Is US top tier too weak

Oh course if your trying to fully rely on their armor your gonna have a bad time, what matters is that if forces players to slow down and carefully aim instead of instantly snap shooting you which benefits you against the average player quite massively and even good players depending on your positioning within maps. My point of focus is that saying the t90m is “useless” is disingenuous at best

Yes T series can be crippled/killed with weak spots. So can every other tank? You make it sound like these weak spots are massive compared to what it faces and the armor can’t be utilized in any degree whatsoever

I can reply to you with my other older account if you want

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i always launch 2 (or even 3 depending the target) hellfires in sequence to make sure ill kill it, but as i said early, i suck with helis :(

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I launched two at this 2A7 too, but both were stopped by the armor xD

Mavericks are so much better…


But no the Apache doesn’t need a PARS equivalent lol


Also the missiles constantly fall off the sky, fall short, miss the targets, camera spazzes out for some reason when tracking…

U.S Ground and Helicopter grind has been nothing but a waste of time, effort, and even GE. Only their planes are worth anything.

Back to Germany, Sweden and Russia. I have had enough of this waste.


The feeling is the same, but i just stopped playing completely. Sure the game is fine and no change is needed (not only US bs)

I think WT is only relevant on market bc it dont have any competition

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Try to aim their roof armor.

Hull and Turret armor are capable of standing against Hellfires but if you target their roof armor it usually ends up getting one shot.

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The OH-58 and the AH-1Z are probably the most fun in my opinion, hellfire k at 10.3 for the warrior and high quality thermals at 9.7 for the AH1-Z

a few pointers

  • You’re way too close, Hellfires received missile physics on top of being Laser+IOG with loft which already performed weird when close range, Ideally you want to be 2.5km away from a launch but to avoid headbutting revenge SAMs at top tier you want to be more than 5km away.
  • Press Sight Stabilisation again when locked onto a target, this will change to reticule to a circle which will let you aim more precisely while keeping the target locked.
  • Use the AH-1Z instead

Although I’m not the best heli pilot, the Israeli AH-60 can be fun.

Problem is, the AH-60 is probably the only worthwhile vehicle in the Israeli top tier lineup lol.

They die from snap-shots too.

I never said that.

I said it’s a downgrade from the T-80BVM, which it is.
I also said it’s a glorified T-72B3, which it is.

And I said the armour upgrade between the T-90M and T-80BVM is irrelevant because you generally get shot through side armour, and if not, you get shot through the same weakspots that all of these vehicles feature.

Playing against them, I have no issues dispatching them.
Playing them myself, my opponents have no issues killing me when they have the chance to.

Never said that at all.

It can never be relied upon is what I said.

Relying on armour is a terrible idea at top-tier because it’s a passive advantage that relies on your opponent’s inability to memorize and hit weakspots, which is outside of your control.

That’s why I said the T-80BVM’s mobility ismore important as it’s an active advantage that the player can actively use to out-play opponents.

Firstly, that’s against the EULA.

Secondly, I could’ve seen that coming from a mile away: the infamous ‘‘my second account’’ argument.


At top tier, US helis have been dead for years at this point. Gaijin recently buffed the damage of AGM114s but never fixed the poorly modeled flight path of hellfire so their still garbage. They also are refusing to add AGM114Ls because muhhh goes through smoke. Idk why they can’t artificially nerf them to not go through smoke it’s pretty simple. I mean the KA50 can already shoot through smoke. With everyone rocking fire and forget at this point I never take out my US helis because it’s pointless. In the era of panstirs not having fire and forgets is a death sentence. Aside from the air tree gaijin has been neglecting US top tier for a while now.


Hellfire have like 3 times better damage than vikhrers.

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You don’t know about new shrapnel preset, right?


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Armor It has its uses in hull down spots and maps that aren’t straight up knife fights. In CQC nothing really matters accept except who can react and one shot the fastest or gets a gaijin moment and gets shit on in return. T90M has its uses

So this is how You are aiming Your vikhrs? No wonder You can’t do anything with them:

Always a one shot like that.

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Cool. Now show the real conditions of the average match in GRB, where the distance will be ~5km and the tanks will move. And there suddenly hitting the roof will be much more difficult and it will often take more than 1 try.

I'm not even talking that the test flight has a big altitude difference that favors you, which you won't have on most maps. The altitude of the tank relative to you will be more often like this.


I have done in multiple times in SB with Mi-28NM.

If I have time, I will record it for You.

Don’t try to talk to me like I haven’t been using this rockets and flying helis ;)


You started it…

I’ve done this a lot of times too with the ka52 in the grb. The problem is that you can see the roof 20-30% of the time. And even there, there’s a decent chance of not hitting it with the first missile if the tank is moving. The rest of the time you fly too low to aim the roof. However, the very need to aim the roof for a oneshot indicates that the missile’s damage is not particularly high. Hellfire for a oneshot is usually just need to hit the tank. Almost any part of the tank.

You can just send 4-5 replay links from GRB.