Jaguar GR.1A Aim 9Ls

Only if they consider adding a Mirage 3, because idk if the Cheetah would be on that BR range.

If they did a realistic one with no functioning radar, no countermeasures and just 2 sidewinders; it’d happily be 10.0-10.3.
Pulling a Yak-141 and giving it the planned radar (older Foxhunter configuration, not the improved Stage 2 Foxhunter that eventually got added to the F.3 with La Royale) and non-SuperTEMP Skyflash, it might still get to live at 10.7-11 by virtue of lack of countermeasures and fewer AIM-9s than the Phantom

Prove it, I’ve asserted my point already with good reason.
It’s testable.

Tornado F.2A carry AIM-9L ?

It could carry both, at least according to the tech page here on the forum, but giving it 9Gs would be a way to lower the BR

There’s also the Hawk 200. Has countermeasures, is capable of carrying 6 missiles (4 sidewinders, 2 skyflashes), great manoeuvrability. There could be another one higher in BR but with better sidewinders and AMRAAM too.

Hawk i think is the best option, we need a 10.7 to fill the void between 10.3 and 11.3

So hawks are sub-sonic, with a decent compliment of AAMs. Would be perfect.

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Yeah looks like it got an extra 2300lbs of thrust or so
How much performance that offers idk.

So why did Gaijin never finish the chaff pods?

Well we know Gaijin is working on flares/chaff.

I think it should be a 10.7 jet but will get 11.0 because if it’s ground capabilities.

They are there in the game I have seen them in the Dev server with my own eyes.

It would be something useful to fill the extra slots on the jag. Plus I can carry more flares if the pods are present.

The Phimat chaff pod was actually on the live server for all of about 2 hours, but if you equipped it you got a big nasty error message about a server error occurring. It got removed and it’s not been seen since.

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As far as I know, Phimat pod is a chaff dispenser, no flares.

And I wonder why, it’s there for a long time and is not like we don’t have Chaff pods. What’s the difference between it and the others? lol

Tornado Gr1 should have 56 flares and 1200 chaff. The issue is how the game handles CMs as a single entity. Once seperated into 2. Then we could see the addition of additional flare/chaff pods to aircraft.

There’s that, I think all the other chaff dispensers we have are on flareless aircrafts…

We will* see.
Also it’s 56 flares or chaff + 1200 chaff.
Theoretically can have 1256 chaff if you really want.

Yes correct

But this means you keep all your flares in the pods below the engines and have the rails do chaff. So you get to keep more of your flares.

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Im not sure on this. Think it was flares only in the flare tubes, due to their large calibre. But someone else will have to confirm that. @Flame2512? Do you know?

Also no “we will see” about it. That is its historical amount. Only cant be done due to game limitations that are being worked on currently