Is US top tier too weak

That is correct, it isn’t, the M829a2 is better on technicality, so I’m not factoring it into the final decision, but it still is ever so slightly better.

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Can you explain how specifically I am being disingenuous on the topic, if I were wouldn’t I argue that the Leo 2a7v does nothing better than the Abrams and the Abrams is some mythical god tank?

@RemiliaScarlet are you going to test how abrams(es) and leopards behave on long distances in terms of protection? because I have noticed that because of my round going in an arc, it managed to penetrate the ufp of the abrams a noticeable amount of times

edit: and of course I am excluding the cases where it hit the driver optics


You’re claiming the M829A2 is technically a better round, while the DM53 fired from the Rh L/55 is better on both spalling and performance-wise, even on angles.

As far the game hands us to use, your statement serves no practical purpose, even if in real life, it turns out to be true. That’s one example.

That’s a good idea actually, let me do both close and far distance tests on both

I’m isolating the round, which is why I used both fired from an L/44, spalling wise, no, I cannot confirm this, angle wise, no, I cannot confirm this. Also, I did state that I’m not using it in my final assessments of the tanks as the Abrams advantage here is very slight, please remember to note that.

There’s no advantage rather than raw firepower in terms of reload time, which is a decent asset, but not a game dictating capability, thus not a clear advantage at all. Second example.

Please remember that I did state I’m not using it in my final assessments of the tanks as the Abrams advantage here is very slight, please remember to note that. the pen advantage between M829m2 and DM53/63, which is what I was asked about, is quantifiable and provable, so I noted it.

in the most meta leopard and abrums cases, a round into your lfp would cause a couple of crew members to tank the shot, while ussr tanks go boom. let’s not forget that. in a duel, fighting a leopard, shooting the lfp is a mistake afaik

edit: quickly changed ufp to lfp as it was a typo, cleared up a quoting issue

Not 100% relevant to the discussion, but I find Driver’s hatch on T-series tanks to be a consistent 1 shot spot as well given
than they only have 3 crew members and it’s big enough to be a reliable weak point.

100% relevant imo, we were discussing top tier tanks from the first post

That’s why you can freely shoot the neck and get all the turret crew, or at the very least, get the turret mechanism/breach in case of the Abrams.
And in Leos, if they’re slightly angled, you can easily squeeze a dart in the joint between the armor plate and the tank’s side plate.

Then don’t use an autoloader, idk. Besides, their latest MBTs have noticeably minor LFPs, alongside relict ERA are more than capable of eating entire rounds, from KE-W to DM43.

Yeah, well, there you got then, T-series tanks are not in the best of spots rn, especially considering their good spawns are fairly limited since you get the T-90M, and T-80BVM, which I can confidently say are worse than either the Abrams or Leopards.

LMFAO. You’re not serious. I’ll concede you they’re worse than Leopards, but the Abrams is a stretch beyond any logical rationalization.

big “if”, also applies to the other tanks. are you trying to give me advice? no need

the beginning just sounds like an average nafo mocking, lol. not much value to the discussion. don’t make a mistake of thinking that it is not to my pleasure that soviet tanks blow up so easily. but that part about ERA eating rounds? i don’t understand it. haven’t encountered that in all of my uptiers with the type90.

I’m sure that someone already tagged @SPANISH_AVENGER to join this discussion again, but i certainly think this point is particuarly more compelling.

But yeah, grind any Abrams you can possibly get (either tt, Clickbait or AIM) and engage T series with contact-5 or relict as side armor, i assure you’ll get trolly non-pens in between consistency or inconsistency.

I don’t think he is suitable for this discussion.

well, like I said

but maybe aproxx 90 uptiered battles is not enough for you/me

The initial point was that the abrams is a leopard 2a7v, you disagree, fine, but rationalization has nothing to do with it, I’ve presented my case and I’ll be running field tests that have been modified by criticism coming from this discussion.

If the Abrams is a Leopard 2a7v equal, which I posit that it is, they are both superior to the T-series tanks.

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Disingenuous is in fact the act of being and i quote.
not sincere, especially when you pretend to know less about something than you really do.

He is not pretending to know less about anything, he is not sitting here acting like he doesnt know the capabilities of the leopard and abrams while saying what he is saying.

Who said it was civil behavior?
You came in and began resonding rather impolite manner to a person whos being polite and sincere in what they say.

Hes not being disingenuous about the abrams, he believe what he is saying and is infact trying to prove it.

I generally dont with over 500 games in the abrams. Not including the m1 itself.