Is it me or does Ground RB boring right now? (Poll)

-Most maps feel the same with a different visual theme.
-Tank destroyers and non lolpen light tanks feel useless since most maps lack flanks and sniping spots.
-Brawling gets boring after the 50th time
-CAS is too op. AA isn’t rewarded enough
-There are many one death leavers making the game last 10 minute (even at lower BR’s)
-Rewards are non-existent. I got a 7 kill, 8 kill assist game with a 150% rp booster and premium only to get 10k rp.

I feel like this makes Ground RB boring and that’s a shame since there are a lot of tanks I wanna play but I don’t feel like playing this game if Ground RB feels like I’m doing the same thing 90% of the time. It also just leaves me quitting a match before is starts if I get a bad map like Test Site or Seversk. But this is just my opinion. What do you think?

  • Yes, Its boring
  • No, Its fun
0 voters

It’s been getting progressively worse, my theory is due to the increasing amount of players who aren’t willing to learn, just buying their way through trees one premium at a time but it’s gotten to a point where I can’t enjoy myself because of the teammates and enemies I am matched with, even at top tier, a space meant for those who grinded their way up to it and was a really fun space up until the addition of the rank 7 ground premiums, single handedly ruining the MM and experience overnight.


It’s boring, but you and I aren’t on the same page on why.


1- I haven’t had this issue cause I have the primary map offender banned [Seversk].
2- I haven’t gotten a no-flank map recently.
Got Iberian Castle and Poland with top USA, two maps with a ton of flanking options.
3- Well this isn’t team death match, it’s capture the point. Capture the points will always have brawling.
4- Despite top CAS being the only OP CAS, I didn’t see any in my recent sessions for some reason.
5- Player issue.
6- Rewards are weighted with air RB: 1 frag in air RB is the equivalent of 3 in ground RB.

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  1. Your lucky
  2. Again lucky for good map rotation.
  3. Thats not the point a lot of small city maps require CQC. Besides on good designed maps, you can flank a point and not have to brawl there.
  4. Low rank cas can be very op due to how low the SP requirments are. For example all i have to do is rush a cap, j out and take my F4U-7 with 114x rockets. Also not many people spawn first AA
  5. Maybe Gaijin should encourage players to spawn again by giving rewards for doing so
  6. Still 7 kills, 8 assist, prem account, 150% rp booster should give 20k rp.

7 frags is the equivalent to 2 frags and a few ground targets bombed in air RB.
People don’t expect 20,000 from that performance as-is.

Agreed. Those things don’t make it boring, they make it less good.


Good for you. It is an ungodly large percentage of my matches for some reason. It is so, so common.

Iberian castle is kinda meh. Flanking routes are instantly shut down by anyone wit thermals, or who pays attention. You also can’t flank the point in the castle due to it funelling you into the enemy team.

Thermals can’t see through buildings and walls.

On Iberian Castle, one flank consists entirely of trees, and the other nearly doesn’t exist due to how hard the map border is, and how close it is to the capture point.

It just doesn’t allow you to approach the cap points from more than a couple angles.

There are dozens of flanks.
Flank =/= open field.
Streets, alleys, etc. Anything that breaks line of sight with the enemy that allows you to get to their rear.
In some cases you don’t even need to break line of sight.

I think it is time the forum bosses made it so posts about top, high tier and low tier are separate and identified as we have almost two different games .Not sure if you mean low tier ,top or the game in general.

I just played five or six games as Sweden at 4BR to do battle pass objectives and it was fun mostly.Really enjoyed it.Nice varied selection of vehicles and varied maps this time around.Only so many times you can do it though.Without any need or desire to grind the thing becomes pointless.

Maps are the biggest pain for me right now.One big fun killer I have noticed is getting trapped on rocks and in ditches.Having to abandon the tank without even seeing the enemy.Finland and Karelia are bad for this.

That red line rubbish has to go ,getting timed out and destroyed for crossing a boundary is BS .Holland is a map ruined by this.Who took so much time to make that map only for some other Gaijin asshat to come along and wave the red pen all over it? Must have led to a fight in the office : )

The narrow maps mean many tanks in your line up are useless I agree and again it is one person at Gaijin destroying what another employee created.Baffling activity.

The game is old and repetitive but Gaijin wont change it as long as it makes them money and they play up to the dumbest players,I can only imagine this has to be working for them or why else would they do it?

I do see the bad points of this game getting defended on this forum by those who really are not too bright : )

All I can say is to me now this is a fifteen minute game not the all day,all night game it used to be.
Maybe it just takes a while to see it for what it is .I think by dumbing down the maps Gaijin removed a layer of veneer from what is basically pixel shaped tanks fighting over 3 diamond shapes A,B, and C,now we can see the game for what it really is,just a very simple shooter no different from an 80s video game.

It has diminished its own importance and addictive nature by removing immersion.


GRB has always been boring to me. Its balance sucks, the gamemode design (the objectives) sucks and the map design sucks.

I tried, I really did, to get into Ground more. But it has so many problems that it needs a total overhaul. Not too mention the grind is awful.


I find Air boring beyond belief.The game is so basic ,it is little more than an excuse for a dogfight.Not really suited to console either.It really is a painfully repetitive game with zero immersion.Had more fun with Air games on the Amiga way back when.

Which is why my main gamemode these days in Air Sim. Way more fun than RB. Though wouldnt say no to more objectives and stuff for that gamemode as well.

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This is severely oversighted. I might tolerate most of ground’s core problems if progression was as quick as air to avoid the purchase of premiums if you can pull of some decent performance.


This description beyond 11.7 becomes pretty much a flawed stereotype.


Yeah, if the ground grind was even close to air. I’d have not had as frustrating a time with it as I have had and might even consider another nation (as britain does suck quite badly) but I wont even begin to entertain that idea.

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I mainly mean Ground RB in general. I think ARB is ok but GRB needs some fixing imo.

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I have read much of what you write on here,I just feel guys like you deserve so much more for the effort you put in.

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I stumbled into GRB thinking it was so much more than it turned out to be.
That is easy to do in the bottom 3 or 4 BRs. It is mostly WW2 and seems like Germany vs USA or Russia.
As you play more you find its just a somewhat mindless mix of anything and everything.The Decals,the camos even the teams and tech trees mean nothing as its all thrown together in an unintelligent fashion on random unrelated maps. The immersion is gone by 5 for sure,earlier if you play UK and finished off by 6-7 BR.Very hard to take the game seriously later on because it seems like the game makers don’t themselves.


It’s all subjective per each person and I’m not going into autismo detail right now but one of my big pet peeves are that all the maps are piss-poor design.

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