Jaguar GR.1A Aim 9Ls

I thought you were talking about the Gr.1 for some reason haha sry

I’m not aware of any 55 mm chaff cartridges compatible with the BOZ pod.

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Thought that was the case. Ta!

With the new Sea Harrier being 10.3, surely the Jag should now get Ls?

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The issue is the same. Jaguar Gr1A with only Aim-9s is a lot faster in the a straight line than the Harrier, Mach 0.9 vs Mach 1.1. The concern would be that they could be used to zip about. I’d personally not be too concerned, if downtiers werent a thing.

The better option I think should be too give it SRAAM, especially if/when they get buffed. They could be quite potent and by all accounts, should be able to go onto the Jagaurs without much issues


truth be told, i really doubt that giving the GR.1A 9Ls would make it broken,

its flight model seems broken, sure it can do mach 1.1 but it needs a lot of effort to get there, you’ll otherwise be spending most of your time in the same speed bracket as the harrier which climbs, turns and accelerates much better (which also has a radar)

the game at that br bracket has far outgrown the 9Gs, especially for the slower aircraft like the jag.

however if what morvan is saying is true (As in SRAAMS working on a jag) then id prefer if those got fixed first, then added to the jag and then we can talk about upping its br.

55-80%, and 10° is difficult enough to get in combat even ignoring manoeuvring.

Its a grey area. But SRAAM on F6/Gr1 are already a some what grey area, so…

They were slated for everything, Jag, Phantom, Harrier, Tornado, etc. But were cancelled before being rolled out (or something akin to that). So it’s a possibility, but might require a little bending by Gaijin. But I think it would be the ideal compromise for AAM

You can read more over in thsi thread


So they just copy pasted the squadron Harrier made it 10.3 and gave it two 9Ls.

So why can’t I have 9Ls on my GR.1A.

And the jaguar is not that much faster than the Harrier at this point.

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Cause GR1A is faster & far more maneuverable.

are we flying the same jags and harriers? because the jag is not “far more maneuverable” than a harrier lol



Actually disagree. You are forgetting VIFFing and generally the Harrier Base line turn is better (or if nothing else, near enough equal). The harrier also has better energy retention and TWR. The Jag is fairly nimble, but bleeds energy really really fast and is slow to regain it.

For the record though, i’d be concerned with the Gr1A getting 9Ls still though without being 10.7

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any chance to get outer pylon’s LGB

Any idea why the Jag can’t run 8x1000lbs and 9Gs?

It exceeded maximum load by 40 kg last time i checked. Is the maximum load correct? Idk. Will those 40kg make a difference? Doubt it. Will it get changed? No. Or maybe it was 7kg? I dont remember.

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It’s 140kg. Well, if we’re being picky, 144.9kg. It’s a pain in the backside because you have to lose both winders or one of the 1000lb bombs for a 500lb

Which is stupid.
What makes even less sense is how the GR.1 can only cope with 30kg less…

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Yeah it is, but a base only takes 5x Mk13s and in SB, the TIALD pod is a huge asset for VID. So in either case, 8x Mk13s is not always needed.

Oh, so it is another number. I wonder what were the other 2 about. Well, i doubt the 144 would effect the plane that much. You should still be able to take off and fly just fine

emphasis on the should.

given you get another 200kgf on afterburner and 50 in dry over the GR.1, i imagine you’d be fine in that department

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