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I’d rather them be 1:1 than 1:4, and the last thing WT needs is more punishments. This topic has been discussed alot, and I see no reason to add a punishment.
In my experience mid tier German players typically aren’t the best, but they will use every single vehicle at their disposal, for better or worse. It’s the one redeeming quality most players have, because you can simply outlast the enemy.
(response to cornholio) - The first will never happen because banning specific nations would kill your queue time the same as trying to get a match with the Americans, Germans, Russians, and Swedes on the same team. The second will never happen because that would also kill queue times along with the fact that just because someone leaves after one death doesn’t mean they only have one vehicle. The third will never happen because they aren’t doing anything wrong and as such won’t ever receive a ban.
I played every nation (not italy so far) to at least 8.0. I grinded every tech tree and germany was my first nation.
I can tell you, we need more punishment for those players, that dont understand teamplay. And its simply not fair, if half the team leaves after they got killed 1 time. Mostly this happens with german tech tree players.
Some things in life, like blind German mains, are to be expected and unavoidable, so we have to suffer through it
Blind yes, Deaf? that’s 50/50 between the game not playing the engine sounds it should because of gaijin’s god awful racing engine spaghetti code and the players maybe not having a headset for directional hearing
Just introduce SBMM, problem solved.
Im.sorry but for ODLing yoh should get punished.
Any older fps game or pvp shooter you did.
The issue is now but theres basically full teams will just bail the instant they fk up.
Also hows the game punishing now? Other than.uptiers, which isnt new, it’s ts never been easier.
Mate soooo many people cry against it but it genuinely would solve alot.
Most of the people crying about it are just scared of having to fight against people at the same skill level as their.
I dont like German mains, have them executed!
While ODL is an issue, what you’re suggesting is barring an entire chunk of the playerbase from playing just because they don’t fit into your perfect ideology. What you suggest would actually make games significantly worse. Barring Germany removes an entire section of the playerbase that, at most tiers, are significantly better than most other nation mains. Plus, making a requirement for someone to have at least two vehicles is significantly anti-competitive as some people may be really good with, say, the Christian II but they don’t have any equivalent from the TT, and as such they’re bringing low tier vehicles to 10.7 and would be required to waste SL as they are getting a ban if they leave but are actively a detriment if they load into the Strv m/31. This wouldn’t fix ODL either, as players who might only have one vehicle of the BR and no backups are literally just going to spectate, and in turn is heavily anti-player and directly damaging the grind for multiple individuals.
ODL hurts teams, but directly attacking the players over suggesting changes that would help fix it that Gaijin is actively testing (Tiger Pack) and people still get cranked the hell out over users of it. The grind is different for everyone, you aren’t special. Instead of requesting capital punishment for minor offenses, suck it up and just play the game because in the end, it’s literally just a game.
I’m also not pulling stats themselves into this, but your most played vehicle is the Panzerbefehlswagon VI P, a german rank IV premium, and your ingame PFP is one earned for playing German tanks. Yes, ik ODL is not an exclusively German problem but it’s just kinda funny given the situation
In addition, nowhere in the rules of WT is ODL sn offense
Id rather it man , not a great player myself but recently its either a stomp fest or get your teeth kicked in theres no balance in the teams at all.
What bullshit. I play primarily German. Anyone who is crying here should try it out for themselves.
With my Russian tanks I have a better WL ratio and a significantly better KD. I’m not surprised that no one in the Russian team leaves the game after a death.
You also get Stalinium armor and regular tanks with low BR.
You have at least 3 tanks in every lineup that are still usable even at +0.7.
This is simply not the case with German tanks, with the exception of a few BR lineups.
Buh Mussian Rias!
I cant tell what take you were trying to make on blind Germans due to the sheer schmooveness of my brane, but imo it’s a stereptyping of a minority that ends up damaging the majority. German mains are increasingly common, same as Russian and American mains. The big issue with Germans being blind is most commonly from premnoobs who never really developed as they gained RP and as such you see Tiger Is who don’t know what the hell they’re doing. I’d also argue that most good players don’t actually play top tier, I have seen significantly more people dropping 10-15 kill games at mid BRs, such as 6.7, than I ever have at top tier. Sure, most top tiers are on an even playing field armor/gun wise, but not many people at top tier end up dropping more than 2-3 kills in a single life, as opposed to the amount of nukes I’ve seen off of the first spawn
Yeah me too.
No, it’s because it would never work in War Thunder, playing CODM I find myself going up against rank < 20s where I would dominate (35 kills on average) then the game thinks “He’s a good player because 35 kills is crazy” and puts me up against rank 300s where I get demolished, and it repeats itself. Therefore only every second game I’m able to do something which is NOT fun.
Like it doesn’t work in other games that have SBMM, right.
Explain to me how it would work in war thunder
Just my idea of how it could work:
- You start with around 1000 points
- For being in 1 - 6 position of the winning team You get + x points, for being lower y points.
- For being in 1 - 6 position of the losing team You get -a points, for being lower -b points.
- For teamkilling/etc You get - c points
You get put in a team that has +/- d points
People would abuse the teamkilling :)