JAS 39C to UK but not Sweden?

lots of Norway in the ground? what? one tank and its a premium

yes but italy has the f16 already, britain gets a flying brick that is so bad as a 4th gen that it sits at 11.3, aswell as the harrier which is subsonic feeling more useful than it because it actually gets aim9ms and can turn.

the main issue is that the payload the ADF does have is a joke in the current meta and also the UK has the Tornado, not just the Phantom and Harrier

Harrier is a strike aircraft which is subsoinc and the phantom is a 3rd gen

2, Leopard 1A5NO and VIDAR

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yes, the F-16A ADF which is going to be a joke after the update drops, you can’t expect a plane with AIM-9Ls (teamkill machines), AIM-7Ms with worse performance than skyflashes, no HMD and a radar that loses lock with the slightest maneuver to compete with planes such as the Su-27

the only scenario where the F-16A ADF would be competitive is giving it AIM-120As (they’re really not that good, basically active homing shorter range AIM-7Ms) and AIM-9Ms

otherwise, I don’t see why it wouldn’t get a Hungarian Gripen C (provided that Sweden gets the C too, justice for Sweden)

You know the skyflashes are more like AIM7Es and aren’t better then the 7M

are you coping or something? the F-16 ADF will be plenty good for quite a while still. still very maneuverable. the 9L is still very good. and 7M’s are better than the Skyflashes Gripen gets. also greater than 1:1 TTW ratio.

F16 Block 10 are still better then the Gripen C in the dev server

from my experience, Skyflashes were more consistent than the 7Ms. and as I said, the radar on the F-16 doesn’t help the 7Ms

9L is bs, 7Ms may be good but not with the radar of the F-16A. maneuvrability doesn’t matter too much and the F-16A still has 60 total CMs which are practically useless when it’ll fight Su-27s that carry 4-6 R-73s each

Dunno what to tell you, if you reckon skyflash is at all more reliable than the 7M, I think that may be user error. I am bad with 7Ms, but they are definitely more reliable than the skyflash.

7Ms are better in every way

The issue with the 9L is more about the increasing number of flares, it was fine when you only had 60 CMs but now with the F-15, F-16D, F-14B and JAS 39 all with 250+ flares and even the F-16C and SU-27 with 90+ you can be a lot more liberal with flares added to that the fact that people are slowly getting better spacial awareness and 9Ls are really dropping off a cliff in terms of effectiveness.

the gripen can actually get around 640 with BOL pods. and the issue goes both ways, the ADF has 60 CMs making it unable to consistently defend from the hail of R-73 that is gonna come with Su-27s

I know, but even the approximately 250 of the F-16D from my experience is more than enough to deal with missiles all match, so long as you’re paying attention, IRCCM means that some get through but anything without it stands no chance unless I’m caught completely off guard, like not even knowing there was a jet there.

also they changed how effective flares are, it used to be the case that you needed multiple to flare a missle now only 1 is enough for most missles

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Gripen gets 720CMs in total 80 of which are large

so that proves my point even further, the F-16A ADF with 9Ls is going to be mediocre at most, due to the sheer amount of flares these new jets have, as well as their constantly increasing situational awareness. in top tier, that’s not even the issue, as it used to be. now people see the missiles, but don’t know how to defend (speaking about the ones with IRCCM). besides, if they’re just giving the Gripen C away to other nations such as UK through SA, then I don’t see why Italy wouldn’t get it through Hungary as well.

I find some discrepancy with fighter jet performance between different nations to be acceptable. The game wouldn’t at all be exciting to me if everything was perfectly equal at all times. There should be nations better at some stuff than others.

What is unacceptable is keeping nations stuck at 11.3 with flying bricks (Sweden & UK) for years whilst other nations gets their 5-6th 12.0 fighter. Including block 50 F16C’s. When they already have like 2 other F16’s, and 2 F14’s. With modernisations of both.

The F16 is even today an incredible plane and will be an extremely solid dogfighter for a long time. It still holds up well against the new stuff.

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