I'm on snail side now

could you at least be less of a blatant gaijin simp?

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im surprised they let the paypigs down this time, or maybe it’s a scheme that will make them more shekels in the end… not sure. Alas top tier is saved (for now)

I’m not sure they did, it’s quite clear there was no intention on paying full price.

Yea its pretty childish lol

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Not when you condone trolling like behavior from what is only perceived to be favoritism

I agree, though I’m not sure it’s fair to review bomb a sale,. then again all of these things are gROSSLY overpriced as is.

thats a pretty dangerous claim to make friend.

50% off is bad?

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The sale discount amount isn’t the issue. It’s the breaking precedent established through routine behavior with no reason, justification, or communication for why; then giving a non-answer by saying “we value discount diversity” when that is clearly not true.


All companies do that though

That is objectively false, and I know that from having worked retail. Most companies, at least in the US, will publish adverts announcing what will be available and on sale during even the biggest shopping event of the year. That being Black Friday. Usually up to two weeks in advance.

Lol, review bombing literally gave us MAYBE the biggest improvements of the game’s economy ever since it’s inception.

Do you think community would have gotten the road map if all they did was write feedback in forums?


You haven’t actually given anything objectively for me to review and analyze, the reality is companies do different sales all the time and often inconsistently both in timing and products. Offroad modification companies is an immediate example. I know several companies that decided not to do a memorial day sale that they historically always did. I know several companies that run holiday sales and NEVER advertise it. Your objectivity is quickly becoming subjective.

I already said something similar if you followed the thread. I dont disagree

And players have every right to respond to them as they please.

No actually you don’t have the right to mis-use Steam’s review system in a way Steam told you not to use it, that’s not your property, and you weren’t given permission to use it that way. You’re vandalizing.

You have a right to speak your mind on a forum that has not told you to not do so, or in your own house, or out on the street/public park. Not on Steam review page, when it doesn’t fit their terms.


“Lol I robbed a bank the other day, didn’t get caught, and now I have $1,000,000! Do you think i would have had a million dollars if I hadn’t robbed the bank? Obviously robbing banks is very constructive”

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It is absolutely a serious post, and Steam last time at least took it entirely seriously as well when they wiped all those from the record for not abiding by their rules. It took them like a week, there’s a good chance they’ll do it again now too for this same reason. Do you have an actual argument, or just a surprised pikachu face?

It is when the product is 150% over priced.

Where can I find the official Kelly Blue book price and/or reference government tax assessment for a cartoon digital version of a captured German KV-2 tank? Link? The only “correct price” for something like this is the market clearing price people are willing to pay.

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I would like you to turn me into the steam police. I will provide all the evidence to make sure they can lock me up for life. I had NO IDEA that my life is now ruined. PLEASE tell steam to go easy on me for leaving a legitimate review and vandalizing their website and becoming a hardened criminal. please show mercy. PLEASE!

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I didn’t say it was a 10-life felony, I said you’re vandalizing their page. What Steam tends to do in response to that is, like I mentioned, what they did before: wipe those reviews from the record.

They would be within their rights to kick people off of Steam probably too if they really wanted, in egregious cases. Maybe they even do that, I haven’t heard of it, but they could.

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I wont be able to live with the knowledge that my steam review is GONE! oh the humanity. I have more important things to worry about like the steam police coming for me! I have to hurry and buy my j35 pack! maybe by the time I’m out of prison It will show in my account!!!

its toooo late for me… a VAN with GEARS on the side is here… why did you do this to me. I just wanted to play war thunder