Is it April fools time already? (Eastern Europe, is it even a map anymore?)

Always has been.



Dude I wrote a analysis of the post, extra for you.
And you didn’t even read it.
What are you on about?

You are wrong.
You remember how they cut off Sands of Sinai?

This is how it used to look.
Remember it.


Your previous post was answered by my previous posts, which is why I didn’t address the bulk of it cause I’d just be repeating myself.
And yes, I remember that CQC version of Sands of Sinai.
Removing the CQC portion opened up 3+ flanking routes.

There was no question needed to be answered in my post.
It was to help you read and to understand.
Should I make another post explaining my post explaining OPs post to you?
Are you that dense?

P.S. those are questions that can be answered.

P.P.S. A humble request only for the eyes of Wisla

please draw into the map the QCQ and these 3 new flanking routes.
I am failing to see the QCQ on the hill.

@DiamondCraftLP I already understood what his post was doing, and my response was a critique of the method.

As for your question.
Red = Old no-go zones.
Green = New safe routes.

Too far it need to be closer to each team

  1. Mods aren’t devs, and their opinions do not reflect the devs (pacifica explained this in other posts)
  2. They aren’t wrong. Long range maps in war thunder are like what they described due to awful map design.
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American desert. They made it flatter on the side near the train, which removed cover when flanking. On the other side of the map, they cut out a hill area that was a great flanking route. Now it is a rock close to the houses which forces frontal engadgements.

Even tho I agree with the change, a flank on Sand of Sinai was removed and the map was made smaller.

The Low Br version of Vietnam was added, and it moved one cap point to the very edge of the map, preventing flanking. (unless they changed it)

On Carpathians, a flank along the east edge of the map was removed.

I’ve gone A side far more often as the South Spawn ever since the map was changed.
Without the threat of North side enemies being protected below the train rail, it’s a nice tactic to use.

Sands of Sinai was not made smaller, the map just shifted west by 1 square.

I’ve never seen people use that route, which I never considered a flanking route, cause it exposes you to A side snipers.

Dunno about low BR Vietnam, I just know they improved it at some point and I enjoy it in its current state not having to go as far in my Tiger II…

AlvisWisla is a forum troll just look at any of his posts he always opposes the opening statement regardless of what it says.


To tell the true i strongly agree with you. If this and similar updates go live, i suspect, much more player leave the game. War Thunder used to be a good game, but past 2 years updates which caused the current state, makes me this game more bad.

I not understand, if the road map garbage and cause lot of problem why they follow it?
Why not stop rethink and update it based on previous experience?
Who constructed the road map which contain similar updates? Because if developers follow it blind, Warthunder enter the dead games cementery…
Thats the punishment, because lot of player against APHE changes???

We all love the game that was the reason why we discuss diffent topic in forum to HELP development and drop every RED FLAG if something not good for us.

Now i DROP a RED FLAG. This is an update which nobody requested. OR This idea requested a lemming who rushed into middle point and flanked by a Churchill tank and it rage and complain. Other hand i also suspect developers/map designers never play on his own work, or againts bots, because the map upgrades which we got, lot of players not satisfied…


[POLL] Revert back the maps change to original for RB/SB - Game Discussion / General Discussion - War Thunder — official forum

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So your post is claiming that Uebermacht is supporting the changes… and you call us the trolls for opposing the changes to the map.

Most players want APHE changed to be more accurate.
The changes are not a nerf.

To tell the true i missed the vote end because im on holiday, so i wrote it based on my last experienceus and when i last checked ~50% / sides the vote. If they want it i not mind. The idea i support also but not the form which gajin described on his topic because thats a nerf not a realistic update. I just repeat myself:


"This new mechanism very rudimentary, thoughtless and inaccurate. Too many factors are not taken into account during implementation.

Shell drop his fragment around a 360 degree sphere after the explosition, not only to some circular article with different strength… not to talk the fragments got ricochet innerside after explosion. That is the reason why old/current APHE inner damage more accurate.

What not implemented which make it accurate:
-inner explosition caused wave/pressure: which able to stun crews or wounded them

-Explosion caused heat: also harmfull for crew members… heat air able melt lungs or cause crew inner fire damage and if it not kill them able to stun/knock out them OR set fire electric or non metal inner part, or crew members clothes…machine gun ammo paper charges and HE shells.

-Toxis gas from explosition like Co, Co2…etc also harmful for crew explosion is a chemical process with end product(s).

-fragments got ricochet innerside after explosion

-Shells not broken in same piece every time. They have different size shrapnels every time.

-Shrapnels able to work like as a “flipper ball” inside the tanks thanks to his big speed from explosion and able to would multiple crew member.

This function also want to implement to be more accurate or not? Because with this make the new mechanism 90-100% realistic accurate…

Current images not show it… current modell implement fragment spread more accurete without some earlier mentioned details…

If it implemented need a huge rebalance vehicles BR. It have a huge effect to lot of low and mid tier tanks examples from many: basically DOOM tutel(T95),Tortoise, Tigers vs Jumbo. T-34 got buff while others nerfed like shermans and PZ4 serie. Panthers become useless, M26, Super Persing lost from his firepower, T-54 serie lost his firepower and suffer from HEAT-FS and APDS one shots. Solid AP shells still as a laser shots while APHE ammo nerfed ,caused lower damage and not able to stun or perform one shot while with solid AP can. Just think a bit throught shell exploded and the fragments only wound crew instead of kill. Added the huge opportunity to enemy to shot back, casue unfair moments.

For an APHE ammo it’s a nerf with less inner damage. APHE lost his ability, after the implementation but from previous updates experience and i m afraid it will contain a lot of bug and cause lot of gajin moments…

We have an opportunity to select between this half realistic modification (not contain: explosive caused pressure, heat, and toxic smokes) or the current working balanced modification."

Alvis is a bit of a troll. best to ignore him.

Same, although I don’t hate the Game but Gaijin themselves.

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There are 4 facts about APHE after changes:
1- APHE will still cause overpressure identically.
2- Shell will gain a new fragment irrelevant of the vote that’s rather large.
3- Shell fragmentation will change from a perfectly spherical fragment pattern to a spherical fragment patter with biases.
4- Spalling pattern will not change.

AKA, it’s a change. Stops fragments from hitting Tiger loaders on cupola shots.

War thunder maps in 3 years:


To how they implement idk, but some comment:
“1- APHE will still cause overpressure identically.” -if the HE filter enought hight HE filter >110g
2-3-4: and in APHE pattern they missed the lot of shrapnels from from penetration caused damage it would be same as a non APHE ammo case.

“AKA, it’s a change. Stops fragments from hitting Tiger loaders on cupola shots.”
This change a bit unrealistic.Crew member sit close to each other and if not the shrapnels the pressure and exploded caused heat kill and wound them. When the HE filter <~110g the pressure not working…

Also it able to happend: when the APHE penetrate the cupola and stopped by the opposite part of cupola is trapped. Based on fuse delay it able to start falling down and explode in tanks turrent, not in cupola… especially when hit the cupola lower part… or in this case also not able to knock out loader and other turrent crew member?..who knows…

But now please focus on map concept topic not APHE realated changes.

War Thunder Gameplay 2025 concept leak:


No it was not.

You edited it to fit your narrative.

Now it looks like decent criticism, I give you that.

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