It certainly makes the use of most ordnance near impossible, and further is unmatched in various respects by a significant margin, and lacks a (hard of soft)counter and happens to be able to intercept ordnance which is a unique feature, among top tier TELARs.
Its not like various counters have been implemented, like HE warheads for rockets(e.g. M151 or M229 2.75" or Mk. 24 or Mk.63 for 5" rockets), Cluster bombs / dispensers, Anti-Radiation Missiles, GPS aided PGMs, Post-Release control capabilities, etc. especially with the inconstancy of The existing implementation of Electro-Optical seekers simply being non-functional or erroneously modeled, also being at a significantly higher BR to get access to things that even partially allow for a Pantisir to even be threatened, let alone at the potential encounter in a full up tier by 10.7 airframes that either have the AGM-65B or AGM-12B at best to compete.
Iron bombs (some arguments could be made to not include High drag kits in this) Napalm and rockets, MACLOS / SACLOS Missiles.
The only ordnance that can reliably be used against them are LGBs (AGM-65C & -65E / -65L are not presently implemented), which are only carried by all of three airframes (AV-8B+, F-14B, F-16C) in the context of the US Tree. all other guided ordnance requires the pilot to enter the Pantsir’s range to reliably track the target and permit F&F tactics, also pop up attacks require foreknowledge of the approximate location in order to minimize time spent within LOS, and even then F&F forget ordnance either glides and such is subsonic, or has very high drag and so can take 15~35 seconds to reach maximum range and as such provides ample opportunity to be intercepted or for Line of Sight to be broken, trashing the shot.
M1 turret ring/horizontal drive absorbing 3BM-60, proceeds to OHK me frontally.
Click Bait mantlet immune to 3BM-42, proceeds to OHK me frontally.
M1A1 AIM turret ring immune to 3BM-42.
Leo 2A4M mantlet immune to 3BM-42, proceeds to OHK me frontally.
Leo 2PL rear magically deflects 3BM-60, proceeds to OHK me frontally.
Merkava Mk3 turret front penned without literally a single piece of spalling, proceeds to kill me (through my UFP with an extremely poorly placed shot no less).
I think you’ll find that LGBs and TV/IR guided munitions are both very effective against them.
I should know given how many of them I’ve killed with PGMs from over 20km away.
A good player in a plane will run rings around a pantsir. The worst case scenario for the plane is that the pantsir player is in the top 0.01% and does absolutely everything right in which case you can still just ignore them and throw munitions at less aware people whilst staying out of the pantsirs scope.
Pantsir is the baseline for how effective SAMs should be for their given BR since it has the positive impact of punishing bad pilots and rewarding good pilots.
I really hate using the “skill issue” card, because it does invalidate a lot of good arguments made
However, it is the year of our lord 2024 and players have found ways to get around Pantsir’s for a while now. Not saying it’s easy, but in reality it shouldn’t be
I’ve seen many F-16C be able to space climb and drop on top of Pantsir’s where their viewing is minimized by the AOA
The main strength the US has is its CAS lineup, supplemented by a no where near “greatest” ground lineup, but its much better than half the nations you can play top tier with
I think the US top tier ground lineup both ground and air aspects are very much balanced, it really is the players that shit on the nation. The influx of one spawn clickbaits premiums hasn’t helped that either
The tanks it faces are more balanced between each other. That’s just my opinion tho. 10.0/10.3 is better, aside from pulling up 9.0/9.3 into hell itself.
the other abrams could have the same ring… as i test it stop gepard, bmp and (on your video) puma. it would already help and, the same time, would maintain consistency between models
it wouldnt be the same correct values as irl, but it would be a step forward
I’ll take a T-80U or T-80BVM over a Challenger 2 any day.
Though I don’t play the Merkava or Ariete series, I suspect I’d enjoy the T-80BVM over those too.
It is pretty typical however that I’ve been grinding Russia these past days and only manage a few 8 kills games, then when I switch to my M1A1 I get a 17 kills Nuke match, reminding me how much better than thing is than anything else I play.
So tanks from before that time don’t get those upgrades therefore the vehicles currently in game are accurately modeled since they are from 1979, 1984 and 1986 respectively (M1, M1IP, M1A1).
1- Look, anyone who has any sense realizes that you getting 10 kills with 0 deaths in 4 games averaged less than 3 per game. Meaning you probably sat off somewhere and waited for kills and weren’t of much use to your team. Those games were won or lost off the backs of probably 50% of your team, not including you. Like how most games are lost or won after the 1Dl’ers are gone. I would imagine the replay would show as much if someone actually went and looked. K/D isn’t really a good metric. It’s a piece of a picture.
I mentioned this early on when I originally posted the point about being able to perform well in the vehicle over a small amount of games that it was a non point, if you want to argue that it is a non point you’re just agreeing with me.
2- You do also realize you didn’t actually take shots to your turret ring right lol? “I have a 50mm turret ring, I got shot 4x in it and only 1 penned.” No, you in fact did not get shot in the turret ring. Otherwise it would have penned, 50 caliber rounds can almost pen it.
I looked through the replay and from what I saw the shots were aimed at the turret ring. I’ve had shots bounce off of Panther sides with enough penetration to overmatch almost five times. it’s not out of the realm of possibility that the turret ring managed to bounce a shot, on top of that I’m pretty sure most .50 caliber rounds (M2) max out around 26mm which is nowhere near enough to almost pen anything roughly 50mm.
And 3- You’re still using ad hominem and you’re still strawmanning when possible to reframe discussions in a way you can argue. Congratulations that you potentially attack him directly less, but you clearly straw man everyone more.
In most cases you get the respect you give, he admitted he didn’t care what I had to say and no amount of asking him to be civil will change that so in response I just disengaged since he cares more about responding to me than contributing to the discussion, I’d just rather be the better man in this instance and not fuel that fire.