Indian Subtree for the UK tech tree?

Why is there no Indian subtree for the UK tech tree. UK top tier is severely lacking (Apart from Germany) with there current options involving a harrier with no radar, a harrier worse than the AV-8B Plus at the same BR, a LOT of tornados (Involving a certain GR.4 with severely underperforming Brimstone missiles) and the worst variant of the JAS39C in game. I am aware of the Eurofighter F Mk 2 being added but I think an indian subtree would give more motive for grinding britain top tier, such as the Mig-29K, Mirage 2000, the Hal Tejas, Dassault Rafale and the SU-30. These would be great additions to british top tier while not being difficult to add, most of these vehicles would be effectively copy and paste and not even remotely hard for the devs to implement.


I assume you mean “why is there no dedicated line in the TT”, like SA?

Well who knows besides gaijin but since India is an official sub tree already that stuff will probably come at some point, I just assume it isnt planned yet.


Becuase we dont need it.

First and foremost, we are about to get the Typhoon F2 which is better than anything India has to offer.

The Sea Harrier FA2 should be stronger than the AV-8B+ but gaijin refuses to model BOL correctly and so is underperforming significantly.

Harrier Gr7 is the superior CAS aircraft to the AV-8B+ though even that is underperforming withwise to its A2A and A2G loadout

Tornado F3 is one of the strongest 12.0 aircraft in game, just needs CMs fixed (BOL again)

Tornado F3 Late is a little underpowered at 13.3, (should be 13.0) but also again would be easily fixable with BOL overhaul and the addition of Phimat.

Tornado Gr1 jsut needs a 11.3 BR and its CBUs and it would be really good. Mk103 engines wouldnt hurt either

Tornado Gr4 needs a few buffs but overall is good and does its job well

then we already have the Gripen C to bodge the lack of top tier fighter.

Mig-29K, Mirage 2K, Rafale, Su-30 all add absolutely nothing to our tree other than crappy RP grinds. If you want those aircraft, just play the soviet or french TTs. Only the Tejas would be “unique” and even then, shouldnt come till long after we have things like the Typhoon FGR4 in place, in all its glory.

When you consider British aircraft missing from the TT, such as the Jaguar Gr3A, BAE Hawk, Harrier Gr9A, etc as well a few South African aircraft that should take priority over Soviet and French C&Ps like the Atlas Cheatah, adding these would harm our tree more than they would benefit it.

There also simply isnt room on the British TT for a full line of C&P aircraft, especially with the amount of native stuff missing as is.

This is what our tree could look like just from Britain and South Africa


how do we make a nation that already is a sub tree a sub tree ?

He means why isnt there an entire line of Indian aircraft like there is for Thailand with Japan, BeNeLux for France or Hungry for Italy

u sure of that?
with the kind of people apparently running rampant right now i wouldnt be suprised if he was serious

True, but yeah, not a single C&P aircraft is needed for Britain at the moment

Oh yeah, defo, Also means I dont have to grind the French TT to try it out :P

If it makes the French mad, then it should be done.

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reason i would like greece for germany, simply cause of the case options including rafale

while we are getting switzerland and its all nice, its very very limited in what it realy brings
everyone is getting diversity but switzerland is ehhh

Maybe, a bit of a tenative connection though, Switzerland and Austria might be better short-term.

again diversity, austria is even worse they dont bring anything realy, both users of leopards
austria has euros as well , the worst one at that, switzerland has F/A 18C, but now that we getting euros earlier we propably cann see the possible A2G loadout bye bye since its not in service and germany has other options

True, but Ive never totally got the “diversity” argument. If I wanted to use different vehicles then I would grind a different tree, with air being single vehicle anyway, it doesnt make any difference. Just need the grind being fixed.

For Ground there is a bit of an argument for diversity because you do have multi vehicle line-ups.

well thats why i talked about A2G stuff xD, planes are sadly or not just as much part of GRB as tanks

Yeah, just a shame they are so heavily gimped to accomodate tankers.

We’ll have to see, personally I would kinda like to see an emphasis placed on Primary nations getting the TLC they deserve. For Germany that should include the upcoming Typhoon (no doubt that will have months of bug reports and issues that’ll need fixing) . Later variants of the tornado, possibly later variants of the Alpha Jet and I dont really know what else Germany operated, but that alone could be a good years worth of aircraft.

and thats without any fixes or buffs for existing stuff that is woefully underperforming or lower BR additions.

reasons i am looking forward to the heavy spaas

thats the thing, there is nothing.
typhoon of course,
tornado SLE ?, taurus and maw pods /emc pods thats it if they are generous and aim 9l(I) /iris-t on a strike aircraft which hardly can defend itself
alpha jet? we got the most modern version realy, there is no big step up for germany.
modernised alpha jets are pretty much all exports

F-35 in the far far future. But germany air realy is at its end. There is nothing specialy left sadly.

Thats fair then to look further a field.

Greece doesnt have a clear “home” at the moment where others perhaps do.

Poland and Co would be better in a WARSAW pact nation, South American nations like Argentina better in a LATAM tree.

Everything else is already taken.

But I’ll let you fight the French for the Rafale :D

Just make sure to go through Ardennes

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they got leopards even if they didnt want to with leopards 2a8 coming in the future xD
they can kindly shut up :P

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Migs, Mirages, Rafales, Su-30 plus Gripen and the eurofighter.
Isn’t that a bit unfair for everyone else?

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u looked at japan with thailand and possibly founder asean coming yet?

USA has multiple different main plane lines so do china and ussr.
i do not see the problem

China is in a pretty similar situation too. I’m not expecting them all to be added but just to see some added would be nice and an actual reason to grind the british TT