Is the Tornado GR.1 worth it?

I think Gaijin just be hating on the British with it, with quite literally everything.

Agreed with that.

Though I am hoping for cluster bombs in the not too distant future and then after that, hoping for JP233s

I don’t know enough about cluster bombs to have an opinion on them.

Should be good for hitting things like Battlefields and Convoys in SB

You’d have to be careful with the battlefields because of the friendlies there

Yeah, but usually enough of a spread between them, and not that big of a radius on the cluster bombs.

I suppose that’s true, I don’t think they’ll be coming for a while though

Just as a little tip btw I don’t know if anyone mentioned but the PGM’s can also be used against plane’s since they have an engine in them :D, Also if your going for a ship I suggest taking the laser pod with you and lasering the ship as otherwise it will glide over but every time I lase it hits precisely where I want it to :) (Its a 50/50 whether it will glide over the mast of the ship or not btw from what I have seen)

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I’m going to doubt their reliability in this

I might go for a ship or two, but I’m not good with this laser guided stuffs

Its pretty simple dw, Sim is more fun to do it with also as you can pick the map you want so I normally picked something like the english channel which has ships. Basically bind your laser key and make sure you stay high and try to slow down so you dont pass over the target to fast, Turn laser on and lock it then once you cant move the crosshair on the PGM its locked and you can fire, with bombs just try to do a little dive till it says “Point” next to the bombs in the top left then just sit back and watch the fireworks 😌 Also if you do want to try the PGM against aircraft I suggest the daily arcade mode for planes perfect place to practice :) (If your using the Tgt pod instead of the actual missile sight it will also say something in the top left to show its locked to ofc)

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