Is US top tier too weak

US is just the scapegoat of WT. Whenever there is balancing problem, it’s just “US MAINS ARE DUMB!!!111!1!!!” Like bitch I play other 5 nations at top tier so I can probably tell there is an issue with US top tier performance. But no, you get instantly booed here on forums and reddit and get death threats for raising the issue


meanwhile I despise the Russian military, Russian culture is fascinating though

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He didn’t need to

That thread title became it’s own meme for a while and several were made by others


And the other nations always get flak on reddit. It’s just the natural lifecycle.

Hell the Subreddit being so US central probably pushed more players from the other nations to here which in turn pushed more US players to the subreddit. Creating an endless cycle of echo chambers.

To be fair, I think that the US, or any other nations, would get a lot less flak if they:

  • Complained about the truely unbalanced vehicles like the Strv 122 and 2A7s instead of questionable tanks like the T-90M. (Although you will draw attention from the German and Swedish mains this way).

  • If some of the players would stop saying that the Abrams is clearly one of the worst MBTs in game, ranking it way below clearly worse MBTs.

I have been doing the former, calling out the 2A7s and Strv 122s. I don’t get much flak besides from the German and Swedish mains.


Almost every nations cultures are facinating and i have nothing against it.

But that doesnt gonna stop people hating from certain countries and Us is the number one in that case due to their strength.

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yea although even as an American the government and culture can be kinda f’ed up sometimes

I agree, but so does every other goverment and other cultures.

You got booed here because of some incredibly questionable takes. Like saying that the Abrams is the second worst tank in game, actually thinking it’s worse than the Merkava lol.


I think people should just be able to separate ingame vehicles and real life motives or politics.

I hate three certain governments in real life (NOT the people living in there, as most of them are not at fault for their governments’ issues and are, in many ocassions, victims of these on the first place) and I won’t detail on it because politics are precisely out of place on this game; because War Thunder is not a geopolitics game, it’s a war machinnery game.

So regardless of my real life opinion on these states, I can still play, enjoy and appreciate T-90M, T-80BVM, ZTZ-99A, VT-4A, Merkava Mk.4 or Namer, and want as many bug fixes for them as they may require- they are just machines. Pixel machines, at that. On a videogame.

That’s something people who hate the U.S can’t do. They can’t separate their real life hate from the ingame’s vehicles and even players.


Oh my apologies. I’m so delusional. It is the 3rd worst.

It’s at worst average. I love my M1A2s so I would personally rank them above average/good, but I can see why some people would only rank them average.

The problem is that the gap between average/above average/just good and Strv 122/2A7 level is absolutely massive.


i like how the same old arguments always come back on US topics, that already was been discussed and agreed for most ppl, that only cause the topic to derail and be ignored by mods/devs as an feedback topic.

Why so hard to ask some fixs on US as a nation in WT? Why ppl think is not a problem have 30% WR for a WHOLE nation? its not a single tank, or plane, or heli.

I dont care anymore what is the real source of the problem (which as already discussed multiple times on different topics that already was closed bc it got out of hands), i just want that SOMETHING to be done, and that is what gaijin isnt showing us no sign that is doing so.


That’s certainly a take. Not a particularly good one either when the Ariete and Merkava both exist.

Important to note that the UFP only functions so long you’re on a level plane with what’s shooting at you; if you’re on even slightly lower ground or if you’re driving down hill the autobounce is negated. (still at least it serves the role of simulating the shell shattering that it’s intended to do).

What’s funny about this change is it initially got M833 and a BR increase and did so fucking terrible at the new BR that Gaijin gave it M900 instead of dropping the BR back down. Then wound up having to push it up because M900 is just that silly of a round.

Please Gaijin give more US tanks M833


Otomatic good luck hitting anything further than 5k away


Thread was going absolutely fine until Stray_bulletsCze squeezed out his nuclear take of US being the second worst at top tier.


Both are equally as useless whats the argument ? You are not hitting Grippen in either of those. If anything at least Oto is more stealthy for killing helis.

You don’t seem to disagree on the issues bar the Abrams being 2nd worst (yet still being a joke compare to current meta)

hitting anything but helicopters


Ariete - worst
Challenger 3
Abrams M1A2
Leopard 2A7V
Leopard 2A7HU
Strv 122b - best


I disagree with the BVM being this low and the Type 10 and Abrams could either be swapped or share a place.

Beyond that I do somewhat agree.