Is everything in balance now?

Is this the freaking twilight zone? How long has this been an issue with the BVM and everyone being so vocal about it? I think a long time. But now it’s possibly similar with other nations and you want to whine? Wow I could just imagine if this was a German owned game then the outcry would really be bad almost like bias being portrayed. Who would think something like that could happen?


Except that the US has had this low win rate for a decent bit. Not much Gaijin can do because it’s the players as much as the tech, but. Eh.

Sweden and Germany are broken atm, but a 47% win rate for Russia is fine. Ideally, not factoring in player skill, all nations should average about a 50% win rate.

So, the USA is suffering an artificially terrible win rate at top tier because of gaijin keeps making a million US high tier premiums and are selling them to new players by the thousands who have no idea what they are doing, so tbh I honestly have no idea how strong USA is in either air or ground compared to the rest. (Im only at 10.3 for USA and suffering a similar story there)

Russia, I dont honestly know what happened. Some spall liners for the Leopards dont really feel like they’d immediately reverse the win rates, and the problem vehicles in Russias lineup didnt really get any changes. (BVM, pantsir, Ka-50/52, 2S38 etc).

Ive played a bit of top tier, though not much, since the spall liners got added and the Leopards didnt feel that much stronger to fight than before, though Ive only got Japan top tier and maybe the 4 second reloads are masking the issue a bit since its so much easier to make a follow up shot.

To be honest its probably more balanced than it was previously, where russia was just winning every game no matter what

I’m jealous of your fancy M322

Then you aren’t shooting and aiming properly.

It’s not the spall liners. Not directly at least. In my opinion. It’s just other nations catching up. Other nations are starting to get half decent IFVs and SPAA at top tier. MBTs are getting fixed and buffed. Additionally soviets have gotten some nerfs in places like ka-50/52 are now at manageable levels. All in all, soviets have just been a notable step above other nations for past year and now it’s more of a level playing field.


I mean, USA obviously doesn’t have vehicles much worse than everyone else. So there is clearly something going on. Hence why looking at winrates means nothing in terms of assessing “balance” or “bias”.


Yeah, especially with the reload rate buff id almost put them above most other nations now. Maybe third strongest nation in ground.

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Yeah the only area they feel lacking at the moment is SPAA, and that goes for many nations. They are spoilt for choice when it comes to a2a fighter options.

Yeah. US is a CAS/CAP heavy nation, with by far the best multiroles.

Though yeah, both Britain and USA need their ADATS replaced at top tier for an actual dedicated SPAA system and my god the Pantsir is fricking OP. Other nations need something at least close to equal

I think they suffer on protection part mostly and adding unexperienced players into that formula only makes it worse.

You might wanna check that, according to Alvis Tor-M1 is even better then Pantsir S1.


I was around 10-12km away from the battlefield. at around 15k ft whilst doing high G turns dogfighting in the Gripen and was sniped out of the air. Not the first time either. I keep getting slapped out of the sky at ranges far far beyond what should be possible. I really dont understand his stance. All other SPAA feel stupidly weak and easy to counter in comparison

I usually sits at 14-15km against Pantsir when im using Gripen or F-16C, at those ranges it becomes easier to dodge those missiles if you’re just gonna send some Mavericks on its way.

As for Alvis claim;tbh i have no idea how he thinks Tor-M1 is better then Pantsir considering it has less range,no auto cannons and worse radar that gives hard lock and launch warning.

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Yep. I suppose it will come with practice. But They really need to add some better hard counters. PGMs just get swatted out of the sky and I just dont feel that the GBUs or AGMs have enough range on the Gripen. Definetly feel we need something like ALARM, Martels or even GPS guided cruise missiles. Might be dodgable by just moving, but at least would have a chance

Not just PGM’s but also Mavericks. Last night a single Flarakrad managed to shot down my 5 mavericks missiles before they hit him, thankfully last one managed to kill him but i suspect its because he was out of VT-1 missiles.

İ managed to hit targets from 12-15kms with my Mavericks while using Gripen, as for Gbu’s i usually use them from 8-11km’s and most of the time i get quite succesful in those attempts.

Always welcome for more enhanced weapon systems, sign me in :)

Yeah, But starting to feel we need weapons that are suited for the 20+ km range.

So many awesome weapons types… just never added.

Agreed, we need better weapons systems as well as better Spaa systems(not for Russia tho).

Brimstones for Tornado when?

Unfortunately… thats the Tornado Gr4. Which god knows.

But Martels, ALARM, CBUs. They could all come for the Gr1. Martels actually sound kinda OP from what Flame and Gunjob have said over in the Tornado thread.