Is it me or does Ground RB boring right now? (Poll)

That’s how they make money. It’s an incredibly dumb way to make money since you are incentivizing and funneling poorly experienced and arrogant players who know nothing but claim they do and then go off to make approved suggestion posts or lazily make a “SUGGESTION” thread.

Cause often or not when you look at some of these “Suggestion” threads, and if you strip to their core elements is nothing more but them whining that they are performing poorly. Despite folks telling them case after case after case to go find someone who can help.

Half and half. Personally do not have issue with them.

Before people blame prem players, level 100 accounts and content creators are guilty of this. Some players will abandon a match just cause they do not like a nation they are teamed up with.

Having a higher reward and progressing “too fast” is the same as buying in a prem without having the experience.

For everything else, I heavily stopped caring for GRB when the tactical gameplay was removed. Right now I feel there is no reason to play to the strengths of a specific vehicle as most maps are forced linear into a cqc / MOUT play towards the cap.

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Ya thats my bad wording. I meant Tank destroyers lack sniping making them less effective.

True ill admit im guilty too despite having plenty of lineups

Every top tier grb game today was small teams, players are getting sick of the imbalance and small maps. Heck i get bigger maps with reserve tanks lol

I think this video explains how I feel pretty well


bruh. why is he putting the tiger down there? That thing was way to much fun. Its got relatively good speed great armor and a decent gun. It was more powerful before it moved up in br but it still does pretty good

Some good, some bad.

Getting flanked is 80% a skill issue, and just because you are in a heavy tank, doesn’t mean you can’t flank. He is also wrong about heavy tanks being bad, and did he hint at Germany suffering? However, he is 100% correct about CAS being too good.

The entire objective system feels outdated, and it could be much better. This is probably one of the main reasons why GRB can get stale.

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The tiger isnt that hard to kill. The Sherman and hellcats can easily kill it thanks to the small corridor matches meaning the tiger will just get the gun and tracks out shot out. Or pen the front if it isnt angled

Small corridor maps benefit heavy tanks and similar vehicles. They take away flanking possibilities, and allow their stronger armour to be more effective.

It only is if the player knows what they are doing, which is uncommon.

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Been playing more air recently find the skill ceiling here to be endless. While in ground you hit the ceiling fast and it just becomes a very long and arduous journey to learn maps and posistioning which can be really frustrating process.

Lack of teamwork element in ground kills it too

For me it is just boring as it is the same gameplay as it was at the start.

I much more prefer old maps like karelia or ash river over new ones. At the moment I’m just leveling up my crew in USA and found joy in 6.7 B.R. as it is the best for USA (same as 6.3, 7.0 and probably 6.0).

6.7 is a fine BR all around. My favourite gameplay wise is from 3.0 - 7.0.

Top tier is very tiresome…unfortunately I feel compelled to play it to finish my trees thanks to the RP penalties…

When it comes to 6.7, USA fits my playstyle the best, same for 6.3 and 7.0.

When it comes to top tier, it is just boring for me.

Edit: Can’t wait for that video/replay ;).

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EVERY GAMEMODE is fucking call of duty deathmatch with slight irrelevant objective.

All the fucking time.

There are some mad and interesting vehicles at 6.7 for the USA.It is quite funny.I am getting on with the Pershing better than I thought I might.

I am finding Israel at 7-8 a real chore.Painful grind and old slow tanks vs fast tank busters that I can t hit even if I see them.It is little to no fun.I am getting a few 3rd and second places occasionally but little enjoyment.I thought higher tier might be more tactical but it’s the same maps(Finland 5 times in a row) and just long distance sniping with CAS too fast for the SPAA.

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yeah theyre more interesting even if more unbalanced

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Took almost a month off from playing decided to play today,

1st game = 3/4 of our team gone to the other team only one player left.
2nd game = full uptier and we got smashed started with the other team having one more extra player.
3rd game = once again 3/4 of the team leaves to the other team only one leaving.
4th game = full uptier.

Yep that was enough taking another month off.


I was having a good game at 6BR with the Panther F dueling with other WW2 tanks and my frontal armour and positioning doing well.In rolls the 2S1 and just ruins it.
Try another game and having fun as WW2 vs WW2 ,me being in an unmodded vehicle,along comes the M109 and ruins it again. Being taken out by fantasy 60 and 80s artillery that makes a mockery of WW2 vehicles and makes you wonder why the hell you are evn bothering.If I stay at 6BR I fear another month off. .

So yes it is just new devs smashing down the amazing things the old devs built and the game going down the shitter as a result.

It’s tiresome ,I would love for the dev who thought it would be a good idea to crap over 6br with 80s artillery spam to come on here and justify his/her appalling action.You killed your own game.

I would not say the game is boring but elements of the game are boring.Having my gun shot out is tiresome and makes me switch off.If we are to have a long range gun battle then let’s do it but leave me a gun ffs .

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