Kfir is one of the most powerful 10.7 planes, there is absolutely no need to drop it down. Its flight performance absolutely trounces Mig-23’s and F-4’s and is a massive advantage that outweighs its light missile load. If you’re having significant issues with SARH missiles, it’s because you don’t know how to deal with them. Fly on deck and use your ridiculous top speed to outrun anyone attempting to chase you.
I’ve heard the Kfir can take two extra aim-9Gs. Just give it them and slap it up to 11.0. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
(Extremely strong plane for its br, I played it a long time ago when I grinded the entire Israeli air tech tree and even my dumb newbie ass had a amazing team in it lmao)
I will make a slightly pedantic correction, the F-4F is tied with the best airframe. It is equal (actually technically slightly worse but by a basically unnoticeable amount) to the F-4E despite it being lighter in real life.
The Kfir canard is incredible at 10.7, 10.3 would be broken.
TBH, I would like to see 10.3BR Kfir lmfao
it’s 11.0 material, 10.7 is good enough. Great bomber, great a2a, great dogfighter. It’s ironic it shares BR with the mirage 3E despite being miles better in every regard that is not launching radar missiles.
incredible? It’s unparallelled. The only thing that can beat it is the j35xs. Both are fast enough to keep their rears off from all aspect slingers, considering these are the slowest of the BR.
I find it to be perfectly placed. I’m surprised this is sparking such a strong debate. I do see the points about speed. But when I play other nations I find it pretty easy to kill. Especially when you are playing as an F-4. The solution would be the creation of more bases or a base respawn timer IMO. Not a Change in BR.
Facing Phantoms is not the issue Kfir is the pefect plane to punish careless enemies but all 3 Kfirs are slightly overtiered.