Yes but the individuals have to know what their doing. and to my past experience most people have no idea what they are doing
Oh, ,I remember that useless video.
“Speed tanks are best.” is nonsense, and a take from inexperience.
I haven’t been on a corridor match using heavy tanks in months at this point. On top of that, heavies do better in CQC than light tanks.
There are other BRs and skill makes up for full uptier… Especially for ground where uptiers aren’t as punishing as air.
I wish people would stop thinking that lights are the best, or that heavies are the worst because both are untrue. It all depends on the situation and how good the player is.
To be fair, uptiers don’t always feel fair in GRB. It is quite annoying to only ever tanks better than yours at certain BRs.
I went to 6BR to modify the Panther F which I had never played.Played a few games to get the mods but mindful for an unspaded tank.I did well ,just by finding a good spot and using frontal armour as most would.I found I did well against vehicles from a similar era.I took hit from them and we had some good long distance battles all went as I felt it should from 3 years in.
When I did get killed one shot from the front ,it was always from a tank I felt I shouldn’t even be facing ,M109 or even the T34 to a degree.Kind of makes me feel deflated, frustrated and somewhat cheated.A real shame it goes this way.Playing 7 or 7.3 what ever is even more stupid.I just dont get anything from it.
Odd as I can take a full uptier lower down where everything seems to fit the canon and despite what any era haters may say it is a WW2 era.
So while the game may not be boring ,the Era mix at 6-7 BR is boring and the old “Oh somebody shot my gun pout with one shot” routine certainly makes me switch the game off.No gun ,no participation, might as well leave.One every 6 or 7 games fine but 4 times a game every game? BS
Indeed I enjoy fighting fully stabilized, lrf, fin sabot, thermal vehicles in my 7.7 tanks with solid shot and autoloader and no fancy gadgets
I enjoy all Br ranges and its still super fun for me, just burnt out at the moment that a few games will get me bored lol But eventually Ill start playing more often again. I do take breaks from WT for some months or so.
The reason it’s boring for me and I play arcade in the first place is because of the sheer amount of cheaters, I’d rather play with no anticheat and maybe 2-4 lobotomite idiots aimbotting through trees than play against 1 chinese guy who goes 20-0 in the first 5 minutes
As someone who plays tons of GRB, I almost never see cheaters. All of my deaths can be explained by then being normal gameplay.
yea aa doesn’t get enough rewards
Do you play CIS/EU servers? There’s at least one Chinese lvl 9 guy per match in GRB and he always knows exactly where you are.