K2NO Black Panther

And there goes the validity of this whole suggestion, the korean aps doesnt exist and the eurothropy was only mock ups

There is no new turret, according to the employee of the Hyundai Rotem in ADEX 2023, K2NO model on display is based on the prototype No. 1 vehicle in Hyundai Rotem’s own storage.

All equipment shown is for demonstration purposes only and is not intended to be operational.

These are all mockups.

Already exists in K2, unclear what you mean, but if you mean this mockup, it makes no sense.



As you can see the hull, it has six wheels. The six-wheeled hull wasn’t even developed, and it wasn’t going to be developed until Poland/Norway bought it.

Already exists in K2

This is the only thing that has changed in K2NO

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thank u very much

The N-WAV, revealed in 2023, has a slightly modified version of the KAPS. And I believe it is still planned for the K2 PIP.

For infomration Kongsberg Protector RWS RS4 can “cooperate/support” aps according to sources, will be like that on 2A8NOR.

That’s not KAPS, since KAPS was canceled, Hanwha Aerospace and Hyundai Rotem are each working on a new APS, and that is a mockup showing it.

That looks like Iron Fist

It originally started with the South Korean National Assembly. Based on South Korean military data, there was a controversy about the lack of protection against the Bulsae-5 (licensed Kornet) missile from North Korea. At the time, the Bulsae-5 was estimated to penetrate 1000-1200 mm.

3BM60 was not mentioned, because 3BM60 does not exist in the North Korean army.

Only reliable source is the National Assembly session minutes, mentions that K2 has 1.85x better armor than K1 tanks.

No, that’s a diffferent batch of apples. What I’m talking about is when Polish MilGuys publicly stated that the K2s in Polish service cannot meet (their Army’s) requirements without being uparmoured, and in turn, exceeding 60 tons that prevented the Leopard 2PL from being a full-blown 2A7.


He is right, Samyang Comtech is developing a new composite armor for this.

However, it is questionable what estimates were used for the 3BM59/60. in Korea they estimated that the 3BM59/60 penetrates 700-750mm.

Performance of BM-60 has been known for a couple of months by now (NiMi themselves showed it in public), so it’s very questionable that they estimated such a high performance (16 - 25% higher perforation than the actual 3BM-60).

They may have assumed an extreme situation. Anyway, OP’s protection doesn’t make sense.

The only thing I’m sure of is that K2 has protecte K276.

Extra performance to accout for say, unforseen athmospheric conditions? Sure, it’s not like the temperature is always a perfect 21C, but lets not kid ourselves that they assumed a 25% higher penetration than the standard.

The only thing I’m sure of is that K2 has protecte K276.

Doesn’t that thing perforate ~600mm RHA at 2km’s?


That’s a 3BM-60 equivalent for the most part in that case, adding in the extra context, the Poles want(ed) an immunity to it, so ± the ~600mm is the ballistic limit of the current generation of K2s armour given its dimensional limitations. Transcribing that into WT’s model of flat perforation - > flat protection, this would put K2s KE levels at ± ~550mm for the hull, slightly more for the turret.

Possibly. I only certain that K2 protected K276 in tests.



That’s more than likely a hit against the upper plate, which ended with “APFSDS shattering” (man, can’t wait for when the devs finally fix Leopard 2A7Vs upper plate! It’s only been 2 months since the report, I wonder why it’s taking them this long to make it do the same thing as Strv 122s upper plate…).

That’s the image above, the image below mentions that the turret protection against APFSDS was successful

Right, so we can confirm that the turret protection is ± ~550mm KE then at the very least. Well, that’s equivalent to the Leopard 2A4(C), a good start all things considered.

Do you have a source for that? Every source I’ve seen either refers to it specifically as KAPS, or doesn’t name it. Not a single one has talked about how it’s a new one in development – even the information board at ADEX just says active protection system.

Due to no sources specifying the Armor, this is only approximately, provided by various sources, believe some of it might be classified, but it is being looked into

It’s been over a decade since KAPS was canceled, and Hyundai Rotem is developing a new APS, which is why the APS in NWAV doesn’t have an exact name.

Currently, Hyundai and Hanwha are developing their own APS. Hyundai is developing an APS using Israeli technology, while Hanwha is developing its own.

Hanwha Systems (CEO Eo Seong-cheol) announced today that it has signed a contract with the Korea Research Institute for defense Technology planning and advancement for the ‘Intelligent Active Defense Technology for Next Generation Infantry Fighting Vehicles’ project worth approximately 36 billion KRW.
Hanwha Systems plans to secure intelligent active protection technology that can respond to multiple threats by developing ‘composite active protection technology’ and ‘ground-based directional jamming technology’ by 2026.
The Active Protection System (APS) is a defense system that actively neutralizes threats and prevents attacks on armored vehicles such as tanks and armored personnel carriers before they are attacked by anti-tank rockets and anti-tank missiles, and is an advanced survival equipment for combat vehicles.


한화시스템(대표이사 어성철)이 국방기술진흥연구소와 약 360억 규모의 ‘차세대보병전투차량 다중 위협체 대응 지능형 능동방호 기술’ 과제 계약을 체결했다고 3일 밝혔다.

한화시스템은 2026년까지 '복합형 능동방호기술’과 '지상용 지향성 방해기술’을 개발해 다중 위협체에 대응 가능한 지능형 능동방호기술을 확보할 계획이다.

능동방호체계(APS, Active Protection System)는 전차·장갑차 등의 기갑 차량이 대전차 로켓·대전차 미사일 등의 공격을 받기 전에 능동적으로 위협체를 무력화해 공격을 막는 방어 체계로 전투차량의 첨단 생존 장비다.

Of course, the Korean military also developed the Korean Active Protection System (KAPS) 10 years ago, spending 44 billion KRW to develop the K2 tank. However, it was not adopted due to the high cost of 1 billion KRW per unit and the damage to allies caused by a lot of fragments. Due to the lessons learned from the recent war in Ukraine, Poland and other countries want to equip their tanks with APS, so APS development is being promoted again in Korea, centered on Hyundai Rotem and Hanwha Systems.


물론 우리 군도 10여년 전 K2 전차 개발 때 440억원을 들여 국산 능동방호체계(KAPS)를 개발했다. 하지만 1개당 10억원이나 드는 비싼 비용과 많은 파편에 따른 아군 피해 등을 이유로 채택하지 않았다. 최근 우크라이나전의 교훈 등으로 폴란드 등 전차 수입국에선 APS 장착을 원해 국내에서 현대로템과 한화시스템 등을 중심으로 다시 APS 개발이 추진 중이다.

Hyundai Rotem, which exports 1,000 K2 tanks to Poland, is developing an improved KAPS that combines the latest Israeli technology with the KAPS developed 10 years ago to equip locally produced K2 tanks in Poland with a domestic APS after 2026. In March, Hanwha Systems signed a contract worth about 36 billion KRW with the Korea Research Institute for defense Technology planning and advancement for the ‘Intelligent Active Protection Technology for Next-Generation Infantry Fighting Vehicles Against Multiple Threats’ project, and plans to secure intelligent active protection technology by developing ‘complex active protection technology’ and ‘ground-based jamming technology’ by 2026.


폴란드에 1000대의 K2 전차를 수출하는 현대로템은 오는 2026년 이후 폴란드 현지 제작 K2 전차에 국산 APS를 장착하기 위해 10년전 개발된 KAPS에 이스라엘 최신기술 등을 접목한 개량형 KAPS를 개발중이다. 한화시스템은 지난 3월 국방기술진흥연구소와 약 360억 규모의 ‘차세대보병전투차량 다중 위협체 대응 지능형 능동방호 기술’ 과제 계약을 체결했는데, 2026년까지 ‘복합형 능동방호기술’과 ‘지상용 지향성 방해기술’을 개발해 지능형 능동방호 기술을 확보할 계획이다.

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