Is everything in balance now?

Remember how for the past three years any complaint against BVM was dismissed with “skill issue, just aim for weakspots, russian mains are just better” and now when those same russian mains have to aim for weakspots, its a problem for them?


I was thinking the exact same thing…

When R-27ERs were two guaranteed kills it was OK, but now the 9M is too OP, apparently.


To be fair the situation was tad bit different with this

AFAIK mig29 9.13 and 9.12A were meant to have R-27Rs only BUT with ability to have R-73.

Since R-73 was deemed too OP at time, they got replaced with R-60s and to compensate ERs were added.

And if you ever played with R-60s you know how much these missiles suck.

The gap between the R-60M and 9L is a lot less than the gap between the 27ER and any other radar missile though. It was still a mistake in my opinion.

No Russian Player Skill is worse than the US player skill on average. I want to make it clear. Its just that they get more “Player Friendly” vehicles, or vehicles that perform better when played in the “Rush B” lifestyle, which makes them seem better. While US is more sit back then people are willing to admit.

I mean sure, back in may of last year, I would trade ERs for 73s on 9.12A in a heartbeat.

I hate R-60s so much.

lol Just lol
This is why USA planes are all under-BR’d and Soviet planes are all correctly BR’d right?
Or how about USA having FAR better CAS… [which is correct].
Maybe even the fact that USA has a larger lineup of M829A2 shooters, which M829A1 is 3BM60 equivalent itself.

The fact F-15A is still 12.3 instead of 12.7 and P51H5NA being 6.3 instead of 6.7 is all the evidence we need, and I do my best to play them when I have the time but boy oh boy my playing of them isn’t impactful enough to stats.

I can only hope. It REALLY screws over the US. It’s not even like it was just one vehicle- we got two Top Tier premiums in the span of a year, both pack prems, both at BRs that actually matter (The XM-1 at 9.3, thanks to their not being a lot of significant vehicles there, sat at a BR that "didn’t matter for the US)

I just don’t understand why it was only added to the US. If every other nation, or some of the other “big ones” got it, It would make more sense. But they didn’t. So.

lol Just lol.

Skill Issue from the RUssians. Y’all got capable planes.
Or how about USSR having FAR better SPAAG…[which is correct].
Maybe even the fact that USSR gets more 3BM42 firing tanks earlier, while US is stuck with M735 and M774 for way too long, where M833 is 3BM42 equivalent itself.

Ok, you think American planes are all under BRd (they aren’t, but ok). A lot of people think the same thing about Russian tanks. The fact 2S38 being 10.0 instead of 10.7 and the BMP-2M being 10.0 instead of 10.3 is all the evidence we need.

Unless you want more. In which case the T-55AM-1, T-55A, KV-1E, 2S25M, Obj 906, BMP-1, IT-1, Su-25, Su-25K (and Ill give you the A-10s, but only if Gaijin fixes their damage model). I’m sure there is more too- I’m just listing a few for now.

oh oh how the Soviets are burning that now they are not the only ones who have a cheat. Examples: unkillable infantry fighting vehicle, cheat armor, unpenetrable reactive armor, AZ in the game cannot be slowed down in reality, this is a mechanism that means it can break, etc.

Sir, I’m 1- American. 2- Play all 10 tech trees.
Time for me to defend America while your post embellishes the Soviets.

T-55AM-1 is inferior to all 9.0s in the game and is thus correct in being 8.7. Its APFSDS round is very 8.3 - 8.7, and the composite add-ons is what makes it 8.7. Normal T-55A is hilariously mid.
KV-1E has equivalents at 4.0 such as M4A2 for USA & Germany, as well as KV-1B for Germany.
BMP-2M’s equivalent of M3A3 is also at 10.0.
2S38 is just a Strf 9040C with slightly more pen, so at most 0.3 higher than Strf 9040C.
Object 906’s equivalents are all 7.7.
BMP-1 is lol… Marder 1’s its equivalent.

LOL what? The statistics only for the USA suck because the Abrams is a bad tank in the game, and if right now all this is replaced with the Leopard and the T-series tanks, the top will instantly rise. There is no need to blame the Noobs for everything; there is plenty of premium and regimental equipment in the USSR and Germany, too, but the statistics are normal.


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Strf 9040C & 2S38 vs tanks [the thing that impacts their BR].
Differences: Penetration.
Speed & acceleration.
Gen 2+ thermals.
~25 round first stage.

IRST, Laser Warning, elevation, RWS turret with essentially untouchable breech
But close enough i guess

Haven’t we had this discussion before?

IRT, and elevation doesn’t help with tanks, which is how 2S38 is 10.0 instead of 9.3 with the other SPAA of its caliber.
Laser warning helps from CAS sure, but doesn’t help the tank be more lethal against other tanks.
RWS? If you mean the remote controlled turret, from my experience against 2S38s that hasn’t improved survivability enough for me to take note of it.
Same with PUMA’s turret even.

Problem is you keep comparing it to the Strf9040C and are essentially saying:
If we ignore every advantage it has over the Strf9040C, it’s essentially the same thing which is obviously a tad bit ridiculous
They are vastly different vehicles with different capabilities yet you keep insting that the main point is only penetration which for some reason hasn’t even gotten the 2S38 to 10.3 even if we ignore everything else

That’s cool, in mine and friends experience it has been the deciding factor between which of us will end up respawning multiple times
well that and the giant fuel tank in the front eating shells


SPAA advantage only matters if its BR is based on its SPAA capabilities, but neither are BR’d based on their SPAA duties.

As for the reason 2S38 is the same BR: It’s improved pen over Strf 9040C is clearly not enough for operators of the tank to perform significantly better than Strf 9040C players.

My thoughts:
That is likely due to the fact that Strf 9040C and 2S38 require identical weakspot shooting despite the extra pen of 2S38’s round.

And for the PUMA, while remote it’s also massive with decent sized breech and ammo which essentially has any shot disable it and set on fire