Is it April fools time already? (Eastern Europe, is it even a map anymore?)

I was angry at the fake image and wrote the initial post poorly.
The initial post exclusively addressed the OP’s post without addressing him.
The post still exclusively addresses the OP’s post but with my stance I’ve had for multiple days now added on.
I couldn’t easily word my anger earlier and I apologize for that.

My only narrative is the same one 3000+ people share: Revert the changes.

But what if they didn’t edit it and it was genuinely the person not understanding the point that was being raised?

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Then they’re not here for discussion, and they shouldn’t be participating if they aren’t able to do so.

I encounter this commonly, so ummm, yea… What?

Again, I encounter this on the forum on the regular, and people complain about me responding to these sorts of people and act like I’m the bad guy…

(Edit - Not the bad guy)

The biggest thing is my reflexes go ahead of my thoughts sometimes and that causes issues for my wording.
Thus sometimes major misunderstandings, and when I find the correct words later I put in those words into the post that I made error on as I feel guilty for my mistake.

VonMarder’s post seems to assume everyone is malicious when mistakes are made.

Meanwhile I’m just mistake prone when it comes to typing, historically speaking; and still have issues to this day.
Practice makes better tho.

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Its what the Forum looks like to me half the time lol…

I think people need to take a Chill Pill… If some have a persona Dispute with someone, then take to PM…

And since it is a nonsensical Topic, may as well end it here anyway…

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