Is US top tier too weak

And their missiles are trash due to Gaijin’s coding, in real life however those missiles are straight up better than anything Russia offers.

In game yes, in real life? No.

That applies for any light tank, if enemy is aware of you you will most likely not gonna do anything.

Spikes are even slower and it usually ends up hitting random parts on enemy tanks.

Not a bad idea, tbh i was expecting BMD4M as tech tree vehicle but that could work too, or BMPT as well.

do you consider pumas, panthers, and that israel spike carrier to be light tanks?

Im using Al-Khalid which is basically MBT2000 but better and i can say its better than Chally2’s because of its mobility. Firepower wise both tanks has the same quality while Chally beats Al-Khalid in terms of armor protection and reload time but thanks to Al-Khalid’s mobility you can actually get out of dangerous situations much faster.

Id highly recommend the Type 69 G II its a fantastic backup to the 96 (P)

I absolutely fell in love with china at the 8.0 area and cannot believe how fun they actually are even at 11.0 in full uptiers they’re still brilliant to use.

sorry, I forgot to add just how big of a target the pantsyr is. and if we judge by the average player skill, well… adats players slam dunk pantsyr experts

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You know the cr2 past the ready rack for me with fully leveled expert crews about 7.6 or 7.4 second reload, with a base crew its over 8 seconds.

The 7.1 second auto loaders are far more consistent at least.

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I wish Gaijin add spall liners to Chinese tanks as they have it in real life, it would boost their performance quite a lot.

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Out of budget, unfortunately hahah

Besides, it would hurt even more now that the GE sale just ended :P

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That coding is probably a balancing measure, as making them stronger would make them really effective while being basically untouchable by ground units.
Currently, making FnF missiles really good would completely break the game.


Not an issue when it comes to KH-38s though


True, the firepower of the Abrams is great. The main problem that the Abrams has is that it is so incredibly easy to take out up close, which is unfortunate as objectives are a pretty important win condition.


I can’t tell if you’re serious or not lol. You’re really out here saying the adats is better than the pantsir lol? Or am I misunderstanding?

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oh only against helicopters. im not gonna say anything about spaa vs jets, i didnt spend thousands of battles in those yet :)

Same goes for 65D and AASM.
I’m talking about helicopters here, as they can typical carry more FnF munitions than aircraft, where helicopters can usually carry 8 instead of 6.

Not only that, they would also be able to launch them from much closer range with near total impunity from the ground units and rearm much quicker than aircraft. They’d also be much harder to take down with AAs, as all you need is a MAW ping to drop down behind cover in those several seconds the missile is still travelling to you.

Making heli FnF performance even close to those of plane ones would completely break the game, you like it or not.

Game is already broken due to CAS.

And it would get several times more broken where playing actual tanks would be aggravating to the point of uninstalling or playing some other BR.

I see…

I just think that broken stuff is only so disproportionately broken because it often does not have counterparts across all trees.

Only 2-3 nations having broken CAS brings a more unbalanced situation than it would be if all nations had broken CAS, for example; because then all nations’ CAS would even out.


Tossing more straws on top of the camels back is not the answer.

Most people are already adopted to current situation or just left the game already.

Last day i was playing with my brother and getting constant 9+ kills in my SU-34 while he was on his EFT and securing the sky while dealing with ground units as well, enemy team was helpless against us and they basically left the game or spawned in and got killed by us again.

If you think this is not the most broken thing then i dont know what it is.

Sure Helicopters can stay in their current position but dont act like game is already not most broken in its current state.

Oh god dont buy it unless its on sale, it is a great tank right enough just not worth the full price at all.

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