Is US top tier too weak

I always do this in order to put my best effort and support my team, ever since i’ve encountered Click-Bait players i promised myself that im not gonna be like them XD.

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id love to know what this fact is and what the us is currently the best at in gound rb

They won’t buff them, as other nations will complain.

But let me ask you this. Why does the T-72, and T-90m have the historical reload, but not the T-80s? They are decent sure, but in the meta now, they’re borderline not worth playing, because all they only really get speed and a decent upper plate.

Turret armor is somewhat irrelevant as it’s a T-80b turret.

Would love to see the T-80U modernized to T-90M like standards.

Because T72/90’s doesnt have the same mobility as T80’s have.

Its T80B turret with RELIKT armor.

I dont think Russia has anything like that, we could get T80UM Black Eagle which is pretty much T90M level but better in many ways.

Never said they’re the best. They’re good all rounders, but the problem is the teams themselves. Playing earlier, the USA, and UK teammates were typically the first to 1 life. With 0 kills, as they just blindly rushing in.

they only have a decent mbt and decent cas i woundlnt call that a good allrounder, thats 2 outa 4
russia btw is decent in every catagory

But the T80s are equal if not worse In forward mobility, but they have far worse reverse gear compared to theirs counter parts.

The Black eagle would be a rather neat event vehicle.

Yeah but they get better armor,better support vehicles, helicopters and really good CAS options.

Thats why Gaijin doesnt want buff them as they currently sits in really good spot.

Well whether event vehicle or not i would like to see it in game so i can get my hands on it.

They have good mbts, that nobody plays right, they have the best light tank in the game. They have the best multi role aa system.

They have equal to, if not better air superiority.

Their support vehicle are lacking in terms of light tanks.
And I never see Krisentemas as they’re not really usable in WT.
Russia Helicopters should be the best, as they are extremely good irl. (But this is often pointless as enemy CAS will just laze you in a fly by.)

it is the best SPAA against helicopters.

Funny guy

BPM2M sits there.

Actually Nato helicopters are should be better due to their F&F capabilities but gaijin refused to give them.

yeah! smokeless missiles, and 8 of them (plus ammo box)

multi role AA system LOL, thats 1 way to not say its the worse AA in the game the fact is the us have 2 major flaws and that is:

  1. No ground base air defense, the adats has been the top tier us AA since the 2s6 and thats 10.7 now 7km effective range at top tier pretty much leaves your team open to free kills from the air risk free.

  2. No cheap options to spawn in like a fire and forget heli, its either your mbt or an 800+ cost air spawn

Pantsir missile is much faster, does not trigger RWR, better thermals, and more missiles.

There are helicopters in game with F&F
I would still give Russian helis the better quality etc etc.

BMP2m is okay, but rarely has the ability to deal tons of damage unless the enemy team is unaware.

The ATGMs on it are too slow to be truly effective, and I find the 2a42 far more usable. Any smart players at range will see the ATGMs inbound / hear them.

Giving the BTR-80 fittied with the bmp-2M turret would be nice.

faster by about 230m/s, not much difference against a helicopter 5km away. thermals that are not needed because you have radar, pantsyr’s missiles (or rather their guidance) trigger rwr and also there is maw. yes there are 4 more missiles, but honestly, what difference does it make?

I think you’re should listen to me cause I fight SPAA every day, pantsyrs too (tk)

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Yeah i prefer even the 11.0s over the cr2s tbh, the 99II and mbt2000 are a great combo, nearly got the 99III then i can move up to the 12.0s