Is it April fools time already? (Eastern Europe, is it even a map anymore?)

This can’t be real? I really can’t belive this?

Bridges on eastern europe gone. Map cut in half.

You vill drive frontally at ze enemy and you vill like it!


I don’t want to be that negative towards the developement team, war thunder is a great game and i love it, but changes like this make you think if they all have forgotten what this game once was. This map is very old, and incooperates the roots of war thunder. Why the change?


Soon we’ll see maps where we have very very specific roads and ways to take, like Gaijin wants us to play in a very specific way.

I’m the opposite. I want to be negative towards the Development Team, War Thunder used to be a GOOD not great and the current state makes me hate this game.


I wonder when they’ll add reguarly spawning waves of ai tanks that move down 1-3 paths towards the centre of the map. Interspersed along those paths should be maybe 2 towers that shoot at said tanks and players that get too close. Instead of capturing objectives you instead need to kill those towers to advance and then take out a main base near their spawn point.

Perhaps also add some sort of in-match currency that allows you to buy various upgrades for your tank.

but they might have to reduce the team sizes to only be 5v5 for it to work properly


I don’t think any of us like being overly negative. But its REALLY REALLY HARD not to be with such awful decisions. We all love the game and if we are speaking here have spent thousands of hours playing.

This change genuinely feels like a dev played one match and got killed by the same hellcat three times in a row in the same spot and decided to make it our problem


My personal hot take is that the changes won’t really affect the gameplay, but I am 100% against them due to it not needing to be changed.

Just why? Who asked for this (no one probably), and why was it done to a map that was supposedly well liked by the community.


hey ive seen this one before



Yeah this was an unnecessary change

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Problem is that doing this would require actual good map design.

If one looks at old dota 2 gameplay (6.80s), most of it was rattimg and flanking through a jubgle of side paths.

We dont have that anymore in warthunder.


Just play russian amphibious vehicles then, which is what Gaijin wants.


might as well add a Hallway as a map

same thing

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I bet they will cover it in red “no go area” on top of removing bridges, to really make sure nobody gets over there.


The map changes certainly need to be reverted.

Your post however is very messy.

The beginning of your post you’re correctly criticizing the bad map change.
Then in the later half your post is a fake image in the main body that will just do nothing…
We already oppose the changes, and there’s no reason to provide false images of the damage to those of us on the forum; a strawman if you will.

Maps in a near future

Captura de tela 2024-09-01 071426


You’re not a developer, so we’re safe from your COD maps.

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How is it that I am autistic and I have an easier time comprehending mocking, satire and ironic statements?

How in the world can you, responding to every thread and practically living on this forum to defend whatever gaijin does, lack the experience with basic posting conventions to recognize basic satire?

Where in the nine bloody hells did you even get the idea that “Ubermacht” is asking for the second part of their post?


Tell me.

I seriously want to learn because I’m amazed by the utter obliviousness.


You’ll buy the premium packs and you’ll be happy


My post is a critique of their post.
Meanwhile you claim that F-16D Barak and I are defending Gaijin? LOL!

We’re critics, dude.

How is criticizing Eastern Europe anywhere close to “defending Gaijin”?
Your post reads like you look down on the WT playerbase for seeking improvement of War Thunder…

Their post has made an active satirical remark that gaijin is trying to turn WT into Call of Duty.

You accuse them of wanting to turn warthunder into call of duty.

Also what the hell are you even talk about? What is an F-16D barak? Are you having a stroke perchance? I’d recommend grabbing the phone and calling 911 in that case rather than posting incomprehensible messes onto a forum.


You have done nothing of the sort, in 2 of these threads rightfully shaming the changes to eastern europe I have seen you glorifying the changes and defending gaijin, while failing to recognise the obvious jokes,
This image is a satirical depiction of what I call pinball thunder, the usage of red borders to completely segment and ruin maps, it seems we are regressing away from complex and interesting maps just to appease dribblers like you who are content with anything gaijin puts out.

Negative criticism is healthy and that’s all these threads are providing, sprinkle in some community frustration and you get funny memes and comments that seemingly fly over your head…