Is it about time to start merging all of these whinge and moan threads, and finally make a stance on them?

Killing isn’t the only way you make SP, and to make out that it’s a gauge on your efficiency is bad faith…

Much the same as your winrate being as much to do about your team than anything else.

But if enemy kills You they gain SP. That is why KDR is important as it shows team on how much You can bleed the enemy team of SP before giving them more. I don’t know why people get so defensive about their own stats, if You don’t like them, improve them.

It’s not SP you are bleeding, it’s tickets.

Sorry, but not everything relates to KDR and you don’t need to kill to make SP, or play a role on the team.

This is something many don’t understand that it’s not like CoD…

Also it’s not being defensive, it’s about the lame excuse to call the stats into question to avoid the actual point.

You bleed enemy team from SP too, as they had to pay for that tank and by destroying it, enemy team doesn’t have a vechicle they have paid for. Tickets are another factor when it comes to KDR.

If You die more times to the enemy team than You are able to kill, then You are just a free SP for enemy team and You are not considerete as an important asset

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You can make SP from not killing, it’s not the ONLY way of making anything and your want to paint KDR as anything that matters in the match in the slightest, let alone on the forums here is genuine bad faith arguing.

Again. Enemy team earns SP which makes them able to spawn into new vechicles (especially air vechicles that can influence the battlefield).

If You were able to destroy a couple of enemy units before dying, that means that

  1. You were able to bleed enemy team from SP and tickets
  2. You gained enough SP to spawn into other vechicles

If a player dies more than he is able to destroy, it only means that he is there to feed enemy the SP that they need in order to respawn more.

The point he’s making isn’t that having good stats is bad, it’s that stat-shaming to score cheap points in a forum argument is bad. I’d say the same about someone who tried to show they should be listened to more by showing off their purchase history.

Pointing out someone doesn’t play a mode is legit sometimes. But what we tend to get a lot of is is “average players are subhumans and can be ignored”.

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Not every mode has SP and KDR reflects on all of them, but in your haste to try prove me wrong you fixate on that weight alone and nothing else…

You don’t need to get kills to get SP, and KDR doesn’t show assists or genuine roles such as SPAA as a deterrent, or scouting as a light tank…

Again, just bad faith arguing because of WHO is posting, not what is being posted.

In some aspects of the game, “average” players tend to not understand that their problems come from their lack of skill and shift blame on everything else. That is why checking stats is a good thing and can give You some info about what player does in game and what he will say about certain aspects.

If the mode doesn’t have SP, it has tickets and if You are wasting Your team tickets by dying more than killing then You are a problem for a team.

Enemy team gains SP on people that they can kill. If a player dies more than kills, he is ‘feeding SP’ to enemy team.

All modes have tickets…

It’s alright to be wrong.

You are literally proving my point right as Bruce even mentioned to you… You ARE that type of person I was referring to…

‘If the mode doesn’t have SP, it has tickets’ - meaning that they are still there to begin with.

No, all modes have tickets…

And I have never said anything else? Please read before replying.

I tried to expalin it as I saw that it might be confusing on what I wrote, there should be ‘still’ in a comment.

You jumped in with lines about KDR when it was clearly mentioning about the usage of it to dismiss points and arguments as being about that compared to what they are genuinely about…

You’re only in here because you seen it was my thread.

Maybe you should look a bit more before leaping.

I am not sure you are right.

You see, there has been a lot of complaining, but things seem to only change when I stop playing the game or such.

I have complained about the deflation of premium vehicle’s SL bonus, to the point where the free vehicles were better. Nothing happened. Then I stopped buying any premiums for several sales. And I know I wasn’t alone with this. And then it happened. Premiums again have a much better income.

I stopped playing WT early this year for a while due to personal reasons. I no longer spend any GJN on anything. I come back and there have been economic reforms.

I personally think they don’t give a damn what is written here in the first place. But when some light in their statistical watch dog turns red (too many people quitting game, map, premiums, whatever) they look here.

As long as people don’t do what they say (I hate this game intensely… then press “to battle”), there is no reason to respond.

Confirmation bias bruh lol ;)

I’m only hear because I have read about KDR. I don’t really care if that post was made by You or any other forum member.

KDR is one of the most important factors in game as it means if You are a person that team needs/wants or a person who are just here to feed the enemy team.

It’s quite honestly not as important as many make out…

It leads to people thinking that finding a sniping spot and cheapshotting people is a necessary thing, which it often isn’t…

Hence why people cry about the team doing nothing to lose, and have themselves being right up on the board…

Sorry but if someone comes and tells me that in order to have good KDR You need to ‘finding a sniping spot and cheapshooting people’ then You just don’t know what You are talking about. Thats when W/R factor can come in mind ;) (and not only that, but KBR too)

I didn’t actually say that…

I do know what I’m talking about…

That doesn’t actually mean anything as that depends more on your team actually winning… Your precious KDR does nothing for this.

I’m talking about how someone gets a high KDR, easily, via being told that KDR matters as much as you proclaim it to be… Doesn’t mean they are right in doing this, but they will definitely up thier KDR by getting 8 kills to one death by players of a team merely going past them…

They can still lose on that front, and that camper will be sitting there lolling away.

Because of the fact I know you’ve only come in here to try and debate me, I’ll be ignoring your bad faith throwouts now because they aren’t what we were even talking about, and you don’t understand the concept of ticket bleed compared to SP gain.