Is it about time to start merging all of these whinge and moan threads, and finally make a stance on them?

Actually not, because from my pov (this time based on your Air RB stats) my assumption regarding PvE / PvP seem to be adequate too. But imho that doesn’t matter in the broader context.

Although i fully agree with your opinion that most of these “complain threads” are baseless, but imho they are just a result of several developments in Western civilizations affecting mostly younger players.

They grew up and learned that it is much easier to complain long and loud enough to get obstacles removed instead of dealing with them or to master them. That’s why social media content (with very rare exceptions) is dominated by this Kumbaya attitude and any obstacles have to be answered with a shitstorm leading to cancelling everything what forces them to think or learn - different views are classified as racist or nazi.

Regarding evidence:

I posted in the “cloud issue” evidence why fighting in heavy clouds with prop planes is highly unrealistic, maybe you didn’t saw it because i used a spoiler:

WW2 & weather

So during WW2 low cloud ceilings, fog or 9/10 clouds prevented mostly single engine fighters to take off - and even if the cloud ceiling was high enough for a take-off, the conditions prevented safe landings as the pilot training was not good enough to return to base (or even find it)

The rather limited fuel load was not enough to perform a mission and to allow long searches for your airfield, leaving ground level variations aside.

In addition you can’t compare irl to wt due to various reasons.

The total absence of any squadron tactics in wt is just a little part of it - so as a single engine fighter you (almost) always flew as a part of formation in order to protect each other - so even if the squadron took off in “bad weather” their goal was also to break through clouds as a formations due to this.

Last but not least - the weather played a much more important role in the ETO during than most guys are aware off, so as the weather in Europe is mainly coming from the West there, the 8th AF could time their missions that way that they had good conditions to take off (imho there is no such thing as good weather in the UK) doing some BTO (Bombing Through Overcast)sorties and the LW boys could not take off due to fog and /or heavy clouds.

I do agree that an “all-weather” jet fighter (having radar,etc.) with a trained pilot should be able to deal with all weather conditions.

So again, i invite you to continue with the cloud issue thing in the respective thread, otherwise i have to flag my own post as off topic.

Have a good one!

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I read it. A family relative was a meteorologist with the Luftwaffe. From that, they did fly in basically all conditions, IF it was required. Subordinate’s personal safty wasn’t a high concern among the nazis. There were many makeshift landing patches for pilots that couldn’t find home or made it that far.

Towards the end of the war, pilot quality was too low indeed for complicated flight operations, which was evident in “Bodenplatte”. But as you pointed out yourself, that was to a fair degree a pilot problem. Had this been 1940, the raid would have worked differently, due to better training.

I wasn’t going to debate clouds, just giving them as an example on how the mechanic we debate in this thread works. But you summed it up pretty well. Just add “lone” in front of racist.


tldr, blabla yada yada
you feel shutting down deviating opinions and opposition is legitimate.
may i ask where you come from?

Who are you even?

I don’t shut anything down, I often merely oppose the suggestion, and people get all upset to the point that they abuse and insult me because they have no counter to such an indepth point.

This is where the issue really lays… The players here are commonly merely abusive if they don’t get what they want.

And yes, you can ask, doesn’t mean I will tell you. My primary language is English.

Doesn’t make a difference.

But really, who are you even and why are you coming in here like someone who’s read everything I’ve posted, but merely had nothing to put out, except try and make an issue in another thread about it.

I stand by my statements, and have no issue in putting out opposition. It’s those who come in trying to say I’m wrong at the outset and relying on the abuse to shut someone down that are the problem.

Do you have the ability to remove stuff

This should be moved to the suggestion section of the forum, like all the other “wants”, just an idea

You misread that…

This game is a victim of it self, it can be very frustrating at times and many posts are valid points. 1 problem is the suggestion section is vetted, so what does that lead too?

What even is this?

This isn’t a suggestion, it was a discussion…

Zre you makeing a request for a change, a want or are you having a rant? Are you getting frustrated with the forum as many are with the game it self?

It was an evaluation of what i think is making a mess of the forum

I was actually asking for others opinions on merging all the whinge and moan threads about how bad the game is and how game mechanics aren’t understood, calling for removal, and plain out developer/game blaming for the reason of the player failure to be merged into one and silenced directly…

After all there are a few who directly need to be told to get good, and that things won’t be happening because it’s the way the game is in the first place, so they need to learn it and adapt to it.

What is making a mess of the forum is those who feed this mentality and keep on debating the issues and trying to get to personally attack those who genuinely know because they can’t counter the knowledge, and only rile up someone for the absolute sake of the excuse.

If you can’t actually make a formulated, balanced and appropriate suggestion, then that’s not my problem.

People whine because whining in public works with Gaijin. Quite often.

The naval map with AI forts? Forts got removed. Cause people complained.

People can see other players as dots in clouds? All clouds gone for over a year. Now they’re back, people are complaining about them again.

Air Conquest was the first attempt to do something new with Air AB in years. It’s gone after a couple months. How many new maps, introduced with press releases in the last few years, have just disappeared from rotation?

Simple fact is, complaining here, in particular about new features or modes, often works. So why not?

Because much of the current ‘spam’ of threads, are little more than one line ‘‘suggestions’’ to remove anything and everything they can’t cope with…

Those are the ones I’m directly referring to…

And any opposition to it is met with abuse and insults, proclamation that you are one of those who do what they don’t like.

Are you sure it is the complaining here?

Reddit doesn’t count ;)

Not only here, no. Just meant complaining in general works quite well with War Thunder. That’s not entirely a bad thing either. People who pay for something got a right to complain if they don’t like the goods. It does put pressure on people who like to see innovation and change to challenge the bad ideas emerge though.

I had to google Air Conquest, and I’d see that going the same way as the old ‘Break’ mode we had early on… Not enough knew how to handle it and were upset by it… Somewhat the same as the conquest/battle issue we have currently.

So much gameplay stuff that was announced with fanfare in the last couple years has been removed. The fanbase for this game is really very conservative that way.

You say conservative, I say slightly ignorant and deadset on only winning…

The fact of counter arguments being brought up and the first thing many of them reach for is your statcards, proclaiming your KDR, or winrate being a gauge of you ‘efficiency’ ignores the team aspect of it or the role you play in those matches.

Whilst they may need to be refined, the removal of some of the modes just because some weren’t happy and started the ODL trend, should’ve been reconsidered.

Can’t wait for the CDK to be updated this round.

But You understand that KDR means on how many enemies You are able to destroy before You die making it an important factor for a team as You don’t want a team consisting of ‘free SP’ for enemy.