In the interests of evolution and balancing

Japanese reserve tank gets heat so where is my t26 covered in kontakt 1?

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You mean the vitality crew skill that is effectively a survivability buff. Also, tankers didn’t wear flak jackets until the Korean war, but not before. They were issued to air crew and sailors, so swing and another miss.

Well if some counter did not exist during the service of a tank or the tank never had them, adding them would just make the game more unrealistic than it already is.


It feels pretty disingenuous of you to cut out the entire second half of the message your quoted.

I just had to post the meme, I’m sorry 😔

Fair. The meme is mildly amusing.

Plus, the post about F-5 CMs is mine, so I had to. 👽
That topic is my pet peeve.


I don’t think the F-5A and C should have CMs, but those are the exceptions, not the rule in terms of how Gaijin models things.


Cough F-15A having CMs Cough

The F-15A having CMs is correct. It’s the MSIP configuration of the F-15A-18-MC.

That’s why I have it written this way in my lang mod.



Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. You cant deny that gaijin likes to tweak either

How many letters do you want when we name this thing?


Meanwhile, War Thunder adds Proxy shells to the 2S38 even there is no such an information about it.

Well then, I hope you can read Russian.
According to gaijin 3UO8 is true HE-VT irl.
I nabbed this from another forum post. Enjoy the proof if you can read it.

I don’t know if you realise this or not, but the 2S38 is an anti-aircraft artillery platform. Implementing a proxy fuze shell for a modern AAA system is not at all comparable to giving WW2 tanks ERA or giving flak jackets to tank crews of WW2 when they didnt have them.


Do I miss something? doesn’t HE-VT stands for High Explosive - Time Variable fuze shell? its time based. The proxy ones called HE-PF (in the game tho).

Let me ask you this, if a guided artillery system used an electronic timing system installed within the gun system and you had to code that into your game, would you make it just a proxy shell or code in a brand new complicated feature?

This isn’t HE-VT from WW2 where fuses were set by the gunners prior to firing, this is HE-VT from an anti-aircraft artillery system that can lock targets and process the information into a firing solution and electronically time the shells according to that firing solution. So code the complicated system or call it a proxy round?

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HE-VT is a common nickname for proxy shells derived from the US calling them that during ww2 for intelligence reasons

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HEAT comes into play at BR 3.0 with Sav m/43 (1946). ERA for everyone I guess.

Also, wouldn’t this mean all tanks get a roof mounted AA-gun?

Define roof mouted AA gun