JAS 39C to UK but not Sweden?

yeah except that it’s always the same nations that are better than others and the same nations that get forgotten.

would make the gripen useless another 11.3 with 2 More skyflashes and better flight performance also that would even make the gripen C way better then the A

and the Gripen currently is much better then the F16A

would make it a superior JA37D but it doesn’t serve what sweden needed a good top tier basically makes the gripen useless besides couple things

I actually can’t wait for this argument to play out in reverse when the US gets the F/A-18A and Finland gets the F/A-18C

suprises me that there isnt a bigger discussion about the F-15J and F-15A

but im not sure what the difference is between F-15A and C
but i do know that the difference between the JAS39A and C is quite large

as for the F/A-18 also not sure what the difference is between the A and C


imo F-15C all nations w F-15 and Aim-7p as a placeholder

That’s not a placeholder, that’s a weapon it can fire.
15Cs can’t fire AMRAAMs until the MSIP Cs which are a separate system.

i can’t find any sources claiming this, can you cite one?

F-15J (ingame model is year 2000) the F-15A post MSIP, main difference is the engines being 220E and not the current engines, giving it a higher TW ratio. the other difference is avionics.

Gripen A at 11.7-12.0, it doesn’t need more or less than that

J-15J we have is a 1981 version.
Also you’d remove the 9Ms from Gripen A to get that BR? Or you want it to be OP?
Cause right now Gripen A is a better F-16A, and F-16A is 12.0.

current Gripen A should probably go to 12.3 like the F-16C etc, but the F-15s and Su-27s should really go to 12.7

tho the Gripen A doesnt have HMD what the F-16C does have so it is in that aspect worse

Possible… I can’t say for certain as of yet.
Mirage 4000 is clearly the best jet out of all the new ones.
However I am conflicted as unless Gripen A’s flight model gets worse then it easily competes against Su-27, Mirage 4000, and F-15; and I do not think Gripen A’s flight model is incorrect as I just don’t know.

there was an update to it, im not sure which one you remember

also saying that Mirage 4000 is the best is a bit of a hot take
to me the Su-27 looks to be the best by far

Gaijin loves the major nations to much for that to happen

Su-27 is an aircraft carried by its missiles… think of EJ Kai but obviously it can hold its own a bit more than EJ Kai, just less than all the other 12.3s.

take off 9M and it has same load as the Ja37D at 11.3 but with more flares, it has flight performance like the mirage 2k which can be found at 11.3-11.7-12.0 so i feel like 11.7 but if it’s completely cracked there then 12.0. br issues cause br balance.

yes but it has 11 of them, 8 of which are the best in the game (R-27ER/ET)

id rather it keep 9M and just dominate at 12.0 and up xD fly low keep the flare spam going

10*, and please learn radar missiles in & out. They really aren’t as much of a threat as Magic 2s, R-73s, and AIM-9Ms.
Players can only carry 4 ERs without impacting their meta IR missile loadout.