What Vehicles are Sweden in most need of ”the wishlist”

F35 is wierd, since the research I have gone into hasnt been able to ID what the fuck AIM-9N2s are. Would be cool though, as long as they fix the FM.

Aim 9 E’s

Ive done a vehicle suggestion for it just waiting for it to be accepted

Really? Ive seen some info saying they might be 9Ps or 9Js, idk

Ive been given 2 or so sources one stating wjat youve said and one claiming 9E’s. Regardless its for gaijin to decide and balance.

Would be amusing if they gave it 9P-4s or -5s, all-aspect draken would be awesome.

Even more if we get the J35O as a premium, since that has P-5s.

Dealing with this shit rn

Probably gonna be german unfortunately

Nope, since we already have the 105O in the swedish tree.

Thats not how it works, for now yes it will probably go to sweden but if its confirmed for germany it could be added.

Eh, true.

I really hope we get it though, since a draken with CMs, all-aspects, and other modern systems-
plus a sick paintjob

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an RB24J without an uncaged seeker?! how could one even come up with such a idea.

Almost like you cant state any sources and i hurt your feelings

hurt feelings? i mained sweden back when their end of the line was the J35D and i am still waiting for the guy who told me the thing about the J35XS’ RB24J’s seeker to provide me with his source (if he even has one in the first place)

Depends on who you asked. Additionally we couod always talk about prototype missiles that differ and just nerf vehicle based off thst alone. Its pretty easy. Regardless if you’re gonna make a claim its better if you can at least back it with a source first. Of the trials done to the swedish RB24’s the only caged seeker for the Saab 35XS would be the test for the mounting of RB24. There was a plan for RB27 but once they went against using a radar the idea was dropped.

The first Cv 90120 would be cool

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Gaijin will find a way to ignore it or make it premium

If it’s a testbed or a prototype, then it it’s more likely that it will be a premium or not come to the game in the short term, as information gathering might prove difficult (and GJN can’t just make stuff up, even if it sometimes does feel like it).

The CV90120-T or the CV90120 MkIV do have far more info on them. (in-game we have the mk.IV I believe.)

See i hate the history part some vehicles just have short history it it wasn recorded in full.

Yeah, the same problem repeats itself multiple times in other minor nations’ wishlists.
Failed or just-starting projects are never really (publicly) documented well enough and publicised at the same time, as these companies want to keep that information to theirselves.

That’s why information can be hard to gather for non-series produced vehicles.

Real life just sucks sometimes.

Im currently working on a third finnish KV so that we can actually have a 4.0 lineup with a TT heavy but i have a suspicion gaijin will just ignore it