Is US top tier too weak

US top tier has a lower win rate compared to every other nation in war thunder, even compared to nations with much worse tanks and planes. Indeed, there are a lot of on death leaving, same with any other nation that has a 11.3 premium, but with a least 3 pretty good m1a2s in their lineup

(By good i mean in terms of firepower: the unrealistic 5s reload, yes the m1 is pretty easy to kill but so is the chally, merk, lec not to mention the ariete none of which has 5s m829a2 to make it up.)

and one of the best cas planes (f16c) in their lineup, they shouldnt be that weak. The only thing lacking in their lineup, a good spaa is lacking in every other country but ru and sweden, therefore, is the problem the players?


i’ll come here before anyone and tell you how this topic will go:

US haters will claim skill issue.
US mains will claim there’s a real problem beyond the players pool.

They will fight each other, yet in air battles whenever i.e. Russia gets handicapped, they’ll claim that the US is babysitted.

Compare the US top MBT front against Russia, Sweden and Germany. And now compare the US playerbase % from the rest of nations, that is negligent balancing, as you’re giving a vehicle with sniping capabilites in close quarters layouts that doesn’t go further than 5km long, that you never get to do shots up to 2km max.


US top tier suffers heavily from premium players. Other nations have premiums but the US is the most popular exaggerated by the fact that the Clickbait was the only 11.3 tank that got a sale. Its the reason why most of the US teams are Clickbait players, you don’t really see the same effect with the Leo2a4M.


CBA to say the same things again in detail so shall just “TLDR”

  1. Compression
  2. volume of players/popularity
  3. Win rates are a bad metric (especially with basically no data available)

Interesting your post calls Americans and American mains US haters…

Equal, obvious to any non-Russian.
Best MBT round in the game with the 2nd best gun., among the best reload, middle armored.

There are inaccuracies of Abrams to fix of course.


Also I feel like theres a new US ground top tier thread every day


basically the same amount of matches as URRS and half WR.

GER 30% less battles but 60% higher WR.

(all 3 tanks on chart is the 11.3 premiums)


meh, only good armor is in the turret face, which people can miss and hit the breech, possibly killing crew.


more players, worse experience, its bound to happen tbh

Where is this data from?

Alvis, you know the DM53 from the Rh120 of the 2A7 IS the best round in the game, yet for some shady reason, your ‘pro american narrative’ tells otherwise by not claiming the obvious.


As I thought. WT Data Project uses Thunderskill which is not really a good metric since Data from Thunderskill is only taken from those who sign up meaning it doesn’t represent the influx of new premium players flocking the Clickbait.

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it’s the only data we have

Careful, you’re a “US hater” according to Pyro’s post.

Despite you and I both knowing evidence speaks louder than nonsense claims.

DM53 pens slightly less.
RH120 is a gun, not ammo.

Not sure why your post is overtly about DM53 being better to make USA look bad…
It’s “equivalent” it just pens less.
Better guns can make both rounds go faster of course.


Screenshot 2024-08-10 194226

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Its a metric that’s misleading. Thunderskill data shows that all 3 premium vehicles have similar battle count but anecdotally, you’ll see FAR more Clickbaits in the wild than the 2A4M or the T-80UE

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Im over your nonsense, Alvis. Keep trying to fool OP or US haters about the US being at a good spot, and that is just a playerbase’s issue.


“my perception” vs actually data… yeah…

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Does 23mm flat pen at 10m really matter?


May i be dumb, but i dont get it since the data is US favor