KH-38ML missile is not balanced in War Thunder's current enviroment

You can watch the video and see that is not the case.

IOG is inertial guidance, it remembers the last target point. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t track until IOG is there, that means if IOG is there and you break guidance inertia will try to carry it to the last targeted position.

They have no comparable multirole to most nations. You can’t ignore this. The SMT has no pod at all and limited ordinance. That’s as close as you come to a multirole.

Thermals make a massive difference to CAS effectiveness. As does the increased zoom of a targeting pod.

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What do you think the Flanker’s purpose is?


I wonder how the missile guided itself from 20KM to 11801M


Yes. But you cannot make use of the IOG at all unless you designate the target. Which to do so requires you to be within 10km to guide the missile to any target at all, whether using IOG to disengage, or using a lock to accurately guide on a moving target, you must be within 10KM. AKA within SAM range.

IOG is a failsafe, it’s not what you’re using the weapon for.

The flanker does not carry guided ordnance.

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Then make a bug report and cite the video. The dev steam clearly cited the 10km requirement for laser guidance.

IMO i’d rather have a plane with only 4 FnF missiles/bombs without a targeting pod than having a plane with nore weapons but most or them requiring a laser pod

The more you’re into the battle,the higher the chances of being shot down,the SMT and other Russian planes have the capability of doing fast and precise strikes,and then turn themselves into interceptors if they’re needed, otherwise they can rearm rapidly.

Also,by my experience,low strikes are more challenging but definitely put every SAM without an autocannon out of their league,and considering that NATO nations have very few hybrid SPAAs,the lack of a pod for most of russian planes is not a concern

Any problems with that?
Because of inertial system it still flies to that zone waiting for laser, while agm-65 will just self destroy or touch grass

Requirement for IOG =/= Requirement for laser guidance.

IOG =/= laser guidance

In-ordnance Guidance

Track to last designated position if laser is cut.

It’s supposed to be useful against stationary targets. Gaijin has failed to program it with accuracy in War Thunder otherwise the Hellfire missile would be much much more functional than it is now. At least with a bomb you have some AOE potential so when it misses you might overpressure.

So it’s preferrable that the USSR gets gimped on CAS compared to every nation that has pods and mavericks?

Less armaments overall, lack of IRCM which negates most missiles that are near impossible to dodge with its performance, less AAMs…

The USSR currently has the best CAS in the game what do you want them to add further specifically?

I’m saying that the Russian CAS was strong even before the introduction of another Su-25,and they’re the nation with the most FnF ordnance,and they are more reliable compared to the NATO counterpart.

I remember surviving a direct hit of an AGM-65D while being inside my M247. The M247,the thing that has a floor of ammo.

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Same as a Tiger UHT that’s 10km away, good luck firing at a helicopter with MAW that can kill you without even needing to face you. It has MAW, it has over 7 seconds of missile flight time between it an AA, and again, it doesn’t need to expose itself to begin with.

You can absolutely be shot during the tracking phase of the Kh-38, as well as shooting down the missile itself. Do you mean the point phase?

The Kh-38 can be avoided with any form of concealment. Trees, smoke, other vehicles, anything. The 114L can’t.

Bro favorite aircraft is the F-4E/Kurnass lmao

Which NATO nation has an SPAA with 18KM range exactly?

Vikhrs are LOS-BR missiles, 114s are SALH.

Shturms can also be fired through smoke… Is there an issue with that?
No? They aren’t SALH missiles? Though so.


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what about hitting the cabin of a Pansir from the front and heat jet going all the way in and pansir not dying?

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