Increas multipathing for BRs under 12.0

I’m sick of getting killed by Aim54. I fly 50 m above the ground “boom” dead! What can I do? Pleas don’t tell me skill issue. Give me tips or better. Just change it.


Bro I know how to dodge them

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Skill issue.


play another BR/play Tomcat

Yeah lemme grind america real quick


i played F-4S for 2 days, that was a safari: get base or two and destroy planes with sparrows(HMD included)

I want to have fun this is why I complain against aim54. Playing in or against braindead planes isn’t funny and will never make fun. (Maybe for 1 week but then its boring)

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Phoenixes have a lot of explosives so when they blow up next to you on the ground it’s likely to do enough damage to kill you.


you just literally said that you didn’t and asked for tips.

if you knew how to dodge them you would get killed by them as often as you claim.

If they change it then noone will be able to learn how to avoid radar guided missiles before they hit the seriously good ones. You’ll learn eventually, or you won’t. If you knew how to dodge them, then you probably wouldn’t be here to complain about them.


You clearly dont if you are dying to it.


RIP bozo


I don’t understand all this, I played the F1C a lot since the update and haven’t been killed by Phoenixes even once

The point is even 50m is too low.

nah, 50m is too high, should be 16m. hugging the ground should be an entirely unviable strategy.

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Is flying sideways to it really so hard?

Does it work?

IRL I think it’s like 17 meters? Less?

You shouldn’t be using multi pathing to evade missiles.

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Notching works unless the missile is advanced and has IOG, then it will carry your last known position / heading and might hit you. That’s where chaff, cranking comes in to play plus other maneuvers. Two people have shared videos now that help explain how to defeat radar missiles it’s up to you whether you want to learn.

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