J35xs is trash

the j35xs is fire

Big facs

Pretty funny how they first nerfed it to the ground and than nerfed it further.
Used to be good before the fantasy FM nerf.

J35XS should go to 11.0 even with a fix in its FM, the same br change should apply for the Kfir Canard.
This topic has been discussed before, reaching the same conclusions. That’s reasonably good cause it shows something is wrong.

i read that J35XS’ RB24J had a caged seeker irl

Which is false, RB24J are AIM 9P3 which do not have a caged seeker. none of the swedish missiles outside of RB24 have a caged seeker. If you actually have evidence i implore you to prove it additionally id like to refer you to another post which i think youd fit in with.

Now you may have been confused with a few early prototypes of the aim 9J which did have a caged seeker before becoming a full production model.

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no i heard that the RB24J on the j35xs specifically had a caged seeker

They don’t, if you do have actual proof for it then i suggest making a post with your evidence

The RB24J was bought from sweden as finland looked at replacing their aging stock of Soviet missiles of which the R60 and R13M1 can be mounted to the Saab 35XS.



i know what sidewinders, robots and their variants are. I’m just talking about the j35xs’ case.

Then show proof, no document ive read ever claimed they were caged.

From my knowledge it’s a P1 with a laser proximity fuse which is what P3 had but it has the motor of P1 as the laser was from Saab

Interesting. Some of their paper work describes the missile as a P3 and other as a just a P. Id need more info specifically for their naming convention as i don’t believe the early RB24J’s were modified.

“The robot was propelled with an improved gunpowder rocket engine that provided longer flight time. The action system consisted of a warhead that was initiated by a Swedish-made laser zone tube. The combat part could also be triggered by impact contacts on direct hits. The warhead’s charge of hexatonal scattered shrapnel in all directions”

Yeah ive read thia before but it doesn’t really explain the inconsistency of the naming, some finnish docs state that Aim 9J is similar to RB24J as in its an export. While sole other state its an AIM 9P export. Of course the Radar slave ability isn’t found on any Aim 9j to my knowledge and only Aim 9P.

Personally I think the Aim 9J is the second best IR missile the drakens had anyway
But from previous missiles I’d assume it could radar slave as RB28 (imo it’s best missile) had slaving with radar and IR

Depends on the draken model, the J35Ö has aim 9L iirc, dont remember what Sarh it had.

Fair, I was thinking Sweden mostly
It might be possible that the drakens had RB74 by end of service as a lot of sources say rb28 and 24J were phased out for more modern missiles
But I’ve seen nothing on it besides that

I dont believe any swedish drakens had better missiles as the Viggens were phasing them out by that point. Other nations were using the draken and modernizing it to fit their current needs.

Ah well, and just to think
Sweden was so close to greatness with the RB72
Believe it would’ve been the worlds first serviced irccm missile

Eh, if any prototype was made it could be added. Rn quite a few swedish vehicles are lacking their weapons and or correct number of vehicles.

All saab 105’s should have 4 missiles and the j35A should have 4 rb 24J’s since it never used RB24