I'm on snail side now

I don’t recall saying you cared. So…? Your point?

I do recall saying you don’t have the RIGHT to mis-use Steam’s review system, so MokaMoki’s statement was incorrect.

It remains incorrect whether you care or not.

I enjoy your hard work here. you are making a difference!


Review bombing has not and will not ever work.
Review bombing happened AFTER the economy changes were reverted & a direct line of communication with management was opened.

I dare you to post more lies to justify toxic childish behavior again.

@MokaMoki Refer to this post.

Gaijin hasn’t “responded” to review bombings. They responded to legitimate feedback exclusively.

The full context: Economy was reverted & a direct line of communication was opened on the morning of a day in May, only stated on the forums at the time. Review bombing started during the evening of the same day the economy was reverted & direct line of communication was opened.


The products are in-line with industry pricing. So no, they’re not over-priced.
If you think WT sucks, then you just hate the entire genre of military games.

Review bombing didn’t give us anything. Lying will not save you.

The review bombing happened AFTER the roadmap promise.
The roadmap was literally planned hours before the review bombing started, so yes it came purely from forum feedback.


They were happening during that (the economy changes didn’t even go live iirc), the bombings just continued after Gaijin’s first (quite bad) statement came out. Then Gaijin’s second statement came out, and then the bombings stopped.

The review bombings led to the game actually getting better, and the playerbase has realized it’s the on of the only ways to get good change because using the forums seems to not work/barely work. There has been so many threads and suggestions that have lots of positive support, yet nothing comes from it.

However the people leaving a bad review because of the sale are not smart. Gaijin also isn’t smart because they somehow managed to mess up a sale.

You are completelly wrong saying reviews do not affect the company decisions!

Or you work for gaijin and your are not being honest, or you have never work in community management.

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No, the review bombings did nothing.

The FEEDBACK via the special form is 100% what caused these changes, and that special form was started exclusively because of forum feedback, as it was opened prior to the review bombing.

I know this because unlike many people here I didn’t view a single YouTube video about the economy drama, and instead kept an eye on Gaijin news and the now old forum.

YouTubers sided with the review bombers for ad money, because they only care about making money off their videos. They don’t actually care about integrity, shocker I know. E-celebs not caring about being honest.

Refer to this post.
Also staff has icons next to their name.

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So you dont know what you are talking about.

Don’t believe e-celebs just cause they made a monetized video dissing on a company.

May 18th, prior to the review bombing. The decision to do this was obviously done hours before this announcement as they need time to decide, write it, open up the line of communication, and translate the announcement all prior to publishing the announcement. 06:30 my time.

I dont say it is good to do review bombing. I will personally not do it because I know how much arm it can do to the company, I think it is disproportionate.

If I am not happy, then I dont buy their product and discuss it on the forum, it is enough.

I updated my post with the old-forum link, memorize its edit time, it’s in GMT timezone.
And as said in the edit, they had to do all the work from deciding to revert & open a feedback form to announcing both.

I sadly didn’t note the time the update went live, as that could’ve been done prior to 06:30 my time.

I am not going to argue with you on such details. I am just saying that e-business companies in general are review sensitive. When your complaint goes public, it falls under media/marketing budget which is much more important than customer support because of the potential impact on revenue is way higher than if a customer is just filing a single complaint or posting on this forum.

They didn’t wipe it. The negative reviews are still there and you have the option to exclude it if you wish. But the negative reviews are still there and can be viewed. And so we disagree. Oh well, and it’s still a resource for players to use to be heard. Years of players bringing a point to Gaijin on how bad the economy was and then going to become; only saw change after people started review bombing.

As shown via me linking to the old forums, it was reverted prior to review bombing.

Out of curiosity I have checked the reviews on steam. Very few actually mentions the sale.

What you guys talking about?

On the other hand, my review is positive atm. Gaijin has done a lot of good changes. Even though communication improved, they really need to work on that. There is much to improve.

E.g. devs quietly nurfed base respawn in Air RB. Lots of topics about that, but I haven’t seen any meaningful response. Very limited number of bomber targets is source of much frustration among the hight BR pilots. Causes lots of toxic behaviour as well. No fun.

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Yeah, noticed the base respawn nerf as well.
Maybe a bug? I’ll have to test in custom battles tomorrow.

In one of the topics someone posted support ticket. Apparently it is not a bug.

And 99% of people don’t have that turned on, so they wiped it in any universe that matters.

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No it’s not. The only time the snail fixes anything is literally when the concurrent player count nose dives.

Things are fixed constantly, and player counts have never been at or below 2019; in-fact player counts reached new records this last week.
And things are still being fixed constantly.

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