Is everything in balance now?

I’m curious, whats your thoughts on the HSTV-L?
it gains about 50mm more pen which is the same pen between the 2S38 and Strf9040C but it also has a 3x reload yet it’s at 11.3
Why is that so in your eyes?

Personally i find HSTV-L much easier to deal with than any 2S38

I think HSTVL is 0.7 - 1BR superior to 2S38 due to its speed & acceleration, armor, gun, and low-zoom optic option.
Which is why my ideal BRs are:
Strf 9040C 10.0
2S38 10.3
HSTVL 11.0 - 11.3.

Type 74 (E) when it has to face the 2S38 because it can frontally pen soviet tanks

If the 2A7V has full ammo you can shoot the ammo rack but that’s it. Also on the topic of Leopard 2 ammo racks, how can I shoot the 2A4 in the turret cheek with M829A1 and go through the blowout panel and set the ammo off without him instantly dying? Seems a bit weird

Strf 9040C also pens Type 74E, so yeah… maybe the light vehicles are all under-BR’d and HSTVL is the one that’s perfectly balanced at 11.3.

Maybe the vehicle with double the penetration values of every other IFV at its rank shouldn’t be at its rank considering it also has access to proxy shells and IRST tracking.

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Wrong CV + ammo

a lot of 9.0-9.7 vehicles are lightly armored so being penned by a 10.0 IFV isn’t that surprising
But as we can see in the pic, while both can pen, the 2S38 has a bit more area it can go trough in the turret + it’s a bigger round which means it will probably cause more damage
There’s also the fact that it can deal with angles a bit better thanks to the pen

Here’s a the MBT70 in 9.3 which shows off where that difference shows up a bit more on the hull

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Overall a 2S38 will always beat the Strf4090C in terms of ranged combat as it won’t lose the same amount of pen, have the option of hiding behind cover and only exposing the remote turret which will be hella hard to hit and pen allows them to be a bit worse with aiming

I mean hey, if you’re ever staring down the side plate of a maus at 1km for some very strange reason, the winner is clear

Blowout panels?

Doesn’t make too much difference when 3BM60 will still front plate M1A2s, meanwhile the only thing that can front plate a BVM is DM53 or Object 292 without hitting the miniscult drivers port

F-15 is strong, yes but why should the P-51 move up lmao?

You forget that M829A2 out-pens L/44 DM53.

P-51 should move up cause it’s the best piston prop in the game.

I was referring to L/55 DM53
I suppose M829A2 can UFP T-80 if youre above it and/or lucky

P-51 isn’t that good lmao

it’s very simple, there are 3 largest nations in the game, played by the most players, and yet one of them is much better than these two and cries the most…
The point of view depends on the seating position, Leopards are good to drive, they are difficult to kill in one shot, they load quickly, they raise and lower the gun well, they reverse, and they don’t have 10 fuel tanks inside…
Abrams, for example, doesn’t have a piece of armor compared to Leopards on the top tier, you get hit in the hull or a weakpoint under the turret, you know what’s going on, you either die immediately or you don’t have half the crew, along with the turret ring and the gun breech…
As for this wonderful Russian bias whose winrate is the color of its own flag…
3 crew members, which means it will always end with a oneshot, the fuel tanks, which are incomparably larger than other tanks, explode more often than the ammorack, which is also a disadvantage, and of course, the dynamics of these tanks, with the exception of the T80 series, are simply poor.
thank God that newer tanks have 1100 hp… [t72b3 t90m…] and also slow turret rotation and slow, turtle-like operation of the gun up and down, except for the T80bvm and t90m
According to my German colleagues, everything is fine, I’m waiting for the next crying post at 2S38 xD


The P-51H is an incredibly good plane. It should be 6.7, because it does not have many weaknesses. It also gets incredibly good MM in air RB with very few uptiers in my experience.

If you do bad in it, that’s a skill issue.

It’s only weakness is its top speed.
22+ deg per second sustained turn rate.
25+ meter per second climb.
9 minutes of methanol injection.
And 6 potent 50 cals.

If there us no ammo there that shot passes through now with mininal dng. Best shot on lfp was left sude to take out driver, gunner, and commander in one shot but even that hasn’t been trustworthy.

My man straight up denying between red skies and air superiority the game was anything but point and click adventure game for russians against anything that wasnt sweden

A very nice photo.
I believe this is sadly much closer to the truth.

maybe you remember the times when the USA received the Abrams, and the USSR and Germany only received the T-64a and Leopard 1, respectively?

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Update 1.77 “Advancing Storm”
Magach 3 (Gift)
M1 Abrams
Leopard 2K
T-64B (1984)
I fail to see where they added the Leopard 1.

Cause both prototypes of the XM-1(General Motors and Chrysler) are not Abrams it was a prototype and therefore was not designated as such. It was however used a lot back then.