Is US top tier too weak

Is US top tier too weak



Yeah ive got the 2a5 and A6 so may as well use my lazur and hunter to get up to the german EF.

the cr2s are in such a sad place right now im not gonna say more (im going off topic again)

Eloquently and astutely put

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Im constantly using my T80UM2 and i enjoy it very much, not having thermals doesnt bother me too much and its essentially T80U with APS system so makes it quite a good tank in my book.

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I stopped Grinding Chally2’s and focused on Chinese tanks, they also have their problems but i prefer VT4,ZTZ99 over Chally 2 any day.


I personally like the T-80UK, (my second favorite tank irl) but I really think they are… lacking the cylcogram data shows a 6.0 sec reload for the T-80U, UK, UM2, UD, UE, BVM. (Anything U or newer)

I also like it, in fact i put talisman on it while i was grinding my Russian Top tier.

Its just balancing factor as Gaijin states.

truly a well thought-out counter point

Its great when a question can be answered with one word.

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any question can technically be answered with 1 word don’t mean its automatically correct or even a good response

In this case it is correct though

how so

But now Russia has by far the slowest reloads not to mention not being historically accurate, and the hstvl got a historical buff. It’s one sided.

When it’s backed by fact, it can be.

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I just started with China, at last, as well!

No Al-Khalid because it’s currently out of my budget… but I could afford the discounted ZTZ 96A (P). Had a few rough matches at first, but am now getting the hang out of it!

I use Object 122MT “MC” as a backup and I have 90+ backups ready for deployment, so that’s at least 3 spawns for the next 90+ matches. By then, I hope to get a few 9.3+s to reinforce the lineup.

I won’t use the event T-80 because it’s 10.7, so it would uptier me to 11.7.

I wish I had Khalid, though; then, I would spawn it, then 96 (P), then 80, then 122!


Russia has better armor that balances its reload time, can it be reduced to 6 Seconds? absolutely but right now they sit in really good spot and seems like Gaijin doesnt want to buff them any time soon.

Welcome to the club Avenger.

Thats sad to hear, Al-Khalid is such a fun and good tank, wish you could’ve afford it.

I heard its also a good tank, im glad you’re getting use to it.

Thats nice.

This my current Chinese line-up, im also planning to add event T80UD once i unlock it, it will boost my line-up a lot.

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Sweet! I love how we both do our best to have functional multi-spawn lineups, hahah.

Comes to prove that grinding new trees via Top Tier Premiums does not inherently make a player a “Premium one-death leaver”.


a large prem player base is for sure not helping but i think its a bit wrong to say thats the ONLY thing holding back the us at top tier.
like the abrams isnt bad but its just kinda mid while having to make up for having the worst AA at its tier a mostly usless heli and thier only fire and forget missile being kinda sucky as well with the mavs, sure the f15e is a better plane overall compared to the su34 but the hk38 and pantsir kinda carry the nation overall.