Indonesian Aviation Sub-Tree: Bhinneka Tunggal Ika!

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Hello everyone! Today, I’d like to suggest Indonesian Air Force vehicles to complement the previously suggested Indonesian Ground Vehicles suggestion by Yontzee. The suggestion covers almost all the aircraft operated by Indonesia, past and present, organized by rank. Some aircrafts that is not being suggested are also put here for record keeping purposes, I’ve separated them so that they’re not grouped with the actual aircrafts being suggested.

Situated in Southeast Asia, Indonesia as a nation is ranked 13th globally and 8th in Asia according to the Global Firepower Index. According to The IISS, The strength of the Indonesian Armed Forces compared to others in the region is debated. However, it is acknowledged as one of the largest in Southeast Asia. Indonesia aims to become a “Global Maritime Fulcrum,” positioned between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. This strategy encompasses domestic and foreign policy elements, focusing on enhancing maritime, satellite, and UAV capabilities. Indonesia’s military consists of about 400,000 active personnel, including 30,000 in the Air Force, with another 300,000 in paramilitary and police roles. Additionally, around 400,000 are in reserve. The Air Force operates with three operational commands and has approximately 500 aircraft, of which 300 are operational and 104 are combat-capable.

Indonesia’s aircraft throughout its history possess strong fighters and a considerable number of aircraft types across many nations with good Close Air Support (CAS) capabilities. However, there’s a lack of domestically produced vehicles compared to the navy or army, with many aircrafts being domestically modified or upgraded. Despite this, Indonesia’s arsenal could support nations lacking decent vehicle options of fighters, strike aircrafts, and/or bombers.

A. Background & History

Indonesia, the world’s largest archipelago nation, spans approximately 3,200 miles from west to east and 1,100 miles from north to south. With over 17,000 islands, it is considered one of the most biodiverse countries, ranked just below Brazil. Home to 279 million people, it is the fourth most populous country globally, with over half of its population residing on the island of Java.

Indonesia, part of the G20, is the largest economy in its region, an emerging market classified by the IMF. It ranks 16th globally in nominal GDP and 7th in GDP at PPP, estimated at US$1.417 trillion and US$4.393 trillion respectively as of 2023. Per capita GDP in PPP is around US$15,835 and nominal per capita GDP is approximately US$5,108. It’s a founding member of the Non-Aligned Movement and ASEAN.

The Indonesian Air Force was formed shortly after the declaration of Independence, primarily composed of captured Japanese aircraft after the Japanese surrendered, such as Ki-27 & the Hayabushas. Then after the national revolution, the Dutch aircrafts, such as B-25s and P-51s from the KNIL were inherited. Then during the 60s, Indonesia expanded with the help from the eastern nations like the Soviet Union and China which includes Migs and bomber aircrafts, among other things. After the failed communist coup, The western-leaning authoritarian New Order came into power, and with them western planes such as Skyhawks and F-5s. In modern times, Indonesia maintains a neutral foreign policy, that means that It purchases aircrafts from both the US and Russia, such as the current F-16s serving alongside Su-27s.

B. Disclaimer

  • The suggestion aims to showcase Indonesia’s aircraft types for potential implementation elsewhere. However, not all vehicles should be adopted; selection should be based on recipient needs.
  • The list may be incomplete or inaccurate due to limited technical knowledge and difficulty in finding reliable references. Additionally, Indonesian armed forces frequently modify vehicles, which may not always be documented. Any assistance or corrections regarding these suggestions would be appreciated.
  • The Indonesian Air Force lacks domestic aircraft production due to prioritizing the Navy and internal security concerns. With Indonesia’s vast archipelago and internal threats, naval focus is understandable, while the Army receives more attention due to its counterinsurgency focus
  • Implementing these vehicles as a standalone tree isn’t recommended due to the lack of domestically-made air vehicles. A sub-tree for a nation or grouping with other nations is ideal, but realistically, they could be events/premium vehicles for tech-tree nations with ties to Indonesia. They could also be included in the original vehicle’s nation’s tech tree.

C. Airplanes

Summary of Aircrafts
  • The aircraft summaries are created using the War Thunder Tech Tree Maker by przemyslaw-zan with some small photo editing by me.
  • Some of the Icons are from the in-game icons with the Indonesian Air Force camos edited onto them, for others I either copy a 3d model or I changed the existing icon to look somewhat close to the original planes.
  • The ranks of these aircrafts are not concrete, so the planes can be ranked up or down if necessary. They’re primarily based on the vehicles in game, or how close their performance is to the in-game vehicles.


NU-200 Sikumbang

One of the few domestically designed airplanes. 3 were produced, first flown in 1954. Never accepted into full service due to limited budget. Very slow and lackluster armament

  • mix of wood and metal construction
  • Engine : De Havilland Gipsy VI 200hp
  • Wingspan : 10.61m
  • Length : 8.16m
  • Height : 3.35m
  • Empty Weight : 759kg
  • Max Weight : 1090kg
  • Crew : 1
  • Max Speed : 256km/h
  • Cruise speed : 224km/h


  • 2x 7.7mm machine gun (probably the Type 89)

NU-225 Sikumbang

A further development of the Nu-200 fitted with a Continental O-470-A 225 HP engine and an all-metal construction. First maiden flight in 1957. Only one was ever constructed


  • Mostly unknown, but should be similar to other Nu-200.
  • unlike the NU-200, the 225 has an all metal construction
  • Engine : Continental O-470-A 225hp
  • Wingspan : 10.61m
  • Length : 8.16m
  • Height : 3.35m
  • Empty Weight : 759kg
  • Max Weight : 1090kg
  • Crew : 1
  • Unknown speed, should be 5-10% increase from the Nu-200


  • 2x 7.7mm machine gun (probably the Type 89)

Nishikoren (Ki-27 Otsu)

Nishikoren is the name given for both the Ki-27 and Ki-79. Ki-79 is the dual-seat trainer version of the ki-27. Only a handful was obtained from different airfields across the country before subsequently being destroyed during the national revolution.


  • Type: Fighter Interceptor
  • Factory: Nakajima
  • Engine : Radial Engine Hitachi 450hp
  • Wingspan: 11.64m
  • Fuselage length: 7.64m
  • Max speed: 275 km/h
  • Cruise Speed: 220 km/h


  • 2x 7.7mm Type 89 machine guns

Cukiu (Ki-55/Ki-36 Hybrid)

Cukiu(Tjukiu in the old spelling) is the name given by the Indonesians for a Ki-36/Ki-55 hybrid plane. Roughly around 8 was known to have been operated in 1946 at the earliest. Features are a mix of both the Ki-36 and Ki-55. No wheel spats, propeller spinners, nor tail gunner, but has bomb racks


  • Crew : 2
  • Engine : 450hp Army Type 98 nine-cylinder air cooled radial Hitachi Ha-13a (510hp takeoff, 470hp at 1,700m) with a two-bladed propeller
  • Span : 11.8m
  • Length : 8m
  • Height : 3.64m
  • Wing Area : 20 sq m
  • Weight(Empty) : 1,721kg (1,292kg)
  • Max Speed : 349 km/h at 2,200m
  • Cruise Speed : 235 km/h
  • Climb speed : to 3,000m in 6 min 55 sec
  • Service Ceiling : 8,200m
  • Range : 1,060km


  • 1x 7.7mm Type 89 Kai machine gun
  • no tail gun
  • 1x 227kg bomb under fuselage
  • 4x small incendiary bombs under wing

Hayabusha (Ki-43-II)

Known to be operated around 1947. The name Hayabusha is used as the designated name on the aircraft. Several of the captured hayabushas were destroyed during the first Dutch aggression.


  • Crew : 1
  • Engine : 14-cylinder Army Type 1 1150hp engine
  • Factory : Nakajima Hikoki KK
  • Wingspan : 10.84m
  • Length : 8.92m
  • Height : 3.27m
  • Max Weight (empty) : 2,925kg (1,910kg)
  • Max Speed : 530 km/h
  • Cruise Speed : 440 km/h
  • Range : 1.760km
  • Max Alt: 11,200m


  • 2x 12.7mm Ho-103 machine guns
  • 2x 250kg (550lbs) bombs
  • 2x 200ltr (drop tank)

Cureng (K5Y1)

The “TJ” on the tail is short for the aircraft’s name, “TJureng” or “Cureng” (TJ is the old spelling), which itself is a short version of “Kyūsanshiki chūkan renshūki”. Operated around 1945. Around 50 was stationed on Maguwo Air Base, though only around 3 was operable.


  • Engine : 1x Hitachi Amakaze 11 nine-cylinder air-cooled radial engine with a two-bladed propeller (340hp takeoff, 300hp sea level)
  • Span : 11m
  • Length : 8.05m
  • Height : 3.2m
  • Wing Area : 27.7 sq m
  • Weight (empty) : 1,500kg (1,000kg)
  • Max Speed : 115kt (132mph) at sea level
  • Cruise Speed : 75kt (86mph) at 1,000m
  • Climb rate : to 3,000m in 13 min 32 sec
  • Service Ceiling : 5,700m
  • Range : 550 naut miles


  • 1x forward-firing 7-7 mm Type 89 machine-gun
  • 1x flexible rear-firing 7-7 mm Type 92 machine-gun
  • 2x 50kg bombs

⬠ F1M2

A couple was reported to be used after the Japanese surrender. Not much information known regarding them. Should be the same as the one in game.


  • All-metal construction with fabric-covered control surfaces
  • Crew : 2 (pilot and radio operator/gunner)
  • Engine : 1 Mitsubishi Zuisei 13 fourteen-cylinder air-cooled radial engine (875hp takeoff, 800hp at 4000m)
  • Span : 11m
  • Length : 9.5m
  • Height : 4m
  • Wing Area : 29.54 sq m
  • Weight (empty) : 2,550kg (1,928kg)
  • Max Speed : 370km/h at 3,440m
  • Climb : 5,000m in 9 min 36 sec
  • Service Ceiling : 9,440m


  • 2x forward-firing 7.7mm type 97 MG
  • 2x 60kg (132lbs) bombs

⬠ PBY-5A Catalina

At Least 2 Catalinas was used but only as cargo transports during the national revolution. 5-9 units were then inherited from the Dutch after 1949 and a further 6 units were purchased from the US in 1950. They were put into service for the Indonesian Navy. Some has mgs at the front, some has none. They were used against the PRRI rebellion and for operation Dwikora and Trikora.


  • Crew: 7-9
  • Engines: 2x Pratt & Whitney R-1830-92 Twin-row 14 cylinder Air-cooled Radials
  • Power: 1200hp
  • Max Speed: 286km/h
  • Cruise Speed: 182km/h
  • Length: 19.35m
  • Height: 6.85m
  • Wingspan: 31.69m
  • Max Weight (empty): 15,626kg (9525kg)
  • Range: 4,079km


  • 5x 12.7mm Browning .50 cal
  • 4x 147kg Depth Charges
  • 2x Mark XIII Torpedoes
  • 4X 500lbs/1000lbs bombs

⬠ AT-16 Harvard/T-6G Texan

Around 16-25 AT-16 Harvard was inherited from the Dutch in 1950s, another 25 T-6G Texan was purchased from the US. They’re grouped up together because functionally they’re Identical, the naming difference is based on the aircraft’s original nation


  • Factory : Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Corporation
  • Crew : 2
  • Weight : 4,110 kg
  • Body Length : 8.99 m
  • Wing Length : 12.80 m
  • Maximum altitude : 7,543 m
  • Maximum range : 1,400 km
  • Cruising Speed : 341 km/h


  • 2x Browning 7.7mm machine gun pods
  • 2x 50kg bomb on wing (1x each)
  • 4x FFAR rockets on wing (2x each)

Guntei (Ki-51)

Used in bombing raids against Dutch forces in 1947 alongside the Hayabushas and Tjurengs. 7 was originally obtained from Bugis Air Base. Like other japanese aircrafts, most of the Gunteis were destroyed during the National Revolution.


  • Engine : Mitsubishi radial engine 850hp
  • Max speed : 400 km/h
  • Cruise speed : 265 km/h
  • Range : 1,722 km


  • 2x fixed forward 7.7mm (.303 in) Type 89 Machine guns
  • 1x rearward-firing 7.7mm (.303 in) Te-4 machine gun
  • 2x 200kg bombs

⬠ N1K1

Approx. 4 aircrafts were obtained during the National Revolution. Not a whole lot of photographs. some aircrafts were surrendered to the Dutch. On one image of the aircrafts there seems to be some unknown modification to the back of the cockpit, could be to make it a dual seater or for fitting an access door.


  • Crew:1
  • Engine: 1x Mitsubishi MK4C Kasei 13 fourteen Cylinder
  • Power rate: 1,460hp for takeoff
  • Span: 12m
  • Length: 10.59m
  • Height: 4.75m
  • Wing Area: 23.5 sq m
  • Weight (empty): 3,500kg (2,752kg)
  • Max Weight: 3,712kg
  • Max Speed: 488km/h at 5,700m
  • Cruise Speed: 370km/h at 2,000m
  • Climb rate: to 5,000m in 5 min 32 sec


  • 2x 7.7mm Type 97 machine gun (fuselage)
  • 2x 20mm Type 99 Model 1 cannons (wing)
  • 2x 30kg bombs

⬠ B-25J-15-NC

Around 20 were transferred from the ML-KNIL to the Indonesian Air Force. Dorsal and side turrets removed. Was used extensively as both a ground strafer and a bomber in many different combat operations. Used for 20 years and only retired in around the 70s.


  • Engine: Wright R-2600-92
  • Wingspan: 20.6m
  • Length: 16.14m
  • Height: 4.98m
  • Weight (empty): 16,876kg (8,836kg)
  • Max Speed: 438km/h
  • Cruise Speed: 370km/h
  • Range: 2,170km
  • Max Alt: 7,375m


  • 8x .50 M2 machine guns in the nose
  • 4x .50 M2 forward-facing machine guns on the side fuselage
  • 2x .50 M2 machine guns in tail turret
  • 1,360.8kg of bombs inside bomb bay
  • 453.6kg of bombs/rockets on wing
  • rockets are the 12x Hispano Suiza (Sura-D) 80mm Rockets on wing

⬠ P-51D

Nicknamed “si Cocor Merah (The Red Crane)”. 26 P-51D acquired from the Dutch in 1949/50, further 35 received from the U.S. in 1960/61. Was used extensively in many different military operations. Notable for scoring Indonesia’s only aerial kill to date.


  • Engine: 1x Packard V-1650-7
  • Max Speed: 703km/h
  • Weight (empty): 4,581kg (3,231kg)
  • Wingspan: 11.28m
  • Length: 9.82m
  • Height: 2.64m
  • Wing Area: 21.64sq m
  • Climb Rate: 17.65 m/s


  • 6x Browning .50 cal
  • Hardpoint: 3x on each wing
  • 8x Hispano Suiza (SURA-D) 80mm rockets on two outer pylon
  • 2x bombs or drop tanks on inner pylon

⬠ Cavalier Mustang II

Mustangs specially made for COIN purposes. 6-7 Cavalier Mustang II received in 1972/73. The Cavalier Mustang has a higher tail. Both the cavalier mustang and the p-51d has 6x .50 cal. Indonesia’s versions doesn’t have the extra tip tanks at the end of the wing. The Mustang II were only used for a few years as they were replaced with the OV-10F Bronco.


  • Factory: Cavalier Aircraft Corporation
  • Engine: 1x Rolls-Royce Merlin V-1650-7, 1720hp
  • Weight: 7,000kg
  • Length: 9.81m
  • Height: 3.9m
  • Wingspan: 11.28m
  • Cruise Speed: 735km/h


  • 6x Browning .50 cal
  • Hardpoint: 3x on each wing
  • 8x Hispano Suiza (SURA-D) 80mm rockets on two outer pylon
  • 2x bombs or drop tanks on inner pylon

⬠ Fairey Gannet AS.4

Indonesia purchased 18 units of the Gannet AS.4 from the British in 1959, although the aircrafts were originally of AS.1 version, they were refit as the AS.4 versions. They were put in the Navy Aviation’s squadron 100 and they participated in both operation Dwikora and Trikora.


  • Wingspan (folded): 16,56m (6.07m)
  • Length: 13.095m
  • Height (wing folded): 3.99m (4.90m)
  • Engine: 1x 3,035ehp Armstrong Siddeley Double Mamba 101
  • Max Speed: 497km/h
  • Climb speed: 610m/mins
  • Loaded weight (empty): 10,208kg (6,835kg)
  • Max Alt: 7,625m
  • Crew: 3
  • Range: 1510km


  • ASW: 2x homing torpedoes, depth charges, sonobuoys
  • 12x Hispano Suiza 80mm (SURA-D) rockets on outer wing, 2x small bombs on inner wing, 4x 1,000lbs bombs in bomb bay

⬠ Avia B-33

14 was obtained in 1957/58. Standard armament, except the plane was modified to carry a 300-liter fuel tank under the fuselage. They weren’t operated for long because all of the aircrafts were eventually returned to Poland due to poor performance.


  • Take-off Weight (Empty): 5,947kg (5,053kg)
  • Wingspan: 13m
  • Length: 11m
  • Height: 4m
  • Wing Area: 30sq m
  • Engine: 1x Avia M-42 1972hp
  • Max Speed: 551km/h
  • Cruise Speed: 469km/h


  • 4x 23mm NS-23M cannon
  • 1x flexible 20mm B-20 cannon
  • 2x 250kg bombs
  • 4x 100kg bombs
  • 400kg of internal bombs

⬠ La-11

24 Aircraft obtained from China in 1958/59. Not a whole lot of information, but was used as the fighter of the 3rd Air Squadron. The aircraft in the photo crashed and was salvaged as a museum piece, that’s why the canopy doesn’t look stock.


  • Wingspan: 9.94m
  • Length: 8.70m
  • Max Weight (empty): 3,996kg (2,770kg)
  • Height: 2.95m
  • Speed: 660km/h
  • Engine: Shvetsov ASh-82FN (1,870hp)
  • Crew: 1


  • 3x NS-23 cannons

⬠ B-26B Invader

6 aircrafts received in 1960. Finally retired in 1977. Carried other nation’s bombs and rockets alongside US ones. Original name was A-26, but the designation was changed later on to B-26.


  • Length: 15.24 meters
  • Height: 5.64 meters
  • Wingspan: 21.34 meters
  • Empty Weight: 10,365 kg
  • Full Weight: 12,519 kg
  • Engine: 2x Pratt & Whitney R-2800-27 “Double Wasp” radials, 2,000 hp (1,500 kW)
  • Maximum Speed: 570 km/hour
  • Range: 2,300 km
  • Maximum Altitude: 6,700 meters


  • From a displayed Indonesian B-26 aircraft

⬠ DH.115 Vampire T.55

8 was donated by the British in 1955/56. The T.55 is an export version of the T.11 Vampire trainer. The vehicles was grounded due to a lack of spare parts, and the units operating them changed to the MiGs.


  • Crew : 2
  • Span : 11.59m
  • Length : 10.51m
  • Wing Area : 24.25 sq m
  • Empty Weight : 3,304kg
  • Weight (with two 455ltr drop tanks) : 5,060kg (5,860kg)
  • Engine : Goblin 35 centrifugal turbojet, 14.90Kn
  • Max speed (S/L) : 866 km/h
  • Max speed (6,100m) : 885 km/h
  • Max speed (12,200m) : 839 km/h
  • Climb rate : 22.8m/s (to 6,100m in 5.6 mins)
  • Range : 1,960km


  • 4x 20mm Hispano Mk.V cannons
  • Up to 900kg of bombs, droptanks, or rockets

⬠ CS-102

Trainer version of the MiG-15. 15 was obtained in 1958/59. Only armed with the 12.7mm UBK-ESh machine gun. Primarily used as a training platform for the Mig-17s, 19s and 21s. Like other eastern bloc aircrafts, the plane was grounded due to a lack of spare parts.


  • Crew : 2
  • Length : 10.11m
  • Wingspan : 10.09m
  • Height : 3.70m
  • Wing Area : 20.6sq m
  • Empty Weight : 3.69t
  • Gross Weight : 4.85t
  • Max Take-off : 5.40t
  • Engine : 1x Klimov RD-45F non afterburning 22.3kN
  • Speed : 1.015km/h at 3km altitude
  • Range (external): 950km (1.425km)
  • Service Ceiling : 14.8km
  • Climb rate : climb to 5km in 2m 36s
  • Wing Load: 240.8 kg/cm^2
  • Thrust-to-weight ratio : 0.0544


  • 2x hardpoint (presumably 2x FAB100)
  • 2x 250/300ltr drop tank
  • 1x 12.7mm UBK-ESh machine gun (150 rounds)

T-33A (Puslitbang)

19 unarmed T-33A Obtained in 1973. Originally only a trainer, but then used as a COIN aircraft. Domestically modified in 1978. Modification list includes: installation of 2x Browning ANM3 12.7mm guns on the side of the lower front nose. the MGs have 250 live rounds mixed with incendiary and tracers. Also armed with 100lbs bombs & 2x LAU-68 with 7 rockets per tube. The targeting sight is a KB-13 type ripped from an Il-28. Modified airframe so that it can withstand 7-8g of force rather than the stock 3g.


  • Factory : Lockheed
  • Crew : 2
  • Engine : 1x Allison J33-A-35 (2,360 kg of thrust)
  • Wingspan : 11,85 m
  • Fuselage Length : 11,45 m
  • Empty Weight : 12.000 lbs (5443.1 kg)
  • Take-off Weight : 15.100 lbs (6849.24 kg)
  • Height : 3,55 m
  • Maximum Speed : 960 km/h
  • Max Alt : 40.000 ft
  • Cruising Range : 1.345 miles (2.164 km)


  • 2x nose-mounted Browning AN-M3 12.7mm machine guns (250x ammo on each)
  • 6x 80mm SURA-D rockets (3x each wing)
  • 14x 70mm FFAR (mounted on 2x LAU-68 launcher)
  • 2x AN-M30A1 100kg bomb


Nicknamed “si Kuda Liar (The Wild Horse)” or affectionately named “si Kampret (no direct translation, similar to the bastard/fucker)” by pilots. Export version of OV-10A for Indonesia, 16 obtained in 1976. modified to carry Soviet bombs (ZAB, FAB, OFAB) alongside other local upgrades (minus the aim-9 sidewinder). The front canopy and ground flooring is covered in bulletproof coating, and for longer range mission the paratrooper cabin in the back can be switched into a fuel tank.


  • Manufacturer: North American, Rockwell International
  • Crew : 2
  • Wingspan: 12.9 meters
  • Height: 4.62 meters
  • Empty weight: 3,127 Kg
  • Max Take off Weight: 6,522 Kg
  • Engine: 2 x Garret T76 G-410/412 turboprop, 715 hp (533 kW) each
  • Max Speed: 452 Km / hour
  • Mileage: 358 Km


  • 4x 12.7mm Browning M2HB machine guns
  • up to 500kg of total bombs (Mk 81, Mk 82, OFAB 100/250, FAB 100/250/500, ZAB100/250/500)
  • 2x 7-rocket FFAR launcher (14 total) (probably LAU-68)
  • 300gl drop tank under fuselage
  • No Aim-9s

⬠ IL-28

32 Il-28s obtained around 1958-1964, 8 of which were the standard Il-28s. They were used by the 500th Squadron. The tail gun is often removed to save weight during combat operations.


  • Crew: 3
  • Weight (empty): 18,399kg (11,744kg)
  • Max weight: 21,200kg
  • Wingspan: 21.5m
  • Length: 18m
  • Height: 6.2m
  • Wing Area: 60.8sq m
  • Engine: 2x Klimov VK-1 2700kg thrust
  • Max Speed: 902km/h
  • Cruise Speed: 770km/h
  • Climb Rate: 900m/mins
  • Service Ceiling: 12,299m


  • 2x 23mm NR-23 cannons in nose
  • 2x 23mm NR-23 in the tail
  • Normal bomb amount: of up to 1000kg bombs, max 3000kg load

⬠ Lim-5/type 56

License-made MiG-17Fs. Either Polish Lim-5/6, or Chinese Type 56 (J-5). Only noticeable difference is a slight antenna on the top of the middle fuselage, the type 56 doesn’t have the antenna while the Lim-5 has. To generalize, Indonesia operated around 30-50 MiG-17Fs, SIPRI states that around 40 was that of the Czech S-104 license variant, however most sources state that the number was around 30 Polish Lim-5s, & 12 Chinese Type 56. They’re grouped up together because they’re functionally Identical with almost no difference from one another.


  • Engine: Klimov VK-1F
  • Thrust (afterburner): 22.44kN (33.01kN)
  • Max Speed: 1,145km/h
  • Service Ceiling: 16.6km
  • Weight (empty): 5,340kg (3,949)
  • Wingspan: 9.6m
  • Length: 11.08m
  • Height: 3.8m
  • Wing Area: 22.59sq m


  • 1x 37mm N-37 cannons
  • 2x 23mm NR-23 cannons
  • Hardpoint: 2
  • 16x S-5 rockets
  • 2x 100 or 250kg bombs
  • 2x Drop tanks

⬠ Lim-6

Most sources mentions only the lim-5 and lim-5p, but there are also some displayed aircrafts that show Lim-6 characteristics, this can be identified by their distinct brake parachute situated just below the rudder. Normal MiG-17 from my research doesn’t have this feature.


  • Crew : 1
  • Length : 11.36m
  • Wingspan : 9.63m
  • Height : 3.80m
  • Empty Weight : 4271kg
  • Loaded weight : 5651kg
  • Max Take-off : 6652kg
  • Engine : 1x Lis-5 turbojet 33.1kN
  • Max Speed : 1150km/h
  • Range : 1080km w/o drop tanks
  • Service Ceiling : 16,470m w/ afterburner


  • 1x 37mm N-37D cannon (40x rnds)
  • 2x 23mm Nr-23 cannon (160x rnds)
  • hardpoints : 4
  • 780kg of rocket launchers, standard bombs or napalm bombs

⬠ Lim-5P

Polish License-built MiG-17PF with the Izumrud-5 (RP-5) radar. Around 5-7 were obtained in 1958/59. They have a designation of F-1181-1185. Some of the aircrafts were sent to the US. Most of the aircrafts have been immortalized as a museum piece or gate guardians. Should be same to the one in-game


  • Engine: Klimov VK-1F
  • Thrust (w/ afterburner): 2,288kg (3,367kg)
  • Max Speed: 1,123km/h
  • Range: 1,100km
  • Weight (Empty): 5,620kg (4,150kg)
  • Wingspan: 9.62m
  • Length: 11.36m
  • Height: 3.8m
  • Wing area: 22.59sq m


  • 3x 23mm NR-23 cannons

⬠ MiG-19S

35 obtained in 1961 to be used during Operation Trikora. These aircrafts were sold off to Pakistan after relations deteriorated with the Soviet Union.


  • Span: 9m
  • Length (w/o nose probe): 14.64m (12.54m)
  • Height: 3.8m
  • Wing Area: 25sq m
  • Takeoff Weight: 7,560kg
  • Engine: 2x Tumansky RD-9B
  • Max Speed: 1,452km/h
  • Climb speed: to 5,000m in 0.4 min


  • 3x 30mm NR-30 autocannon
  • 40x S-8 rockets on what looks like an B-8M1
  • 2x 100 kg bombs
  • 2x drop tanks (760ltr)

⬠ MiG-21F-13

26 obtained in 1961-63 in preparation for operation Trikora, a couple was of the U variant (trainer version). Same as the one in game. The F-13’s unique characteristic is the way the cockpit open outwards to the back rather than to the side. around half of the aircrafts were later sent to the US after relations soured between Indonesia and the Soviet Union.


  • Length: 13.46m
  • Wingspan: 7.154m
  • Height: 4.71m
  • Weight (empty): 7,100kg (10,739)
  • Engine: 1x Tumansky R-11F-300 afterburning turbojet
  • Thrust (afterburner): 38.26kN (49.82kN)
  • Max Speed (high alt): 1,200km/h low alt (2,175km/h high alt)
  • Service Ceiling: 19,000m
  • Range: 1,300km


  • 1x 30mm NR-30 autocannon
  • 2x FAB-500 bombs
  • 2x S-5K rockets
  • 2x R-3S missiles
  • Drop tank

⬠ Avon Sabre Mk 32 (Pustlitbang)

16 CAC sabre obtained in 1972. originally arrived with the guns disabled, but they were then reactivated by the Ministry of Defense’s Pustlitbang (Research and Development Center) along with other switch of the suspended armaments. Used for 7 years, but was forbidden to act in any actual military operations by Australia. Though there’s not a whole lot of information for the missiles used.


  • Engine : Powerplant: 1 × Rolls-Royce Avon RA.26 turbojet engine, 7,500 lbf (33 kN) thrust
  • Wingspan : 11,3 m
  • Fuselage Length : 11,45 m
  • Max Speed : 1.125 km/h
  • Max alt : 45.000 ft (19,725m)
  • Cruise Range : 2.720 km


  • 2x 30mm ADEN cannons
  • 16x 80mm Oerlikon SURA rockets (8x per wing, 4 launchers, 2 rocket per launcher)
  • 2 Aim9 missiles (probably AIM-9J/P)
  • 2x Drop tanks

⬠ A-4E

Nicknamed “si Bongkok (The Hunchback)” because of the hump on the top of the fuselage. Standard version has the hump, the trainer version does not. Visually the same as the Israeli one but with the Israeli avionics and radar removed. 16 was obtained from Israel in 1980 (14x A-4E & 2x TA-4H), another 16 A-4Es were purchased in 1982. Has the same modifications as the Israeli one, but with further modification by the Indonesians were the adding of a VICON 70 camera, changes in comms radio with ARC 182 freq (VHF-UHV-AM-FM), Doppler antenna, TACAN Computers, WDNS (Weapon Delivery Navigation Systems), Ferranti Gun Sight weapon sights, and the addition of Front Mounting Gun armament.


  • Wingspan: 8.38 m (27’6”)
  • Length: 12.29 m (40’3.125”)
  • Height: 4.57 m (15’3.125”)
  • Empty Weight: 5,670 kg
  • Max Weight: 12,428 kg
  • Accommodation: 1
  • Carrying Capacity: 4,138 kg
  • MaxSpeed: 1,392 km/hour
  • Cruise Speed: 906 km/hour
  • Flight Height: 14,935 m
  • Maximum cruising distance: 3,307 km
  • Fuel: Avtur JP-1, JP-5/fill tank 790 gallons


  • 2x 30mm DEFA 552 cannons.
  • 5x hardpoints
  • Bombs = in board 4.500 lbs, out board 1.850 lbs (standard bombs alongside a mark12/m117 360kg bombs)
  • Rockets +/ Guided Missiles = 9.915 lbs (could be aim-9j/p)

Hawk 53

Export version of the Hawk 50 for Indonesia. Around 20 obtained around 1978-83. Five was repurchased by BAE in 1999. Limited attack capabilities, no aim-9s.


  • Factory : British Aerospace Company
  • Engine : Rolls Royce Turbomeca Adour 851 Turbofan
  • Crew : 2
  • Wingspan : 9,38 m
  • Length : 11,85 m
  • Height : 4,10 m
  • Empty Weight : 3.628 Kg
  • Maximum weight : 7.750 kg
  • Max Speed : 1.060 km/h
  • Cruise Speed : 1.000 km/h
  • Max Altitude : 15,240 m
  • Climb speed : 47 m/s


  • 1x External 30mm ADEN cannon (100-200 ammo)under the fuselage
  • up to 2.540 kg of bombs and Hydra 70 rockets

⬠ TU-16

14 Tu-16 was obtained in 1961/62 although the purchasing plans were discussed as early as the late 50s. They were purchased to replace the B-25s that were lacking spare parts. The standard Tu-16 were operated by 41st Squadron.


  • Engine: 2x Mikulin AM-3
  • Wingspan: 33.5m
  • Length: 36m
  • Height: 10.8m
  • Max Weight: 68 tons
  • Speed: 945km/h
  • Crew: 7


  • 7x AM-23 cannons (2x dorsal, ventral, and tail turret)(1 forward)
  • Hardpoints: no hardpoints under wing, only has inner bomb racks
  • up to 9 tons of bombs

⬠ TU-16KS-1

Tu-16KS-1 is a variant of the Tu-16 specifically designed with the addition of hardpoint mounts for the KS-1 anti-ship missiles, other than that its the same as the base Tu-16. Around 12 were obtained around 1961/62, and they were used during operation Trikora along with the standard Tu-16 serving for the 42nd Squadron.


  • Engine: 2x Mikulin AM-3
  • Wingspan: 33.5m
  • Length: 36m
  • Height: 10.8m
  • Max Weight: 68 tons
  • Speed: 945km/h
  • Crew: 7


  • 7x AM-23 cannons (2x dorsal, ventral, and tail turret)(1 forward)
  • Hardpoints: 2 for Anti-ship missiles and inner bomb racks
  • 2x KS-1 Anti-ship missile on the hardpoint
  • up to 9 tons of bombs

Hawk 109

Export version of the BAE hawk 100 for Indonesia. 8 were obtained in 1996-7. Unlike the hawk 209, it has no radar. There is a RWR facing forward, the type used is the Sky Guardian 200 by GEC-Marconi, England. The RWR was upgraded to the Selex ES’ SEER Self Protection RWR in 2016. There is also a Laser Rangefinder on the nose made by Ferranti, and still in the same place there is also a FLIR device made by Marconi. No radars.


  • Crew : 2
  • Length (with probe): 12.42 meters
  • Wing span (with missile): 9.94 meters
  • Height: 3.99 meters
  • Empty weight: 4,400 kg
  • Max takeoff weight: 9,100 kg
  • Max speed: Mach 1.2
  • Max altitude: 13,545 meters
  • Engine: Turboméca Adour Mk.871
  • Travel Distance: 2,428 km
  • Mileage with drop tanks: 2,594 km


  • 1x 30mm ADEN external cannon under fuselage
  • 5 hardpoints (2 on wingtips)
  • Aim-9 Sidewinder (J/P-2/P-4)
  • AGM-65G Mavericks
  • mk12 bombs
  • 4x mk82 bombs (with JDAM & LJDAM kits)
  • 8x mk81 bombs
  • 2x 864ltr Drop tanks
  • Hydra rockets


First arrived in 1980s, upgraded in the 90s. SABCA along with Dislitbangau upgrades. The upgrade name is MACAN (Modernize of Avionics Capabilities for Armament & Navigation). Upgrades includes a HUDWAC, LN-93 INS, Video systems, ALR-91 (V)3 RWR, and an AN/APQ-159 radar. The upgraded F-5s are similar in technology to the F-16s C/D, but without the better engines or armaments.


  • Crew: 1 (F-5E)
  • Length: 14.45 m
  • Wingspan: 8.13 m
  • Wing area: 17.28 m²
  • Height: 4.08 m
  • Empty Weight: 4,349 kg
  • Max takeoff weight: 11,187 kg
  • Engine: 2× General Electric J85-GE-21B turbojet
  • Thrust: 3.500 lbf each
  • Thrust with afterburners: 5.000 lbf each
  • Internal tank capacity: 2,563 L
  • External tank capacity: 1,040 L per tank, capable of carrying up to 3 tanks
  • Maximum speed: 1,060 mph, 1,700 km/h, Mach 1.6
  • Range: 870 mi (1,405 km)
  • Maximum range: 2,310 mi (3,700 km)
  • Maximum altitude: 15,800 m
  • Climb speed: 175 m/s


  • 2x 20 mm (0.787 in) M39-A3 Revolver cannon in the nose
  • 5 hardpoints, 2 on wingtips
  • up to 7000lbs of bombs (mk81s, mk82s) or rockets (FFAR)
  • AIM-9P-2 sidewinder on wing tips
  • P-100L (Indonesian bombs)

⬠ EMB 314 Super Tucano

Originally ordered in 2010, 16 obtained from 2012-2016. They replace the aging OV-10F broncos in CAS roles. Super Tucano is focused on purely surface attacks, it can withstand a max force of +7g and -3.5g. It’s comparable to the F-5E. The aircraft is fitted with a StarSAFIRE III FLIR under the fuselage, along with a RWR, MAWS, and chaff/flare dispensers. It’s also equpped with an INS, GPS, laser-ring gyro, radar altimeter, TCAS, anti-interception and jamming of V/UHF radio signals and fuel alarms. Other than that, it also has an auto-pilot, HF radio, and IFF transponder.


  • Factory: Embraer
  • Body length: 11.33 meters
  • Wingspan: 11.14 meters
  • Wing area: 19.4 meters2
  • Height: 3.97 meters
  • Empty weight: 3,020 Kg
  • Takeoff weight (empty): 3,160 Kg
  • Takeoff weight (max): 5,200 Kg
  • Climbing ability: 24 meters/second
  • Engine: Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A
  • Fuel capacity: 695 liters
  • Max range: 1,500 Km
  • Cruising speed: 530 km/hour
  • Max speed: 593 Km/hour


  • 2x 12.7mm FN Herstal M3P on wings (250 rounds each)
  • 5 hardpoints (2 on wings (250kg max) & 1 under fuselage (350kg max) (1,550 kg total max)
  • MAA-1 Piranha missiles
  • Mark 81 bombs
  • Mark 82 bombs
  • Hydra 70 rockets ( Avibras AV-LM 70/7 SF M9 MK2 launcher, 7x rockets per)
  • Drop tanks


KAI T-50 export version for Indonesia. Around 16 obtained in 2013/14. Equipped with radar in 2018. Tandem seat with a FBW digital control, active stick. Other characteristics include a HUD, integrated up front control, color MFD, HOTAS screen, Martin Baker MK10 ejection seat, GPS/INS system, UHF/VHF radio, integrated IFF, radar altimeter, mission computer, and a RWR. Originally has no radar, but was upgraded to either the EL/M-2032 or AN/APG-67, assumed to the be former.


  • Crew: 2
  • Length: 42 ft 7 in (12.98 m)
  • Wingspan: 30 ft 1 in (9.17 m)
  • Height: 15 ft 8.25 in (4.78 m)
  • Empty weight: 14,200 lb (6,441 kg)
  • Maximum takeoff weight: 26,400 lb (11,985 kg)
  • Engine: 1× General Electric F404 afterburning turbofan
  • Dry thrust: 11,925 lbf (53.07 kN)
  • Thrust with afterburner: 17,775 lbf (79.1 kN)
  • Maximum speed: Mach 1.4
  • Range: 1,150 mi
  • Highest service limit: 48,000 ft (14,630 m)


  • 1x 20mm Vulcan M197 (205 rounds filled with either API / HEI / HEI-T / MPT-SD) (3x barrel)
  • 7 hardpoints, 2 on wing tips (up to 3.740 kg)
  • 2x AIM-9 sidewinder (either the J or P-2)
  • Hydra rockets (7 rocket per tube),
  • Mk82 (500lbs) bombs
  • Mk12/M117s (360kg) bombs
  • AGM-65 Mavericks
  • Drop tanks

⬠ Su-27 SK

Indonesia purchased 2 Su-27SK in 2003. However, all of the SK variants had been upgraded to the SKM version. There is also an OEPS-27 electro-optical sensor and the radar is a Phazotron Zhuck-27 with A TWS and a Look-down/shoot-down capability, along with a Belarussian made “Veresk” Active Jammer pod by Belspetsvneshtechnika (Белспецзнештэхніка) mounted under the hardpoint (but doesn’t take up weapon slot). Unknown R-27 variants, so I used information based on SIPRI and the list of equipment.


  • Engines: 2 х NPC Salyut AL-31F Turbofan
  • Thrust: 2 х 12500kgf
  • Length: 21.9m
  • Wing span: 14.7m
  • Height: 5.9m
  • Max takeoff weight:30450kg
  • Max payload: 8000kg
  • Max internal fuel capacity: 9400kg
  • Max sea-level speed: 1400km/h
  • Max Mach number: 2.35
  • Service ceiling: 18500m
  • Max g-load: 9g
  • Flight range at the cruising altitude: 3530km
  • Run with the normal takeoff weight: 450m
  • Roll with the drag chute deployed: 620m


⬠ Su-27 SKM

the SKM is an upgrade of the SK variant. Original export variant for Indonesia was supposed to be the Su-27KI, but in 1997 Indonesia didn’t order the plane. Indonesia started operating the flankers since 2003, with what was 5 units of Su-27 of both the SK & SKM variant, although now all SK variants had been upgraded to the SKM versions. the SKM upgrade includes: new digital MFDs with other electronics. Able to use guided AGMs, such as the KH-29 & KH-31 missiles, as well as the R77/RVV-AE AA missile. Has in-flight refueling system, and Pastel RWR along with a Belarussian made “Veresk” Active Jammer pod by Belspetsvneshtechnika (Белспецзнештэхніка) mounted under the hardpoint (but doesn’t take up weapon slot) same as the SK variant. Unknown R-27 variants, so I used information based on SIPRI and the list of equipment.


  • Engines type = 2 х NPC Salyut AL-31F Turbofan
  • Thrust = 2 х 12500 kgf
  • Length = 21.9 m
  • Wing span = 14.7 m
  • Height = 5.9 m
  • Max takeoff weight = 33000kg
  • Max payload = 8000kg
  • Max internal fuel capacity = 9400kg
  • Max sea-level speed = 1400 km/h
  • Max Mach number = 2.15
  • Service ceiling = 17750m
  • Max g-load = 9 g
  • Flight range at the cruising altitude = 3530km
  • Run with the normal takeoff weight = 450m
  • Roll with the drag chute deployed = 700m


⬠ Su-30 MK

2 Su-30MK were purchased in 2003. the two MKs have been upgraded to MK2 standard in Belarus. Has similar capabilities & equipment as the Su-27, but minus the “Veresk” Active Jammer pod. As on the Su-30 the active jammer is replaced with the Belarussian Talisman ADS, made by Defence Initiative (Оборонные инициативы).


  • Engines type: 2 x NPC Salyut AL-31F Turbofan
  • Thrust: 2 x 12500 kgf
  • Length: 21.9m
  • Wing span: 14.7m
  • Height: 6.4m
  • Takeoff weight:
  • normal : 24900kg
  • max : 34500 kg
  • limit: 38800kg
  • Fuel capacity: 9640kg
  • Combat load: 8000kg
  • Max. speed:
  • at altitude: 2120km/h
  • sea level: 1350km/h
  • Max. Mach: 2
  • Operational ceiling: 17300m
  • Limit load factor: 9g
  • Range:
  • without refueling: 3000km
  • with one refueling: 5200km
  • Takeoff run (at normal takeoff weight): 550m
  • Landing roll (with brake parachute): 750m


⬠ Su-30 MK2

A total of 9 SU-30MK2s purchased since 2008. Total is now 10 after the 2 Su-30MK was upgraded. Su-30MK2 upgrade includes an improved fire control system, a more advanced cockpit, better ECM suite, support for additional weaponry and a better IRST capability. Same active jammer as the MK with the Belarussian Talisman ADS, made by Defence Initiative (Оборонные инициативы).


  • Engines type: 2 x NPC Salyut AL-31F Turbofan
  • Thrust: 2 x 12500kgf
  • Length: 21.9m
  • Wing span: 14.7m
  • Height: 6.4m
  • Takeoff weight:
  • normal : 24900kg
  • max: 34500kg
  • limit: 38000kg
  • Fuel capacity: 9720kg
  • Combat load: 8000kg
  • Max. speed:
  • at altitude: 2100km/h
  • sea level: 1400km/h
  • Max. Mach: 2
  • Operational ceiling: 17300m
  • Limit load factor: 9g
  • Range:
  • without refueling: 3000km
  • with one refueling: 5600km
  • Takeoff run (at normal takeoff weight): 550m
  • Landing roll (with brake parachute): 750m


⬠ F-16A Block 15 OCU

This is the original version that Indonesia purchased in the 80s/90s brand new from the factory, unlike the F-16C/D. Originally equipped with AN/APG-66 PD radar. Block 15 upgrades include a new extension tailplane stabilizer with 30% more area to improve stability and a faster take-off rotation. Other changes include an increased underwing hardpoints, and a modified cockpit instrument layout. The OCU upgrade includes a F100-PW-220 turbofan with DEEC group 3, bigger HUD built by marconi, added support for the AN/ALQ-131 jammer pod, a ring-laser gyro INS, along with some structural reinforcement + wiring for future update in avionics. The max take-off weight was increased to 17,000 kg.The radar has 4 modes for air to air combat and 7 for air to surface attacks. ALR-69 RWR is also present


  • Length: 49 ft 5 in (14.8 m)
  • Wingspan: 32 ft 8 in (9.8 m)
  • Height: 16 ft (4.8 m)
  • Wing area: 300 ft² (27.87 m²)
  • Airfoil: NACA 64A204 root and tip
  • Empty weight: 18,238 lb (8,272 kg)
  • Loaded weight: 26,463 lb (12,003 kg)
  • Maximum takeoff weight: 42,300 lb (16,875 kg)
  • Engine: 1× Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-220 afterburning turbofan
  • Dry thrust: 14,590 lbf (64.9 kN)
  • Thrust with afterburner: 23,770 lbf (105.7 kN)


  • 1x 20mm Vulcan M61A1
  • 6x early AIM-9P Sidewinder (AIM-9P2/P4 )
  • FFAR rockets
  • AGM-65G mavericks
  • Mark12s 360kg bombs
  • Mark81s 250lbs bombs
  • Mark82s 500lbs bombs
  • P-100/250L
  • Drop tanks
  • No GBUs or JDAMs

F-16C Block 52ID

F-16 C/D block 25 were upgraded to be equal to a block 50/52 and was initially received around 2015. Upgrades include MMC-7000A mission computer, AN/APG-68 V(9) pulse Doppler radar with Modem Data Link 16, embedded GPS/INS (EGI) for JDAMs, AN/ALQ-213 EWMS, ALR-69 class 4 RWR, ALE-47 countermeasures. the F100-PW-220/E engines upgraded with a group 6 DEEC system and Augmentor Engine, FBW control system. Pilot can withstand up to 9g, steering is on the right


  • Engine: 1x Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-220 IPE afterburning turbofan with power 79 kN (normal) and 129.7 kN (full afterburner).
  • Dimensions: 15.1 x 4.9 x 9.4 meters
  • Weight: 8,273 kg (empty) and 19,187 kg (full armament)
  • Max speed: Mach 2.05 at an altitude of 12,200 meters (40,000 feet)
  • Max flight altitude: 18,000 meters (59,000 feet)


  • 1x 20mm Vulcan M61A1
  • 6x AIM-9 Sidewinder (AIM-9P4/P5) or AIM-120 AMRAAMs or Aim-9X-2
  • FFAR rockets
  • AGM-65K2 mavericks
  • Mark12s 360kg bombs
  • Mark81s 250lbs bombs
  • Mark82s 500lbs bombs (with JDAM & LJDAM kits)
  • P-100/250L
  • GBU-38/54
  • Drop tanks

⬠ F-16AM Block 15 Falcon Star eMLU

F-16s that undergoes the Falcon Star mid-life upgrade in 2018s. The AM/BM should be similar to the Block 52ID in performance. To tell the differences between an AM or C variant, the AM version has the IFF Bird Slicer, while the C or the older A version does not. The upgrades include AN/APX-109 bird slicer IFF, addition of BVR missiles, Fire Control Radar, JDAMs, and upgrades on the airframe


  • Length: 49 ft 5 in (14.8 m)
  • Wingspan: 32 ft 8 in (9.8 m)
  • Height: 16 ft (4.8 m)
  • Wing area: 300 ft² (27.87 m²)
  • Airfoil: NACA 64A204 root and tip
  • Empty weight: 18,238 lb (8,272 kg)
  • Loaded weight: 26,463 lb (12,003 kg)
  • Maximum takeoff weight: 42,300 lb (16,875 kg)
  • Engine: 1× Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-220 afterburning turbofan
  • Dry thrust: 14,590 lbf (64.9 kN)
  • Thrust with afterburner: 23,770 lbf (105.7 kN)


  • 1x 20mm Vulcan M61A1
  • 6x AIM-9 Sidewinder (AIM-9P4/P5) or AIM-120 AMRAAMs or Aim-9X-2
  • FFAR rockets
  • AGM-65K2 mavericks
  • Mark12s 360kg bombs
  • Mark81s 250lbs bombs
  • Mark82s 500lbs bombs (with JDAM & LJDAM kits)
  • P-100/250L
  • GBU-38/54
  • Drop tanks

Hawk 209

Export version of the Hawk 200 for Indonesia. Initially obtained in 1997 alongside the Hawk 109s. should be similar to the hawk 109s. Except that it has an air refueling probe and is equipped with an AN/APG-66H radar.


  • Crew: 1
  • Length (with probe): 12.07 meters
  • Wing span (with missile): 9.94 meters
  • Height: 4.16 meters
  • Empty weight: 4,450 kg
  • Max take off weight: 9,100 kg
  • Max speed: Mach 1.2
  • Max altitude: 13,715 meters
  • Engine: 1x Turboméca Adour Mk.871 (2,721kg of thrust)
  • Travel Distance: 2,428 km
  • Distance with drop tanks: 3,610 km


  • 1x 30mm ADEN external cannon under fuselage
  • 5 hardpoints (2 on wingtips)
  • 2x AIM-9 Sidewinder (P-2/P-4)
  • Can carry AMRAAMS
  • AGM-65G mavericks
  • Mark12s 360kg bombs
  • Mark81s 250lbs bombs
  • Mark82s 500lbs bombs (with JDAM & LJDAM kits)
  • GBU-38/54
  • FFAR rockets
Explanation on certain equipments
Hispano Suiza/SURA-D 80mm rockets (on most aircrafts)

Licensed from Oerlikon-Bührle, produced by IPTN (now Indonesian Aerospace). The license process is named “Proyek Menang”. It can penetrate around 13 inch (330mm) of armor. These were later replaced by the FFAR.

Warhead weight : 3 kg (6.6 lb) / 4.5 kg (9.9 lb)
Explosive : 0.87 kg (1.9 lb) / 1.0 kg (2.2 lb)
Weight of propulsion unit : 8.4 kg (19 lb) / 8.4 kg (19 lb)
Complete rocket : 11.4 kg (25 lb) / 12.9 kg (28 lb)
Velocity, m/s : 530–595 m/s (1,740–1,950 ft/s) / 530–595 m/s (1,740–1,950 ft/s)

RAK 047 HC
Warhead weight : 3 kg (6.6 lb)
Explosive : 0.7 kg (1.5 lb)
Weight of propulsion unit : 8.4 kg (19 lb)
Complete rocket : 11.4 kg (25 lb)
Velocity, m/s : 530–595 m/s (1,740–1,950 ft/s) / 530–595 m/s (1,740–1,950 ft/s)

P-100/250L dumb bombs (F-5E, Su-27SK, Su-27SKM, Su-30MK, Su-30MK2, F-16)

Domestically made dumb bombs, made for use by NATO aircrafts and the Sukhoi jets. The name corresponds to the amount of kgs. 500L is not currently in use, but is planned to in the future.


Cluster of P-250Ls

Belspetsvneshtechnika's "Veresk" Active Jammer

mounted on hardpoint but does not impede on the armaments. It operates automatically by analyzing incoming signals and selecting appropriate countermeasures to jam enemy radars.

Talisman ADS (Su-30MK, SU-30MK2)

The ADS talisman is housed in two small pods under the furthest weapon station under the wing. Yet armaments can still be fitted under the jammer.
How the payload is fitted under the jammer (same as the Su-27’s “Veresk” Active Jammer pod)

Mark 12 360kg dumb bomb (A-4E, Hawk 109, Hawk 209, T-50i, F-16)

Mark 12 fitted on an F-16 with the writing “Mother’s blessings”

The Indonesian Air Force employs the MK12 tritonal general purpose bomb, weighing 360 kg, primarily used on the F-16 Fighting Falcon. Technical details are scarce, but it closely resembles the MK117 General Purpose Bomb, weighing 360 kg and utilizing Tritonal explosive compound. Both bombs can be fitted with fuses and tail fins for deployment.


These aircrafts are not being suggested. I’ve only put them here for record-keeping purposes.

There are multiple reasons why these vehicles did not make the cut, such as:

Not in service

  • F-15IDN (F-15EX II)
  • IF-X (KF-21 Boramae)
  • Rafale F4

Purchase cancelled

  • Mirage 2000-5
  • Su-27KI
  • Su-30KI

Only used in trials

  • AMX
  • AMX(T)

Not used for combat purposes

  • Blenheim Mk IV (Sakae)
  • Pangeran Diponegoro I (Ki-48)
  • Pangeran Diponegoro II (Ki-49)
  • H6K2-L

Expressed interest in purchasing only

  • Eurofighter Typhoon

Lack of references

  • Sansikisin (Ki-61)
  • A6M2
  • B7A2
  • BF-109 E-7
  • La-9UTI
  • Tu-2S
  • CS-104

miscellaneous reasons

  • Nishikoren (Ki-79)
  • Aichi E13A1
  • L-29 Delfin
  • T-34C-1
  • Il-28R
  • TF-51D
  • TA-4J

D. Sources

Cover Images

A. Background

C. Airplanes


NU-200/225 Sikumbang (Beetle) [Prototype]

Nishikoren (Ki-27 Otsu)

Cukiu (Ki-36/Ki-55)

Hayabusha (Ki-43-II)

Cureng (Yokosuka K5Y1)

⬠ F1M2

⬠ PBY-5A Catalina

⬠ AT-16 Harvard/T-6G Texan


Guntei (Ki-51)

⬠ N1K1

⬠ B-25J-15-NC


⬠ P-51D/Cavalier Mustang II


⬠ Avia B-33 (Il-10)

⬠ La-11

⬠ B-26B Invader (Heavily modified in weapon loadout)

⬠ Fairey Gannet AS.4


⬠ DH.115 Vampire T.55

⬠ CS-102 (MiG-15 UTI)

TA-33A (Dislitbangau)


⬠ IL-28


⬠ Lim-5/Lim-6bis/Shenyang Type 56 (J-5)

⬠ Lim-5P (MiG-17PF)

⬠ MiG-19S

⬠ MiG-21F-13/U

⬠ Avon Sabre Mk 32 (Puslitbang armament change)

⬠ A-4E

HS Hawk 53

⬠ Tu-16/KS-1


BAE Hawk 109


⬠ EMB 314 Super Tucano



⬠ Su-27 SK/SKM

⬠ Su-30 MK/MK2

F-16 C/D Block 52ID/⬠ A/B Block 15 OCU/⬠ AM/BM Block 15 Falcon STAR eMLU

BAE Hawk 209


Omitted Aircrafts


Rafale F4



Mirage 2000-5

Eurofighter Typhoon


L-29 Delfin




BF-109 E-7

Sansikisin “Mustang Jepang” (Ki-61)


Blenheim Mk IV (Sakae)

Pangeran Diponegoro I (P.D. 1) (Ki-48)

Pangeran Diponegoro II (P.D. 2) “Benteng Asia” (Ki-49)

Aichi E13A1


Does this tree have a single original design? or is it just copy and paste of existing aircraft from the other nations? (a.k.a hungary air tree, but again)


Boring & useless !

100% of these planes come from export market.
Most of them are already ingame and the others should be introduced in their own TT.


Unfortunately not, the aviation side was (and arguably still is) one of the most neglected aspect of the Indonesian Armed forces , with most of the R&D and resources going to the navy or the army.

This is why, unlike the army at least, there’s only a handful of fully unique vehicles, with most of them just a modified or export versions. Since the doctrine was primarily about naval power and anti-insurgency/separatists, and never about air superiority, which is quite a shame.


yes, which is why I also don’t feel it would fit to be a full sub-tree

As I explained in the disclaimer, I think it would be best for the implementation to be like Norway in the Swedish tech-tree, or Romania, with some of the more unique vehicles being implemented as premiums/squadron/events rather than the entire thing being implemented


Perhaps this would be a good addition to an ROK TT, given the strong relationship between the Indonesian and Korean MICs. It would make a separate ROK TT viable, as they do lack some aircraft. Such a tree would also include the Philippines for similar reasons.

+1 for an ROK subtree

(Alternatively it could go to Japan, but I’m not sure if there is that much of a connection, in addition to the fact that Thailand and Malaysia would have a ton of useful equipment for them already.)

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I don’t think so with Japan. Since Thailand’s sub tree was passed to the devs awhile back, I feel that Japan would get them instead. Maybe for the Individual vehicles they can be put there, but the whole sub-tree is unlikely.

Of course it could go towards an ASEAN tree, for the ground there’s quite a good few of vehicles, but the aircrafts would be mostly export versions so I don’t know about that.

I feel it would fit best with either South Korea or Turkey, since relations are close for the both of them.

and this is a BIG MAYBE, but the vehicles can also be put as a part of Netherlands in the Benelux sub tree


This could help Japan alot I mean there more here than past rank 4 in Japan atm.

For those who say boring and C&P just remember it’s ether these, fakes or nothing.

I would pick a sub for Japan.


On the one hand I’m skeptical about a bunch of Soviet/Russian copy-paste going to Japan. On the other hand, Avon Sabre with AIM-9J.


Ture but then Japan would least have some content lol

Thailand should solve that easily to be fair

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Yea true but it seems like gaijin want to add more than a sub to a nation now.
Indonesia seems to be a bigger choice but who knows

I would say Malaysia would be an equally good option, and probably has more unique stuff to it to be quite honest. That being said, Indonesia does remain a possibility, though as I have said above, I think it would make more sense to add it as part of a South Korean tree alongside the Philippines

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I mean Indonesia got a lot of things that would be unique and won’t cause much up set as say SK.




if we’re looking at the suggestion passed to the devs, the most likely option for a Japanese sub-tree is Thailand. So I don’t think SK will be part of the Japanese, but then again who knows what nation Gaijin will pick for Japan

also if someone has information on the sansikisin (ki61) or the 109s please do mention them, because there are some conflicting reports on whether it was bf109s or ki-61s, or even both, that were operated back then.

Both were mentioned to be operated but was destroyed in Maguwo in Yogyakarta, but again, no concrete source for this

Suggestion passed to the developers for consideration.