Its surprising that the Scorpion 90 is not more discussed. Just found out about it and its actually a unique variant that the British didnt adopt. It was actually Indonesia who adopted the most amount of units with about 121 units ordered in total.

Its surprising that the Scorpion 90 is not more discussed. Just found out about it and its actually a unique variant that the British didnt adopt. It was actually Indonesia who adopted the most amount of units with about 121 units ordered in total.
A little fun fact of the PT-76, they’re equipped with a pintle mounted DShK, atleast during active operations on Timor Leste, could be useful ingame maybe
For the Yonkav 2, I recently suggested it with a lot more information, so if people wanna check it out you can do so here, i might miss something though so if any of you have corrections please do let me know
Also, a question for Hisar-O, since Indonesia is going to buy it.
does anyone know whether it can function on its own or does it need a separate radar vehicle?
If its independent then it could be a good tier 8 SPAA I think
Maybe a sub-Tree for turkish Tech Tree
just a heads up, the aviation side is up and suggested, so if you want to see & discuss about the aircrafts you can go there. o7
here are some additional tanks that I don’t think have been mentioned yet
The name is most likely from the soviet name of плавающий танк or plavayushchiy tank, as usual with the naming scheme of the armed forces they take the first few syllables and call the tank that. some call it the TAPIR but the official museum label doesn’t call it as such
Standard PT-76 but with the cannons removed and switched to the BM-14-17 MLRS and apparently manned with 6 crews
This tank now displayed in the Marine Corps Museum in Sidoarjo
- Museum Label, PT-76 Roket (Palawa Tank). Museum Korps Marinir, Sidoarjo
- PT-76 MLRS - Prototipe Tank MLRS Amfibi Marinir yang Terlupakan
Basically the testbed for the full production of the Yonkav 2 Tank.
The difference between the pre and post production is that The turret on the pre-production version seems to be the old FL-12 turret but with a CN-105-G1 installed. Meanwhile on the production Yonkav 2, the turret was changed to the JT-1 turret with the FCS made by indra Sistemas and was moved to the box above the ammunition storage
Another difference is that the hull is still the old AMX-13/105 Mle58s unlike the production Yonkav 2 with its own different hull
The difference between this one and the AMX-13/105 FL-12 G1 is that this one is just testing for the Yonkav 2, while the AMX-13/105 FL-12 G1 is an actually produced upgrade version for the older versions of the FL-12s
Standard AMX-13/105 with the FL-12 turret but with an upgraded CN-105-G1 instead of the older 105-57. Doesn’t have the upgraded FCS
The easiest way to tell the difference between the 57 and the G1 is the muzzle brake, The G1 has one circular shape, while the 57 has two Bowtie-esque shape.
In the image below you can see three AMX-13/105 Mle58s, two on the left has the upgraded CN-105-G1s , while one on the right has the older 105-57
Cadillac Gage armed with the Low-pressure Mecar 90mm/L28 cannon capable of firing APFSDS-T, HEP-T, and HEAT with 350mm of armor penetration
Fitted with LRF, thermals, day camera. 20mm autocannon and 7.62mm secondary. The PK20 Turret is just a renamed version of the South-African LCT20 turret.
Precursor to the Badak FSV. Armed with the cockerill Mk3 gun same as the one fitted on the FV scorpion 90
Armed with the Royal Ordnance 76 mm L5A1. The Indonesian retrofit changes the petrol engine to a Perkins Phaser Diesel 160T with 6 cylinder 4 stroke turbocharged engine, although the max speed drops from 72km/h to 70km/h. Other upgrades include a periscope like the FV scorpion tanks and a winch
Pindad’s “Light tank” armed with the 122mm R-HAN 122A MLRS
similar to the previous, but with a 20mm autocannon instead
also if you’re wondering, here’s a view inside the crew compartments of the harimau MT
Source: from twitter
I don’t know if this is relevant but i remembered a tankette that is based from the British’s universal carrier and all i know is that it’s just prototype (maybe?) And was never seen in battle
Modified universal carrier
Also found a Twitter thread but sadly it’s in Spanish, i hope someone will find this in a way helpful (i hope)
Hopes this helps :']
Cool finding! its a long post, But tldr: it`s mostly about the context of the restructuration of indonesian armed forces under japan , the equipment they brought, the sparking of the indonesian indepence movement and the resistence against anglo-indian forces trying to restore holland rule.
The vehicle itself its an universal carrier , one of several captured vehicles by the japanese from Malasia and Singapur brough to the country, mated with the turret of a Sumida type 91/93 armored car ,so armed with a type 91 6.5mm machine gun in the turret and the bren gun in the hull, the modification was likely made by the japanese to equip themselfs or the newly formed Pembela Tanah Air (PETA) for policing action.
Tough only the one example is known to be used by indonesia Andrew Morrison in his book “Making Tracks” reports that there could have been one or two more examples of them as the Autralian troops encountered similar japanese coverted tanks in New Guinea
Ay thank you for adding insight to it man, it’s an interesting vehicle!
May I suggest adding Indonesian Scorpion 90 variants to the subtree? Aside from the base Scorpion 90, Indonesia has produced a couple of unique modifications to the platform that would both be unique and add directly to gameplay functionality:
These would be a little bit more unique than the Scorpion 90, if you are on the edge about adding more regular export vehicles.
I remembered i had this stored somewhere and wanted to bring an usable domestic rank 1 vehicle. A dodge WC51 mounting a japanese type 96 25mm AA gun.
On the upcoming weekend, I’ll update the tree to include the Scorpion 90.
Edit (01AUG): working on a tree format.
Soviet APC «K-61» with a cannon. In Indonesian service.
Unfortunately, the K-61 is just a transport vehicle and the cannont a static field howitzer.
Technically could still be added as a vehicle. There are currently AAs (i.e. Bosvark) which are quite literally towed AA platforms sitting on a flat bed, so I don’t see why this wouldn’t work.
That being said, you would have an overweight obscure soviet amphib transport with practically no armor, dubious traverse/gun depression, and ammo storage / crew placement entirely dictated by Gaijin.
But hey, the GIAT LG-1 is pretty cool, so if anyone wants to…
I’ve also compiled most of the possible vehicles here, I might miss some of the recent suggestion on the replies though, but hopefully this’ll help a bit
Dude I might just use this and write the historical descriptions for the suggestion, if that’s cool with you. I like the organization of it.
yeah im fine with it, no worries
also if you need some help/infos on certain vehicles i can try to help to the best of my abilities o7