Is US top tier too weak

If I had to list every single Rank VIII MBT, all of which I have save for Italy and China, it would look like this:

1- Leopard 2A7HU
2- Leopard 2A7V
3- Strv 122B+
4- Strv 122B PLSS
5- Strv 122A
6- TKX
7- Type 10
8- T-80BVM
9- T-90M
10- ZTZ-99A
11- WZ1001(E) LCT
12- Leopard 2A6
13- Leopard 2 PSO
14- Leopard 2A5
15- Challenger 2E
16- M1A2 SEP
17- M1A2 SEPv2
18- M1A2
19- Black Night
20- Challenger 3 (TD)
21- Leclerc S.XXI
22- Leclerc AZUR
23- VT-4A1
24- Merkava Mk.4M
25- Merkava Mk.4LIC
26- Merkava Mk.4B
27- Ariete AMV

So… are they the absolute worst tanks in Top Tier? Not by far. Are they “the second best tanks”? Not by far, either. They are closer to the bottom than they are to the top.

They are just… average. And they could be so much more if they were not artificially nerfed so heavily.


Just because Italy gets a good tank doesn’t mean the arietes aren’t top tier tanks that are worse than M1A2s

Challenger 3 TD is by far the worst 11.7, should be 11.3 at most. How is it better than a Leclerc or Merkava?

It has nothing that toptier tanks must have.

The T-90M and CR3 being that high is criminal and the M1A2s, except for maybe the SEPv2, is also criminal.

I think the TKX and Type 10 should swap with the BVM and 90M. After that the M1A2 should swap with the CR3 and the M1A2 SEP should swap with the new place of the T-90M.

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y’all forgetting about the mbt-2000

I made this list before the mobility nerf, updated xD

It’s also still incredibly easy to play. I have recently mostly finished spading it and it took no effort to get it to a 60% WR and 1.8-2.0 K/D.

It should still be in the top half of the MBT list.

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That’s a little better. Still criminal how high the T-90M and how low the SEPv1 is.


Agreed! Gonna update

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appealing to personal experience is not a proof.

  1. Strv 122B+
  2. Leopard 2A7HU
  3. Leopard 2A7V
  4. Leopard 2A6
  5. Strv 122B
  6. Strv 122A
  7. Leopard 2A5
  8. Leopard 2 PSO
  9. T-90M
  10. M1A2 SEP
  11. M1A2
  12. M1A2 SEPV2
  13. T-80BVM
  14. Type 10
  15. TKX
  16. Leclerc SXXI
  17. Leclerc AZUR
  18. Challenger 2E
  19. Merkava Mk.4M
  20. Merkava Mk.4 LIC
  21. Merkava Mk.4B
  22. Ariete AMV
  23. WZ1001 (E) LCT
  24. ZTZ99A
  25. VT4A1
  26. Challenger 2 BN
  27. Challenger 3TD

this is very close to what I would have decided as well, but my only gaming experience is with M1A2, others I only have experience fighting against

T-80BVM > T-90M, so how’s a T-90M above a M1A2 SEP with the T-80BVM below it?

How’s a Leo 2A5 better than the M1A2 SEP?

How in seven hells is a Leopard 2A6 superior to a Strv 122?


You have yet to provide any proof yourself though.

As i said, soviet tanks have nothing that toptier tank must have. No armor, no reload, no elevation degrees, no homing speed, no reverse speed, only 3 crew members.

Seeing how everyone shares their rankings, this is my list (although I’m not completely happy with it):

  1. Strv 122B+
  2. Leopard 2A7V
  3. Leopard 2A7HU
  4. Strv 122B
  5. Strv 122A
  6. Type 10
  7. TKX
  8. M1A2 SEP
  9. Leopard 2A6
  10. T-80BVM
  11. Leopard 2A5
  12. M1A2
  13. Leopard 2 PSO
  14. T-90M
  15. M1A2 SEPV2
  16. Leclerc SXXI
  17. Leclerc AZUR
  18. Challenger 2E
  19. WZ1001 (E) LCT
  20. ZTZ99A**
  21. Merkava Mk.4M
  22. VT4A1
  23. Challenger 2 BN
  24. Ariete AMV
  25. Challenger 3TD
  26. Merkava Mk.4 LIC
  27. Merkava Mk.4B

** = ZTZ and WZ are a bit harder to rank with the upcoming “99A remake” on the leaklist and it’s unknown consequences.

EDIT: did an oopsy and forget to move the T-80BVM


The BVM armor is still pretty nice


you mean gun elevation speed? the BVM has one of the fastest gun elevation speeds at top tier iirc

same as above


actually the best ranking so far

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Reload doesn’t matter for either because you get out reloaded by everything, T-90M is the only top tier MBT with survivability even comparable to a Leopard 2. T-90M forward speed is poor, yes, but the survivability and armor make up for it.

So just in general, the T-90M is so high because of how easy it is to play.

Spall liner, better armor and no turret wing weak spot. Mobility is identical. M1A2 SEP has better thermals + better reload. It’s more of a trade off which is why they’re close on the list.

It has the L/55. Strv 122 has better hull armor. That’s why they’re right next to each other on the list. For example the Type 10 is higher than the TKX on my list even though they’re pretty much identical.

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