be deterred with smoke, though you’ll need a sizeable tree with a fair amount of backdrop to defeat laser guidance.

If we are talking laser guided munitions, though, you’ll easily be within 10-12km if you haven’t gone to the edge of the map to fire them.

Did you read the thread before you started typing?

IOG =/= Laser guidance

Please educate yourself before typing further.

Learn how to read.

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I am quoting your words. If you are not typing what you intended to say it is not my fault.

The IOG is set by reading telemetry data from the laser designator. Thus, the laser designator must be active, and within range, to feed the computer telemetry data in order to set the IOG glideslope in the missile.

But you cannot make use of the IOG at all unless you designate the target. Which to do so requires you to be within 10km to guide the missile to any target at all, whether using IOG to disengage, or using a lock to accurately guide on a moving target, you must be within 10KM.

You must fly to 10KM for IOG to start working

The KH38ML, the laser guided version, requires the launch aircraft to point at the target until at least 10KM for the onboard IOG to reference the laser for target point info

No where did I equate IOG to laser guidance. Only that the IOG needs at least one initial target point in order to be set within the missile, which is determined by the laser return information that feeds into the PRnK-25SM-1BARS targeting computer, which calculates a glideslope then sets the IOG computer in the missile. Literally. You are either failing to comprehend what I am saying or intentionally misframing my argument.

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IOG being engaged is irrelevant to the missile’s CAS potential. The reason the missile is “unbalanced” is due to its ability to be launched outside of SPAA range and be guided on to target before reaching SPAA range. Even with FNF weapons where you can move safely in to cover after launching the missile you still have to be in SPAA range for a period of time otherwise you can not lock the weapon. This is not the case with the KH-38ML which can be fired easily out to 20KM and guided to target before you enter SPAA range.

Oh yeah, now you totally shift the argument when you realize you couldn’t understand me. Right.

Make a bug report, cite the videos showing it hitting targets beyond 10KM, cite the dev stream stating a 10km engagement range for the KH38ML and be done with this.

No one has shifted the argument. No one in this thread has made the statement that IOG is overpowered. This thread is discussing the ability of the KH-38ML to track to target outside of SPAA range. Bringing up IOG is irrelevant to the topic, the line of discussion we were having, and irrelevant to any other comment in this thread.

You were arguing that I was equating IOG to Laser Guidance, while not understanding the point being made that two systems are reliant on each other. You obviously don’t have short term memory loss. Rather than just concede that you mistook what I was saying, you’re instead moving on without acknowledging anything about the 10 messages before it. You weren’t arguing about IOG being overpowered, but no one said you were.

Do you have even a thread of intellectual honesty?

I was not. You stated that the KH-38ML would not be guided until the plane is within 10KM range which is a false statement shown in both video and picture. Your reasoning for stating this was due to the IOG limitation of 10KM. You equated the two. You brought up IOG which is not relevant to the thread’s discussion.

You stated that the KH-38ML would not be guided until the plane is within 10KM range which is a false statement shown in both video and picture

Literally quoting the dev stream.

Your personal misunderstanding of what IOG means and what the developers stated doesn’t have relevance to this thread.

This statement made you feel better,lil bro?