to get to lower skill matches? Not a problem
It is very much a problem, you’ll get rank 100s teamkilling “Accidentally” to get with newbies then you’ll get them destroy those lobbies in events etc… I like your idea but I feel like any form of SBMM will ruin the game.
As we are already having people banned for teamkilling, I would say that “trash” could sort itself quite fast.
It is still better than what we have at the moment.
It would be better if implemented properly, and you and I both know Gaijin so I personally feel like it would come out as a sloppy excuse for top tier premiums to be more appealing to new players
While SBMM have it’s pros and cons I know damn well gaijin gonna butcher it like they are currently doing with detailed tank interiors. And with how WT is made, you do good for 4 matches and suddenly you are facing people on the skill level of Aoeliaeiepae Who gonna clap your entire team singled handedly then some more and spend the next hangar moment praying to the Snail the awful algorithm don’t chuck you into matches way above your skill level