So many issues could be fixed with better maps (and design for those maps, like how spawn points work)
ehhhh, I see where you’re coming from, but it’s better than bloody Arcade. Balance CAS, (or nerf it), and I don’t see much of an issue. Just find the Line Up that gives you the most joy and play that. (HINT: Swedish Light Tanks are so unbalanced it’s fun)
And expanding: Red line rubbish AND “column” maps need to go.
Having a map be nothing else but 3 capture points in a straight line kind of removes a good deal of counter play around “Point A is defended? I go push point C to force enemy to come over or deal with losing points.”
I don’t fully agree. They give a team a way to push forward, and they generally have better flanking opportunities. I think that Normandy has gotten way worse now that the caps are all spread out. It spreads the team out too much.
Real and True.
Still waiting for a ground vehicles-only mode, so sick of getting bombed by space bomber or helicopter that launch missiles from 500km away
TLDR: When players realize that WT is nothing but playing the same game over and over again with slight changes in their “characters”.
The higher up you get the more boring it get I feel.
Often the maps are too small, even though there are perfectly workable large scale versions of the maps available. It has gotten better but for some reason we are still playing on the arcade maps.
Many of the maps, even with the redesign are so badly done that you can get killed in your own spawn from the enemy spawn.
High BR games get reduced to 1 spawn matches, both because of people leaving, but also because it gets impossible to play ground vehicles due to smart bombs and missiles after your first vehicle.
And the matches are often end too abruptly to accomplish a comeback due to the odd ticket calculation that is not scaled to the current map, even in lower BR brackets.
Suggestion: Introduce Enduring conflict for ground forces where the different vehicle types can actually fulfill their roles without stepping on each others toes or feeling OP.
what makes grb boring, for me, mainly, is the ODLs… it complete remove the competitiveness of the match or the excitement of a close match.
There are cases where the last 3-5 of each team stay until the end and the match becomes fun and challenging, but if ODL simply didn’t exist i think this would be much more common.
As I said in another topic, ODL exists due to a number of factors/problems (which, frankly, gaijin itself has introduced into the game). So its hard to solve without fundamentally changing some of the games mechanics
The other things that dont help the game either: balancing and maps
Remember, there will never be top tier premiums!
Boring, mainly because of new premium players who leave after their first death, or bring in a m22 to top tier, its annoying and not worth playing when majority of ur team leaves after the first death.
And there were not, until the last year or so because the devs explicitly said they will be changing this policy as a side effect of the economy rework. Nothing underhanded is going on with this.
Actually, the new setup is better anyway as we no longer have the top-BR-but-lower-Rank premiums, which were a bit questionable and also much worse for players because they were artificially locked out of researching a rank they should really be able to research.
This doesn’t make sense since you contradicted yourself. Tank destroyers do well when flanks get removed because of strong frontal armour on a lot of them. Light tanks suffer the most from removal of flanking options.
This is a symptom of slowly coming to the realization that the game is bad.
It is designed to pump and dump players and once you have nothing to grind for, when you have experienced it all and all you have left is grinding out the same experience in different trees maybe, you realize that frustration is monetized not gaming experience.
This event together with reaching top tier in both ground and air has made me realize what I am wasting my time on. And it won’t get better. When it has progressively gotten worse in the past years.
Boring as sht
the difference map with same playing style CQC force me to play only MBT sometimes i wanna play light tanks something with advanced Thermal and optics at long range but since tanks like that had no armor and advanced optic are pointless in CQC when you don’t need them anyways
And CQC can lead to CAS problem because people can rush cap get a kills and boom there goes full CAS load out within 2min
yes because of the maps, some of the maps are just biased to one side.
Promising one thing, making a 180° turn because you wrote about it, doesnt make it acceptable.
I still enjoy the game ,it is just getting harder and harder to enjoy it. It feels like a game that is winding down though.
It’s fun, but I can’t help but lose my shit playing it.
At top tier it is hard relax and enjoy the game.I find the game opens up after a while but then it end’s. Games are too short