JGSDF Type10 Tank/10式戦車

Frontally, yes. We know that it was successfully tested frontally against 30mm APFSDS. This I’d assume would mean the turret face (cheeks and breech) and UFP obviously, but perhaps also the turret ring, considering both in Gaijins 3D model and the image it is based on it appears to be 100mm of most likely NCA.

The LFP might still be a frontal weak point however, considering the spaced armor that might be behind it is unconfirmed and the interior image for the driver of it doesn’t seem to help much in figuring it out either.

It would also still be vulnerable to IFV autocannons from the sides and rear, likely only stopping lower penetrating rounds from some autocannons as well as HMGs in the configuration seen in game. While there is a claim about 35mm APDS resistance to the sides I’ll take that with a grain of salt considering it’s not an official one as far as I understand.

Sure, I see that a lot on the forums for all nations. But in this thread it is generally about accuracy rather than balance, and people understand that many changes simply can’t be done yet. This only serves to make people, and specifically Gaijin aware of things to be fixed, so the Typy 10 (ideally) gradually improves alongside new tanks being added for other nations and expanding the capabilites seen in game.

We do realize it is a good tank, we just also see that it is different from what it is in reality, and hope to bring it closer to reality once the games balance allows it to.


This is the most false statement in my whole life. It is op by not blocking anything?


Ah yes, the classic “weight = protection” argument. Wouldn’t that make the Maus the best tank to use in top tier ?


People don’t seen to understand what is a technological advancement since they have never seen one


It’s a bit ironic for a Chinese to accuse other countries of using “propanganda” for their weapons.


Well If you consider that all the ZTZs in the game are not domestically produced, then I can only say that there will not be any “domestic” vehicles in the Chinese TT, after all, they are all modified from Soviet vehicles LMAO

Huh,hard to see

Say it to urself pls:-)


Whaat? You mean the same government that lied about COVID and blamed the US would lie about their military prowess?


Lmao bro tried to roast people with dumb arguments and ended up roasted by everyone lmao


I’ve seen some decent people with that profile picture too, so it’s always worth a try.

And even if they just come here to hate on Japan, it seems better to remain calm and try to explain some things so that other people reading it don’t get the wrong ideas.


I know. My fault. I also have some friends who use this PP, but when you watch other people’s Posts on forum, people who use this PP can always say some ridiculous shit,so.

My bad,i’m no racist,i also grind Chinese TT.

I’ve deleted it, sorry, I’m going too far.

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Yeah but throwing insults at people cuz you believe you are right and others are wrong it’s something that of course people will not like and that no one should do so the reaction of everyone is of course gonna go after him

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It wouldn’t hurt for someone to try and bug report the active suspension then, if this form of video is accepted

It would be nice if we come back to topic about Type 10.


If we take Wikipedia numbers, the type 10 and t-80 are very similar as far as size goes.

T80 L/W/H: 9.9m / 3.4m / 2.2m ~42-46T
Type 10 L/W/H: 9.485m / 3.24m / 2.3m ~44T

Also, The type 10 only uses composite on part of it’s ufp, unlike the T80. It also doesn’t carry ERA on the side like the heavier T80s do.

Not to stoke a fire, but why so prejudiced? Japan was the 3rd largest economy in world while the type 10 was being developed.


I actually use that Profile picture in game XD

and the type 10 had record of more than 30 years of developement since they started developing some of the technologies since 1976 and in fact they started rushing and putting more funds into the developing of the type 10, so its not crazy to think that the type 10 really has that good ammount of armor with a reduced weight


Is there any evidence that Japanese steel technology is a fantasy?
There is nothing convincing in your words as you pretend not to have seen the following fact-based rebuttal.

Just admit that you are wrong or be honest and say that you do not want Type 10 tanks enhanced due to your personal feelings.


It would be nice if we can refer to this again. Btw can someone make the suspension bug report? I don’t know Japanese

we need archives too for that ask @Drag0oon to help you he has a lot of archives around

Sadly i dont have anything for the suspension, i never really looked at it :(

you think video its enough proof?