Actually not, because from my pov (this time based on your Air RB stats) my assumption regarding PvE / PvP seem to be adequate too. But imho that doesn’t matter in the broader context.
Although i fully agree with your opinion that most of these “complain threads” are baseless, but imho they are just a result of several developments in Western civilizations affecting mostly younger players.
They grew up and learned that it is much easier to complain long and loud enough to get obstacles removed instead of dealing with them or to master them. That’s why social media content (with very rare exceptions) is dominated by this Kumbaya attitude and any obstacles have to be answered with a shitstorm leading to cancelling everything what forces them to think or learn - different views are classified as racist or nazi.
Regarding evidence:
I posted in the “cloud issue” evidence why fighting in heavy clouds with prop planes is highly unrealistic, maybe you didn’t saw it because i used a spoiler:
WW2 & weather
So during WW2 low cloud ceilings, fog or 9/10 clouds prevented mostly single engine fighters to take off - and even if the cloud ceiling was high enough for a take-off, the conditions prevented safe landings as the pilot training was not good enough to return to base (or even find it)
The rather limited fuel load was not enough to perform a mission and to allow long searches for your airfield, leaving ground level variations aside.
In addition you can’t compare irl to wt due to various reasons.
The total absence of any squadron tactics in wt is just a little part of it - so as a single engine fighter you (almost) always flew as a part of formation in order to protect each other - so even if the squadron took off in “bad weather” their goal was also to break through clouds as a formations due to this.
Last but not least - the weather played a much more important role in the ETO during than most guys are aware off, so as the weather in Europe is mainly coming from the West there, the 8th AF could time their missions that way that they had good conditions to take off (imho there is no such thing as good weather in the UK) doing some BTO (Bombing Through Overcast)sorties and the LW boys could not take off due to fog and /or heavy clouds.
I do agree that an “all-weather” jet fighter (having radar,etc.) with a trained pilot should be able to deal with all weather conditions.
So again, i invite you to continue with the cloud issue thing in the respective thread, otherwise i have to flag my own post as off topic.
Have a good one!