(WIP) Modern IR (FOX2) Missile - History, Performance & Discussion

MK-80M from what I know is same as Mk-80 (one band, two element seeker) but with higher gimbal limit before launch. New serial production multielement dual band seeker for new russian Archer series supposed to be MK-2000 (or something similar/copy, because it’s originally ukranian seeker).
(At least it’s the most suitable seeker according to the description of rvv-md from official sources)

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Edited on the post.
This is what you meant?

Sorta yes

i’m not sure what the exact split is now but the seeker is German(Diehl), the motor Norwegian(Nammo), control section Spanish(Sener Group), warhead Greece(confusing here but old info says GPCC but they’re a sub company of Pyrkal and they merged with another company), INS Italy(Litton Italia) and others

From the weapons thread

Im also trying to find for info on the warhead. As far as I can remember there are claims of having 15kg warhead which is mentioned in the Japanese Wiki for AAM-3 and this pdf but it is known to be not a reliable source all the time.



But it also says AAM-3 has a top speed of mach 3.5…which im not sure if I believe that.


90式空対空誘導弾 - Wikipedia

And well wiki is not reliable as well.

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The minimum range to the rear hemisphere is 300 meters…when capturing a target on a trajectory-180 degrees…
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I’ve tried to include your elements on the thread. Tell me if that’s what you meant.

I modified it, i forgot about the 300M

I feel like it’s more an indication that’s it’s LOAF capable can can shoot 360° like the Python 5.
There’s no ways (physicaly imposible) that its seeker is ± 180) .
I’ve putted a 90° glimbal figure because i figured that what they said and it would also match Western missile seeker HOBS.

Yes sorry for not saying. I will try to update you and my thread when new info comes up from time to time.

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Reverse launching R-73 from a Su-27

@_Adrien94 Not bad and good job 👍

You guess gajin consider PL-5E, PL-5E II, PL-8B, AIM-9L/I-1, AAM-3, Python 4, AIM-9M-8, AIM-9M-9, TC-1 and R-73M this quarter (Q4) ?

Bank to turn confirms it increases maximum overload over AIM-9L by using combined plane all the time. This is why it is ~45G.

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Yes why not it’s really an equivalent to the 9L

Yes why not. It has better IRCCM than the other IRCCM missile rn. It’s as both Dual spectral and multi-element seeker. So would be simlar as the 9M in game (capabilities wise). Good IRCCM but “ok” kinematics.

A python 3 with good IRCCM. Should be implemented to counter the 9M/ R-73/ Magic 2 (fixed). Same IRCCM as the Magic 2, better than the R-73, different of the 9M so hard to compare. Better kinematics than the 9M but worse than (fixed) magic 2 and R-73

Really similar to the 9M we have in game so why not.

Could be a nice addition for Japan. I’m all for it. Unfortunaly we really don’t have a lot of info on the missile so it’ll be hard to implement or just speculation. But from the specs we know it could be implemented. Better than IRCCM than the 9L with Dual band* , better range, better gimbal for HOBS shots and better maneuvrability. It would be a top tier missile probably simlar to the PL-8B in capabilities.

*For the Dual band type of seeker they’ll have to introduced dual spectral flares that are not in game rn.

Feel like it’s too good rn. Better IRCCM than all the missile we have in the game rn (4-element seeker with dual band), better maneuvrability and better range than all the missile. The hard thing with the Python 4 is that it’s better than the missile we have rn but worse than the next gen missile sutch as the 9X/IRIS-T/MICA/R-74M. Seems like it’s closer to next gen than to the one we have rn so it should probably be added with those even if it’s not top tier at the time of the introduction. (At least if they give it it’s 70G dual plane).

I don’t even know which model of the 9M is represented in war thunder. If it’s a late one then the missile is already in the game.
If it’s a early one then the only improvement would be software (which we don’t know shit about) and better guidance during suspended tracking which mean than the ins would be more optimised. I don’t feel like it would change a lot to be honest.

Could be added as well rigth now. Aim-9L capabilities wise but just with a low smoke motor and dual band seeker. (which again , we don’t have dual spectral flares rn).

Not needed righ now. The R-73 is already good enough for top tier.
The R73M is a big upgrade over the R73.
Better range, up to 40km instead of 30km: it’s more equivalent of a Python 4 kinematic wise.
Better maneuvraility with better optimised TVC. The missile has a better turn radius than the base R73. 3s can be expected.
Better gimbal for the seeker with up to 60° before launch instead of 45° which makes it even better in HOBS shots.
If you’re talking about the R-74M (the one that was actually produced) then it has an improved IRCCM with Dual band.

All those missile bar the Python 4 and the R-73M could be added this Q4.
The R-73M/Python 4 would still need to wait 2024 and really are in between the current gen (in game) and the next gen Western AAM (9X/…). Could be added earlier probably if the community cry enought.

Gajin might consider add R-73M at least Q3 or Q4 2024 or Q1 2025, AIM-9M in war thunder maybe AIM-9M-3 or AIM-9M-6

I might expect PL-5E, PL-5E II, PL-8B, AAM-3 & AIM-9L/I-1 this month, and Python 4 could add on F-16D Block 40 Barak in december this year

Although not shown in the chart, the AIM-9X was rated at over 50g.

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so let me guess, this is “country”, “name”, “year of development”, “range”, “seeker angle and track rate” and “max g”? if so then i have some objections here

even so, SK chose the IRIS-T lol

ASRAAM, R-73, AAM-5 should be taken with a grain of salt. They referenced websites. AIM-9X, IRIS-T, and Python 5 presumably referenced their own materials and manufacturer’s materials.

IRIS-T is just wrong then lol, particularly the 12km range, diehl themselves stated 25 at some point. the 60G is also debatable… weird little list

The range estimate is a more conservative one for all the missile (it’s one they might achieve in a real combat situation) while the max range i putted in my thread (ie the 25km) is really the max kinematic range but not really achivable in real combat.

that 120g figure for the Python 5 is far too high considering aerodynamically its identical to the Python 4 and neither use TVC, even ignoring most secondary sources repeat the same 70g figure, 120g is far too high for a non TVC missile

not to mention years are wrong and the range figures are also wrong so it doesnt make much sense